Wash obtain prepare perform explains

1. Nurses _________ different procedures.

2. _________ your hands and put on sterile gloves.

3. The nurse ___________ the procedure to the patient.

4. ________ consent for the procedure.

5. _________ the equipment on the sterile tray and treatment room.

Answer the following questions / Ответьте на следующие вопросы

1. Can you name different kinds of injections?

2. What procedures do LPNs perform?

3. What will you do before a procedure?  

Level B


change - [ʧeɪnʤ] – менять

intradermal- [ɪntrəˈdɜːml] - подкожный

subcutaneous - [ˈsʌbkjuːˈteɪnjəs] - подкожный

infusion - [ɪnˈfjuːʒən]- внутривенное вливание

prescription -[prɪsˈkrɪpʃn] - назначение

dressing - [ˈdresɪŋ] – перевязочный материал, повязка


Read the text and do the exercises after it

Text B

Licensed practical nurses (LPN) perform doctor’s prescriptions. They help the doctor during manipulation (for example, determination of blood group), take blood from a vein for biochemical research and send (deliver) to the laboratory and administer blood transfusions and drips. They administer drugs and different injections. Injections can be given intravenously, intramuscularly, intradermally, or subcutaneously. Injections are the best and the safest way of injecting medication into a patient. LP Ns provide cleaning and changing dressings to ensure proper healing. They are responsible for storage and distribution of medicines, dressing material. The nurses keep all the drugs in special drug cabinets. All the drugs have special labels. Patients are not allowed to take medicines themselves because some drugs are poisonous and their over dosage of some of them may cause unfavorable reactions or even death. They ensure exam rooms have appropriate supplies. They prepare instruments and a medical sterile tray. They perform the current and general cleaning of treatment rooms.

Answer the following questions

1. Do you know how to give different injections?

2. What are the main procedures of treatment nurses?

3. Where are all the drugs kept?


Fill in the gaps with appropriate words

 prescribe provide observes wrap infusion therapy   

1. The patient has become quite used to needles after undergoing daily _______.

2. The doctor will _________ treatment after examining the patient.

3. Wash the injury and _________ a bandage around it.

4. An attentive nurse ________ any changes in a patient's condition.

5. Nurses ________ different kinds of procedures.

Тема 10.3. Surgical Nursing / Сестринский уход в хирургическом отделении

Level A

We learn the new words / Мы учим новые слова

aseptic [æˈseptɪk] - стерильный;    

conscientious [kɔnʃɪˈenʃəs] - добросовестный;

crucial post-operative period -[ˈkruːʃəl]- критический послеоперационный период

operating theatre- [ˈɔpəreɪtɪŋ ˈθɪətə] -операционная (operating room)

theater (scrub) nurse - операционная сестра;     

scalpel - [ˈskælpəl] - скальпель

swab- [swɔb] -тампон

thorough- [ˈθʌrə] - тщательный, внимательный

We read / Мы читаем

Read the text and do the exercises after it / Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста

Text A

The operating theatre

Surgery is carried out in the operating theatre. Great care is taken to make sure that operations take place in sterile conditions - free from microorganisms. The surgeon and his/her assistants wash or scrub up, put on surgical gowns, masks and gloves. The patient's skin is prepared by disinfecting it with antiseptic solution. This is known as pre- op the patient.

The operation begins when the surgeon makes an incision or cut. Control of bleeding is very important. A swab is a pad of cotton or other material used to soak up blood from the operation site. Bleeding vessels are tied with ligatures. Drains may be inserted to carry away fluid. Various methods are used to close the wound, for example sutures (also known as stitches). Finally, the wound is covered with a dressing. When patients leave the operating theatre, nurses monitor them very closely during the crucial post - operative period. Nurses check vital signs every few minutes until patient regains consciousness.

Answer the following questions / Ответьте на следующие вопросы

1. Who works in the operating theatre?

2. Who assists the surgeon during the operation?

3. What do the doctors and nurses wear during the operation?

Match the beginnings (1-5) to the  endings (a-e) / Составьте предложения, соединив цифры и буквы

1 Check that                      a   the patient try to stand up.

2 Take                               b   the patient is breathing.

3 Don’t let                         c    the patient's pulse again.

4 What dosage shall          d   use a sterile needle.

5 Make sure you               e   I give the patient. 

Level B


  anesthesiologist [ænəsθiːzɪˈɒləʤɪst] - анестезиолог;

  blade- [bleid ] - лезвие;

clamp -[klӕmp]- зажим;

incision- [ɪnˈsɪʒən] -разрез, надрез;

invasion -[ɪnˈveɪʒən] - вмешательство, инвазия

forceps - [ˈfɔːseps] - хирургические щипцы; 

scrub- [skrʌb] nurse - операционная сестра;

surgery - [ˈsɜːʤərɪ] - хирургия

ligature - [ˈlɪgəʧʊə] - лигатура

stitch - [stɪʧ] - шов 

suture - [ˈsjuːʧə] - шов, наложение шва, сшивать

tube - [tjuːb] -трубка 


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