Task1. Переведите текст и образец заявления

Тhe letter of application can be as important as the CV because it is the first direct contact between a candidate for a position and an employer This letter must be well written and presented to make a good impression The letter of application normally contains four parts in which you should:

confirm that you wish to get the job;

say why you are interested in this position;    

show that you can contribute to the job by highlighting your skills and experience;    

indicate your willingness to attend an interview.   


        Cover letter


Miranda Collins

Regional Sales Manager Park House

13 Kings Street


M12 3PG


March 23rd, 2002

Janet Andersen

    Personnel Manager

Dot. Com. Solutions Ltd

10 Waterbridge Road

Kingcross FK18 9GD


Dear Janet,

I am writing to confirm my interest in the position оf Overseas Sales Manager that was announced last week. As I mentioned during our phone conversation I would very much like to have the opportunity to work abroad again.

I am confident that I would be able to do the work of this type, as I have developed a solid customer base in my region and successfully managed our extensive sales network for a number of years. My previous work in Asia gave me a lot of experience working with a multinational team, which I think will be important in the context of this job.

I have contacted my manager to inform him of my application and he has agreed to release me from my current duties in August.

In the meantime, should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Miranda Collins

  Miranda Collins


Тема 8

  Подготовка к собеседованию. Интервью с работодателем.

Preparing for a job interview.

New words

Applicant- кандидат, претендент

Application- заявление

The manager received seven applications for the job.

To make an application to- написать заявление в

                                 For- по поводу

He made an application to the firm for the position of a manager.

Он написал (подал)заявление в фирму о приеме на должность менеджера

To apply for a job- подать заявление о приеме на работу

Experience- опыт

He hasn’t had enough experience for this position.

У него нет (не было) достаточно опыта для этой должности.

Commercial (accounting) experience- коммерческий (бухгалтерский) опыт

Vacancy- вакансия

To employ- нанимать

Employment- работа, занятость

Employer# employee- работодатель # работник, служащий

To dismiss-увольнять

To promote- повышать в должности


To be on piece work- работать сдельно

To work flexi-time- работать по гибкому графику

To have shift-work- работать по сменам

To earn- зарабатывать

To pay “by the hour”- платить за час


Task1.Give the Russian for the following;

1. The manager ignored this application for a job.

2. His working experience was great.

3. I am very satisfied with my job as a sales-expert.

4. They are going to interview this girl for a job.

5. They would prefer a more experienced worker.

6. I earn is $ 60.000 a year.

7. I’d like to be able to buy everything I want with my salary.

8. I’d rather have flexible working hours than stay in the office from 9 to 5.


Task 2. Вам предлагается прочитать текст о подготовке к собеседованию. Попробуйте сначала ответить на данные вопросы:

1. Do you think an interview for a job is a good way to choose the right man for a particular position?

2. Is it always necessary to make inquiries about the applicant?

3. Have you ever been interviewed for a job?

4. What questions were you asked?


Task 3.Read and translate the text: “PREPARING FOR A JOB INTERVIEW”.

You are to make a resume to prepare for a job interview. By reading it your potential employer can see what abilities qualify you for a job. Therefore your resume should reflect your professional experience, what kind of position you want. You should tell about your experience, which will let you to do that job. Your resume will lead to job interview. Before going to the interview, try to get information about the company or the work you would like to get into. You will make a better impression when you are familiar with articles about that company.

There are some basic rules common to the most interviews.

1. When greeting the representative of the company, wait until he moves to shake hands. You should also wait until he offers you a seat.

2. The most common questions are: Why are you interested in joining our company? Why do you feel qualified for this job? What do you know about the company? Do you enjoy working with others? Are you willing to work overtime? Tell me about your experience. What can I do for you?

3. In discussing your previous job avoid criticizing your former employers. Don’t discuss your personal or financial problems.

 4. You can state the salary you want, but not until the employer has introduced the subject.

Word list

job interview – собеседование при приеме на работу

ability – возможность, способность

qualify – квалифицировать

position – позиция

to get information – получить/достать информацию

to make an impression – произвести впечатление

to be familiar with – быть знакомым

common – общий

representative – представитель

to offer – предлагать

to be interested in – быть заинтересованным в …

to join the company – поступить на работу в компанию

to work overtime – работать сверхурочно

to discuss – обсуждать

previous job – предыдущая работа

to avoid – избегать

former employer – бывший работодатель

to state the salary – устанавливать сумму жалования

to shake hands – пожать руку

financial problems – финансовые трудности


Task 4. Answer the questions:

1.Why it is necessary to make a resume?

2. What must you do (know) to make a better impression?

3. What are the basic rules common to most interviews?

4. Should any resume reflect your professional experience?


Task 5. Напишите вопросы, ответы на которые даны ниже.

  1. I’d like to work for your company of its excellent reputation.
  2. I am dynamic and creative, with a strong team spirit.
  3. Five years in Sales Department gave me a good professional background.
  4. I’d like to work for you because you are such a great company.
  5. I can work with all kinds of people and get on (ладить) with everyone.

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