Well, you’ve just read the story “Lucky in love”. It’s a nice story, isn’t it? Now let’s see how well you know it. Do the following tasks, please

Translation tasks

Task 1. Translate these words or parts of the sentences into Russian. Good luck!

the timing couldn't have been worse; three-year marriage was crumbling; to escape the inevitable; at the edge of smth; a little, irresistible black ball of fluff gazing longingly out of the bars, begging me to let her out; through the many years of single life that followed; to share stories; to shake one’s head no; to stay by one’s side; to find her panting heavily; with trembling fingers; tiredly snuggled on my lap; to hold back tears (or smth); wore an air of urgency; there was no better place to leave my best friend than in his arms; to make a beeline for smth; to complicate smth; a puppy named Lucky had come into my life to be my best friend; to give a speech.


Task 2. Now try to give English equivalents to the Russian ones.

поехать в отпуск; заметить(чать); выпускать что-либо/кого-либо; запрыгнула в нашу машину; оказалось, что это была бельгийская овчарка; ангел-хранитель; затрудненное дыхание; моя правая рука продолжала гладить длинный, шершавый нос Боско; глубоко вдохнуть; нежно гладила собаку, лежащую на выцветшем одеяле; видя, как она вяло махнула хвостом; разговаривая тихо, чтобы Боско могла спать; затем наступил день, когда лекарства не помогали; уверенная походка, связанное с, ее усталые глаза гядели куда-то вдаль в поисках спокойствия; приглашать на обед, дежурный врач.


Task 3. Find pairs of:

a) antonyms                                     b) synonyms

rest          rival                               gentle              to go

life          narrow                            to discover       pair

broad      married                           to go directly    weak

friend      work                               couple              tender

single      dearth                             aint                  to find out


Task 4. Translate the following sentences into English using the indicated words and word combinations.


Indicated words and word combinations Sentences
to take a deep breath to hold back over and over again                                                Чтобы сдержать слезы, я снова и снова делаю глубокий вдох  
in the ignition  to pull out    to turn                                                                                                                                                      Она быстро повернула ключ зажигания и выехала со стоянки  
to grip                                                      the receiver                                                  call for                                                       У нее не было выбора и она крепко сжала трубку и вызвала дежурного врача  
to share smth  confident                                                                                         Я хочу прожить жизнь с уверенным и ответственным человеком                                                       
to stay by one’s side                                loyal to share                                                  Преданный друг – это человек, который останется с тобой, чтобы разделить счастье и горе                                                           
to keep doing smth  to seem to recognize                                                                                           Казалось, она меня не узнала и пошла дальше
laboured  to complicate                                        Его затрудненное дыхание усугубило ситуацию    
to take smb to lunch associated with   memories                                                                  Он пригласил меня на обед, и мы делились воспоминаниями, связанными с побережьем Калифорнии                                                        
to bring in                                            Он принес счастье и любовь в мою жизнь                                                       


Task 5. Translate the following passage into Russian from “ Dr.Summers wore an air of urgency ” to “ my best friend than in his arms ”.


Grammar tasks

We believe that your grammar is as good as your translation skills and you can do the following grammar tasks, can’t you?

Task 1. Read rules 1, 2, 3 and fill in the blanks with the appropriate article where necessary.

1.___pine grows in many parts of the world. 2.___life would be more difficult without___telephone. 3.___whale is in___danger of becoming extinct. 4. He prefers ___town to___country. 5. Can you play___violin? 6. Will you play___draughts with me?7.___tulips and daffodils are my favourite spring flowers. 8.___Chinese invented___paper and___powder. 9.___gulden is the currency of___Dutch. 10.___man and___woman were created equal. 11. The government should take more care of___disabled and___unemployed. 12. Yesterday we went to the Zoo. We saw___small bear there. He was like ___Teddy bear. 13. Does___ polar bear live in___Arctic or in___Antarctic? 14. He brought her___black rose. ___black rose is___very rare species. 15.___bicycle is one of the main transport means in ___Amsterdam. 16. Was it difficult for you to communicate in ___„ Switzerland? — No, fortunately I met___Swiss who spoke ___English very well. He helped us a lot. 17. When did ___man first go into___space? 18.___daffodil is the national emblem of___Welsh.

Task 3. Try your hand at translation.

1. Он наш тренер (trainer) с тех пор, как я начал иг­рать в этой команде. 2. Они уже приняли решение (take a decision) по этому вопросу? — Нет. Они все еще спорят (argue). Они обсуждают этот вопрос уже два часа и еще не пришли ни к какому решению, 3. Утро было солнеч­ное, но с одиннадцати погода изменилась, и сейчас идет дождь. 4. Чем вы занимаетесь с тех пор, как мы расста­лись (part)? 5. Мэри уже приехала? — Да, она уже здесь два дня. Она приехала в пятницу. 6. Студенты пишут контрольную работу уже два часа. Пока только двое сда­ли работы. 7. Гроза (thunderstorm) прошла, но небо покрыто темными тучами, и дует сильный ветер. 8. Вы прочитали книгу, которую я вам дала? 9. Вы плохо вы­глядите. Вы много работали на этой неделе? — Да. Я работаю над переводом уже десять дней, но сделала только половину. 10. Что здесь делает этот человек? — Он ждет секретаря. Она еще не пришла на работу.

Task 4. Repeat rule 14 and rewrite the sentences using the passive form of the verbs in italics.

1. They gave up the search after three hours.

2. No one brought up that question at the meeting.

3. Don't speak until someone speaks to you.

4. His bank manager turned down his request for a loan.

5. They gave the oldest councillor the freedom of the city.

6. They denied access to the secret documents to all but a few.

7. Someone showed the child how to use the telephone.

8. They declared him "persona non grata" and allowed him only forty-eight hours to leave the country.

9. They gave him artificial respiration.

10. Why didn't they offer him the job?

11. Didn't they promise you a rise in salary at the beginning of the year?

12. What did they pay you for doing the job?


Task 5. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the Complex Object Constructions.

1. Her father didn’t let her come late.

2. Kate wanted Jane to sweep the floor at once.

3. I didn’t want her help me at that moment.

4. His sister didn’t let him smoke.

5. Susan helped Willie write a composition without mistakes.

6. That evening Alice let him come into the room.

7. Nobody wanted him to help.

8. Every minute he wanted Jane to give up drugs.

9. He wanted them to let him be alone.

10. In any case they didn’t help him rewrite the test.


Retelling tasks

By the moment you’ve done a lot. Prove us that you know some facts and details of the story quite well.

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