Ex: Olivia’s room is clean now. (clean it/an hour ago)

1. Helen isn’t watching TV. (turn it off/an hour ago)

2. Steve doesn’t go to the gym any more. (stop/six months ago)

3. Mary is eating a cake. (bake it/half an hour ago)

4. Kim is having a party today. (arrange it’two/week ago)

5. Robin doesn’t live any more. (move three days/ago)

6. Peter’s house is tidy. (tidy it/two hours ago)

7. They are eating a fruit salad. (make it/before breakfast)

8. Their homework is ready. (do it/the day before yesterday)

9. This article is published. (translate it/two days ago)

10. They are browsing the web. (turn on a computer/an hour ago)

Task 4. Repeat rule 7 in the grammar reference and open the brackets putting the infinitive into the correct tense form


It (be) midnight, and I (be) at a party at a friend's house when the babysitter (call). I (get) into my car and (drive) home as quickly as possible. But when I (reach) River Street, the most dangerous street in town, I (get) a flat fire. It (be)  very dark and quiet, and I (be) terribly afraid. I (start) to walk down the street, when I (see) an enormous dog. He (look) very angry, and he (bark) when he (see) me. What (can) I do? I (have) to think quickly. Fortunately, I (have) some food from the party with me. I (take) some cookies from my pocket, and I (give) them to the dog. He (stop) barking right away, and (eat) the cookies. While he was eating, I (walk) away. Half an hour later, I finally (arrive) home. I (look) in my pocket for the key, but it wasn't there. I guess I (lose) it when I was feeding the dog. I (decide) to get into the house through the living room window. A few minutes later, I (be) in the living room. I didn't see or hear anything strange, so I (go) upstairs. Then somebody (shout) "Help!" I (be) so nervous that I (trip) over chair and (fall) down. Then....Oh! I'm glad it was only a dream.

Retelling tasks

By the moment you’ve done a lot. Prove us that you know some facts and details of the story quite well.

Task 1. Now will you answer the questions on the text?

1. What kind of man is John Webb?

2. Why did he love his cottage?

3. What made him very angry one day?

4. How did he decide to take revenge one the man who had drunk his wine?

5. How did his wife react to John’s action?

6. Why did his wife decide to tell their neighbour about it?

7. Why did he go to the garden?

8. What way did the servant help John?


Task 2. Find in the text sentences which can describe

- John Webb as a pedantic person;

- John Webb as a prosperous man;

- John Webb as a very pitiless and cruel man;

- his wife’s reaction, what she felt at that moment


Task 3. In your point of view how many logical parts there are in the story? What are they?

Task 4. Right now try to retell the story to your partner or to your teacher. We believe that some phrases will be of great help to you. You can find them at the end of the grammar reference at p.117


OK. So now off you go to the next story!

Story 3. The love drug

(after O.Henry)

Before reading the story be sure you know how to pronounce these proper names:


Mr Riddle



Have you got any ideas what the story is about? Why is called “The love drug”?

Now you’re welcome to read the story. Enjoy reading, please.

Jim, a young car-driver, was a boader at old Riddle's. He was in love with Rosy, Mr Riddle's only daughter, and Rosy was in love with him. They wanted to get married; but Mr Riddle expected his daughter to marry a richer man, and that meant that Jim was going to have a hard struggle for his happiness,

Jim had a friend called Pilkins who worked as a night clerk at a chemist's. One day Jim came to the chemist's, looking very excited, and told him that he and Rosy had decided to run away and get married that night, "That is," he added, "if she doesn't change her mind. One day she says she will, and the same evening she says she won't because she's afraid. But you can help me, can't you?" Jim asked, finishing his story.

"1 don't see how?" said Pilkins.

"I say, Pilkins, isn't there a drag that'll make a girl like you better if you give it to her? I think that if I have a real stuff like this to give Rosy when I see her at supper tonight, she won't be afraid any longer. I don't mind if I have to pay for it even if it costs all the money I have."

"When is all this supposed to take place?" asked Pilkins.

"At nine o'clock. Supper's at seven, at eight Rosy goes to bed, pretending to have a headache, at nine I go under her window and...Make up the powder, Pilkins, will you? And I'll look after everything else myself."

"I'll do my best," said Pilkins. He gave Jim a powder and received his heartiest thanks."This," Pilkins said to himself, "will make Rosy sleep for several hours without any danger to her."

Wben Jim had gone, Pilkins, who was in love with Rosy too, immediately went to Mr Riddle and told the old man that Jim and Rosy were going to run away that night.

"Can I do anything for you, sir?" he asked politely. "Shall I call the police?"

"No, thank you," said Mr Riddle. "My room's just above Rosy's. I'll go up myself after supper and take my gun and wait. If he comes under Rosy's window, he'll want a doctor, not a policeman, you can be sure of that."

Pilkins went home. All night he waited for news of the tragedy, but none came. At eight o'clock in the morning when it was the day-clerk's turn to start work, Pilkins went hurriedly to Mr Riddle's. As he was crossing the street, he was surprised to see Jim, who cried out:

"Rosy and I were married at 9.30 last night. She's up at the flat making lunch - Lord! I am the luckiest man. You must come and have dinner with us some day,"

"And the..." powder?" Pilkins said in a weak voice. "Oh, that stuff you gave me? Well, it was this way. I sat down next to the old man at supper last night. I looked at Rosy and said to myself, 'Don't play any tricks on that girl. She loves you, that's clear enough. Then I looked at her father and thought “There's the man you should take care of”. So I watched for my chance and put the powder in old Riddle's coffee, see?"



the day-clerk’s turn – очередь работника, работающего в дневную смену

Lord! – О, Господи!

Boarder – пансионер

Well, you’ve just read the story “The Love drug”. It’s a nice story, isn’t it? Have you guessed why the story is called like this?

Now let’s see how well you know it. Do the following tasks, please.

Translation tasks

Task 1. Translate these words or parts of the sentences into Russian. Good luck!

Expected his daughter to marry a richer man; to have a hard struggle for his happiness; looking very excited; if she doesn’t change her mind; I don’t mind if I have to pay for it; all this supposed to take place; I’ll look after everything myself; received his heartiest thanks; you can be sure of that; none came; when it was the day-clerk’s turn to start work; it was this way; don’t play any tricks on that girl; I watched for my chance.

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