III. Physical training and cold water

    To be young and beautiful since youth teach yourself to do physical training. Thirty-minute exercises give an excellent charge of vigour. The exercises must involve all muscles. For example: forty push-ups, squats, abdominal exercises, stretching exercises, lumps and so on. Jogging is very revitalizing. During jogging all your “entrails” shake and a large amount of slags are excreted from the organism. Jogging strengthens muscles and has a good effect on the heart and lungs. (If you have serious diseases, consult your doctor.)

Special attention should be paid to the spine. The spine is the column of life. For the spine to be healthy, one should do various exercises in the form of bending, extension, leans. A good effect on the spine is also provided by swimming and suspension performed by several stages: ten seconds, twenty seconds, twenty five seconds. One should perform suspension in a relaxed condition. These exercise allow to stretch the spine and eliminate the “accordion” formed with years, often resulting from a sedentary lifestyle. There are often various spinal curvatures, slouching, hernias and so on in this area. Therefore, moderate physical exercises are quite vital for the man.  

 Do sport. Movement and action are life, youth and health.

    Happiness is obviously impossible without health as it is health that provides the physical and energy foundation for successful life. Physical exercises and sport are an important part of the formula of success and happiness. However, I do not mean the sport of great achievements. Moderate but regular sport is more important for the man as well as going to the gym, swimming pool, choreography, dancing. Simple physical exercises involving all groups of muscles performed at home. Morning exercises, jogging do not generally need any special conditions and devices and are affordable for everybody.

    Sports give the man a powerful charge of energy. A man doing sport is always in an active condition; he is more determined, athletic, attractive and handsome, has a faster response to events, has a stronger life resource; he is stronger than a man who does not do sport and, hence, he is more competitive than the latter.  

    An additional strongest revitalizing agent for the organism is cold water that can be rightly called “life-giving” water and that should be used to complete all sport activities, exercises, jogging. Moreover, I consider dousing with cold water an obligatory element of the single bunch with sport activity and physical training.

    Cold water will prove to be a desirable benefit, a source of joy and euphoria for a body warmed up by exercises and physical loads. At the initial stage it may be enough just to rub oneself with a towel damped with cold water. Those who are not sufficiently warmed up by physical loads can be advised additional warming under a warm shower or with the help of a bathhouse.

    Cold water bears a lot of information; it is like fairytale “life-giving” water. In the fairytale plain, unprepossessing Ivanushka jumps into it and then jumps out of it looking a handsome young man. 

Cold water improves blood circulation, revitalizes the man, adds life forces…

    In winter it is good to go to a Russian bathhouse but do not make the temperature too high in it as very high temperature may be dangerous for some people. Take a steam-bath with a switch of green birch twigs. It acts like a good massage on the body and then one can be soused head and ears in an ice-hole three-four times or just pour cold water on oneself. The man has a mighty revitalizing effect thereby. I always admire seeing expectant mothers in the health center dipping themselves in an ice-hole (these are generally women who have been friendly with cold water since their childhood and youth). Such hardened, sporty future mothers will have real athletes and the child-bearing process will be much easier.

Dousing with cold water out of a pail, a cold shower, swimming in natural water sources, dipping in an ice-hole generates a most powerful energy charge in the human organism. Cold water makes stronger, renews the man, rejuvenates, washes away the energy negative, huge flows of cosmic positive information penetrate into the man, the man gets a keener sense of intuition and clairvoyance…

    Cold water acts like lightning reviving the man; he feels as if he were born again. The man gets the desire to live and strive for success.

    My beloved man, my children and myself are good friends with sport and cold water and, therefore, colds stay away from us.

    It should be added that the optimal variant for the man is the maximum possible use of pure natural water as it should be remembered that human skin actively absorbs water and the quality of water is very important here…

    Sport, physical exercises and loads together with cold water have one more strongly pronounced property important for many people. They reduce appetite noticeably, which allows successful control of one’s weight. This important property is based on the fact that after physical loads and cold water the man feels certain joy and pleasure. In case when the organism lacks or has too few sources of joy and pleasure it makes the man eat food to get satisfaction at least from the feeling of being full. This is the hidden reason for overweight, alcohol and drug addiction.   .

    Do exercises, douse with cold water and you will immediately feel that everything has changed: you have become a different person, much more cheerful, healthier and, hence, much more successful!

    Scientists say that water is a whole Universe, all wonder of nature and life itself. Water makes 70% of the man; therefore, to be happy and healthy one should purify water inside the organism. It can be done by staying in a maximum frequent movement. Water or blood stagnates in the body of a sick man. When blood stops flowing, the body starts dying. Blood congestion can be considered as congestion of emotions. Contemporary researchers have shown that the condition of one’s consciousness has a direct effect on the condition of the body. When you have a full life and enjoy it, you feel better physically as well but when your life is filled with disorder, apathy, lack of activity, you gradually die. 

          When positive emotions flow through your body, you feel joy and are filled with physical health.     

    I recommend the people wishing to get rid of the general depression or the chronic fatigue syndrome first to have a good sleep and then have a general massage. After the massage have some rest and do easy stretching exercises for your muscles, ligaments and joints. For that purpose do leans, turns and bending… While doing the exercises you can turn on nice music. It is not necessary to do force exercises (considering the degree of depression). Having stretched your muscles, ligaments and joints warm yourself in warm or hot water for 10-15 minutes. Then take a contast shower several times trying to get as much pleasure as possible from that. Then have a light breakfast using vegetables and fruits and then go for a walk!.. You are sure to feel a surge of energy!.. And after that everything is in your hands!..  



                          IV. Voice of Time

        The past, the present, the future as well as the surrounding worlds exist nearby and it is important to be able to hear their voice as well as one’s own voice and other signals from the time… Energy understanding of the situation, responsiveness and intuition give the man an opportunity to control his destiny and to influence the world. Some people are more endowed with these abilities, others less but it is necessary to develop them. Remember that a thought or a word sent by you into the Heaven is certain to be heard. After some time the Cosmos will turn your wishes into reality…    

Let me give you an example: an outwardly successful, clever man with whom everything was to be fine kept pronouncing junk words: “fool”, “I’m out of luck” and other involuntarily blurting out bad words.  He failed to take into account that all those expressions in the form of energy went into the Cosmos that perceived them as a desire of the man who had sent them and fulfilled those wishes, which resulted in the man’s failures and disappointment…  

  Another man not being especially clever or successful kept pronouncing that he would be in luck, that everything would work out well. Even when he stumbled, he said: “Save me, God!” or something like that. And those wishes resulted in success in his life….

    The words escaping our lips can be similar to flowers and precious stones or can be similar to some filth.

    One must strive to get rid of bad words and expressions but if some non-words, junk words do occur in your everyday language, try to say something positive after those involuntary words. Remember that everything you talk about is perceived by the Cosmos as your wishes and the Cosmos will try to put it into reality.  

     One of my patients told me that before getting into an accident his car would not start, then he was stopped by his beloved woman who asked him to have a cup of tea with her, then his friend called him and insisted on coming to see him because he needed help… Despite these three voices of the Time that tried to stop and keep him, he still went along the planned route and got into an accident in which he suffered seriously.

 It must be noted that until the future has become accomplished, it may be changed by turning to another vector of the destiny!.. Learn to hear the voice of the future and notice the signs of your destiny!.. Develop this ability of human consciousness and soul!..

The signs of destiny can be manifested in different ways. For example, you are in a hurry and being late but somebody stops you and asks for help in some insignificant thing: they ask you to show the way, to help cross the street, etc. You are annoyed by this unexpected waste of time but, nevertheless, this delay, so annoying from your point of view, can prove to be life-changing. This may happen to be the way used by your destiny to shift you to another Space and Time and save you from a forthcoming mortal danger. Your mother or father may have prayed for you or it may be the love of your children and the beloved or your own voice from the future or the past may reach you at a difficult moment of your life trying to save you from a disaster, to help you find luck.  

One should be able to hear and feel these saving voices of the Time. Something stops or hastens you, before some event you suddenly have a headache, you have a dream predictive of something, ec. Pay attention to these facts, and it will help you and your close people to protect yourselves against possible misfortunes.

I would also like to add that a man striving to do good is always protected by the Heavenly Forces much more strongly than those indifferent to good things… 

Being in the present pray for yourself and your loved ones in the present and the future. I assure you that in a hour of need it is your voice that is bound to help you and your close people…

    The destiny almost always warns by its signs, words, actions and only then hits the life and you …  

    In the Time we often come across various signs that attract light or darkness, give pain or joy; therefore, be careful when you draw something on your body (tattoo) – this is not always safe… For example, tattooed predators with open mouths often attract darkness and problems in life… Such signs as water, sun, flowers, scenes of nature attract light. But it is better to have a clean body to be free from any external exposures related with certain signs and forces…  

Some people came to see me who sometimes complained of failures and problems in life. Seeing their aggressive tattoos in the form of grinning predators I recommended removing them or changing them for some neutral images to correct the situation. Those who followed my advice called later and said that their life situation improved considerably…

    Value your time! Human life is fleeting. It flies like a blink. Just yesterday you were joyful girls and boys and today you are already grandmothers and grandfathers…  

Live so that looking back at your life you would say that you were born on this planet for a good reason, so that you would not feel ashamed of the years you lived before the Eternity and the Heaven. So that looking at yourself from the side of the Cosmos you would see your creations of the Light and the Good and feel glad that you have helped this world to become more beautiful…


V. Love

   Love in its multifaceted manifestation is the strongest energy on the Earth. In the same way as the Sun warms the ground without expecting anything in return, the man who loves gives his heart, energy and warmth to the object of love. “Love moves everything and vivifies everything”, said Leibnitz.The feeling of Love can be manifested in the attitude to life, to the planet, the Motherland, nature, to relatives and close people. Love is a great spiritual force that nobody can ever defeat!       

Every person generally has people who love him. These may be the mother, father, children, relatives and close people. Their feelings like invisible vessels feed the person whom they love, protect him against troubles, give care, health and luck. You must talk with the people who love you more often, see them, hug and kiss them. Warm relations and life in love are very important for your health and longevity. In this case your life is fleshed out and filled with meaning… People capable of faithful love are worthy of respect. The only thing that cannot be bought for any riches is love and health. If a person is capable of love, he has not lost the quality of being called the Human Being.   

There sometimes happens one-sided love when he loves but she does not or vice versa. If you are not loved, you should not make a dead-set at the object of love by right or wrong. Your forces will be wasted and eventually great disappointment will come. Understanding the situation you stop relations at once. Although there may be rare exceptions. Remember that the world is huge, and you are certain to fall in love and to be loved and to find real happiness.  

We sometimes come across homosexual relations when a woman loves a woman and a man loves a man. This is certainly an upset of the natural harmony at least because homosexual feelings do not lead to the major purpose of life – to its generation. Some complicated combination of circumstances of one’s destiny or other problems may lead people to such choice; well, it’s their right and their free choice. But I am opposed to propaganda of such relations in cartoons, television programs, books and street demonstrations.  I consider that this propaganda leads to an increase of such relations and, hence, to decreased birth rate and contributes to degradation of the society. There is an opinion that some forces strive to decrease the population on the planet in this way… I also consider sex reassignment an upset of the natural harmony… 

Life is constant movement and action. The world changes every instant and is created anew every instant. The desire to diversify one’s life in every sphere is human; therefore, consistency of love relations between a man and a woman – the so called swan’s faithfulness – is rather rare.  Such relations are mostly achieved by sexually moderate, not very attractive and calmer people. It should be noted that basically it is active people, including sexually active, that move life forward. They have more children, they manage to create more but more problems as well …

The desire to diversify everything – food, clothes, leisure – is human. By nature a man is an explorer while a woman is very curious. Therefore, the people who have lived together for several years often gave situations when their love and sexual feelings to each other fade. They keep living together but not as a man and a woman but rather as a brother and a sister or as friends continuing keeping their household and bringing up children. At such moments people have new feelings and sexual desires that sometimes result in divorces.

The man is certainly free in his choice and diversity is likely to relieve him from a certain stagnation, gives a surge of new energy and hormones, generates exciting sensations. Life is very agile in its manifestations. If you diversify your sexual life and do not want to leave the family, never confess to that to your soul mate. Such truth generally results in complete destruction of your mutual relations. 

And, nevertheless, I would like to explain that sexual diversity becomes unnecessary if one really loves somebody because your heart is filled with the object of love only with whom you always want to be together, to breathe in his or her fragrance, to see his or her eyes only. When you are in love, you do not notice the shortcoming of your beloved, try to show care and tenderness. No medicine can be compared to the healing force of love! As scientists say, life is immunity! Love is the divine light of the man from the inside, a condition of a life surge. It is at this time that the man feels the greatest happiness.

Despite the present-day reality when money often control development of relations between men and women I still admire at such qualities as faithfulness, loyalty, love and kindness. These may be rare qualities today but it is these qualities that save us, generate life, give plain human happiness.

I think that every person wants to be loved and loved faithfully, to be waited for when the person is far away from home and family. If you have such a male or female friend, if you have children, know that you are a happy person!

Despite the multifaceted activity the people who are in a permanent search for love are often liable to destroy themselves what they themselves have created. I consider that one’s home, family, close people must be the major and eternal human value. The family is the foundation of life on which a person can always rely; this is the world where you are loved and waited for, when you will be always understood and warmed. Fancies can and go while one’s home, world of the family stays. It happens that life together becomes unbearable and people part. In this case children often suffer. One should understand that after some time sexual likes fade, and after three or four years of life together the man may be in a search again.   

It should be remembered that the worst thing for a man is to stay alone… Loneliness is a disaster of the human destiny and our civilization, and before destroying the created relations and the family know that you may fail to find another variant like this. Understanding of this fact and disappointment in the new relations may come later but it will be too late then…

It is real happiness when love reigns in the family! Then the worlds of the loving man and woman are drawn to each other turning into an immense Universe!  

Value the people who love you – this is your salvation! Value the people who love just you rather than your material position!.. H. de Balzac wrote: “A poor man who is loved can be sure that he is loved for himself rather than for his money…”

    Many people applying to me for help wondered what should be done to be liked by the opposite sex.

Relying on the world researches in this issue I will reveal some simple secrets to men and women. I’ll start with men. A man must certainly be athletic, neat; he must certainly have an occupation or profession capable of providing for his family in future or if it’s quite a young man he must have aspirations that will lead him to material balance in future.

A low male voice is very attractive for a woman arousing sensuousness in her. Therefore, I advise the men to lower the tone of their voice while communicating with the object of their love. Be joyful, optimistic, smile more often. Positive people are always more loved, remember that.

The glance or the ability to look at the woman whom you liked is quite essential. A plain look will hardly draw her attention but if you look at her in a sensuous way radiating the thought: “I want you…” this is sure to arouse a flow of response emotions in the woman.

An important manifestation in the relations between a man and a woman is the words of love. Women love with their ears, and therefore, the ability to speak, sing for her, write love letters, poems will help you to conquer the object of your love. For example: “I liked you a lot, I’m thinking about you, I’m eager to meet you…”. More substantial words, such as: “I love you, I want you, you are the only one for me in the whole world, I’ll love you even when you’re old, I’ll never give you to anybody…” and other similar expressions are said after the acquaintance has taken place or even later. There are a lot of variants and everybody decides himself. You’ll feel that, especially if you are in love, your heart will prompt you everything.  

    At the date you must giver her flowers. It does not matter whether these will be expensive roses or simple chamomiles… A flower is a conductor to the woman’s heart. She will always appreciate this attention. Communicating with a woman take her hand and kiss it tenderly accidentally on purpose. Your beloved is sure to love this gesture. She will feel respect to herself, which is very important for development of mutual feelings. Do not be afraid to draw the woman a bit closer at a convenient moment and lovingly to take her a bit below the waist – this is quite a brave gesture but it generally warms up her feelings still more.      

Remember about the emotional behavior that brings you closer to intimacy with your beloved. Women are fond of being taken in one’s arms, of being circled around, to be carried up the stairs to the apartment. This influences their feelings. Not every man, of course, is so strong, but I think that everybody is capable of just taking into his arms.

An athletic, well-cared-for man certainly has more chances to conquer female hearts as following their natural instinct women choose stronger and healthier men.

 A very important merit of a man is manifestation of care about the woman. My beloved, for example, bought something tasty, took me to fairground attractions, to the cinema, dances, cafes, taught me to drive. At home he cooked often and well, washed me in the bath, tried to understand everything I live by. As I was writing poems and fairytales, being a painter he started making illustrations to my fairytales. My book of fairytales “Castle of Eternity” and the book of poems “Love” have his illustrations. It was impossible not fall in love with him, and we got married. Throughout my life the man of my choice has been caring about me, our children, showing wonderful qualities of being able to do everything. He built the house himself, taught me to swaddle the baby, did his best to provide for the family. At the same time the man of my choice has treated me with great tenderness and love. If such a man has found reciprocity, he is sure to make the woman happy and will be happy himself.         

    Show love and attention to children as the woman of your choice sees both a beloved man and the potential father of her children in you.

    When intimacy arises between the lovers, I advise to show as much love diversity as possible. The exception may be young women who have not had men before. In this case the man must be softer and understand the situation…

    At the beginning of the intimacy with the woman the man must show tenderness and only then can be more emotional and passionate. Kiss your beloved, embrace her, clasp her to your heart. If you love, don’t be afraid to tell the woman: ”I love you!..” or other pleasant words at the moment of complete intimacy. Your beloved will never forget this night and your words and acts will touch the strings of her heart. Remember that the so called “naked sex” when the man cares only about his own satisfaction will never delight the woman. Only the feeling of love manifested in a combination with passionate desires will arouse response feelings and the woman, even if a bit tired from your love is certain to say: “A real Man! A real Knight!”  


    Women are also capable of conquering the heart of the man they like, and I give this advice to you – the most beautiful creatures in the world. Your charm is your voice. Try to make it softer and tenderer when talking, do not say too man words and think about what you say. Get rid of adolescent rudeness and rusticity in your behavior. Your force is your appearance that can be really beautiful in combination with a deep inner world and femininity.   

 Men love with their eyes; therefore, throughout your life take care of yourself and do not neglect taking care of the situation. Do sports, study, develop spiritually. Remember that your should match your demands. A beautiful woman is primarily a healthy, charming and clever woman. Following their natural instinct men try to choose a healthier and more intelligent woman, the future mother for their children.

Ideal looks are rarely given by nature but there is such a notion as charm, and the woman must and can strive to be able to create a charming and attractive image out of her appearance.  

Use cosmetics skillfully; it can work wonders and will help you to become much more attractive. Be neat, take care of your hands, dress sexually but not vulgarly when going to a date. It may be a short skirt (if you have beautiful legs), a bit open bosom, heels making you taller and slimmer… However, you yourself are likely to know a lot of secrets and tricks of creating an attractive image… 

If your life does not shape well and you think that the reason can be eliminated only by surgery, this is your choice and your right. Science advances and helps people in many issues. For example, many weak sighted people have an operation according to the system of Svyatoslav Fedorov and are quite satisfied with the result after which they forget about glasses for a long time. Some people correct the shape of their nose and then find happiness. There are lots of such examples. But before taking this step, consult the doctor and choose a worthy surgeon as only a professional will be really able to help you.  

     When dealing with the man you liked remember that he is “a hunter”. He mostly likes to achieve the desired thing himself. If you agree to intimacy at once, you won’t give him an opportunity “to hunt” and the man is most likely to lose interest in you. Your task is to make this “hunt” for you or “conquering” of you more active and to warm it up. Then the man you liked will appreciate the culmination of the intimacy. Never look at the man with tough look. Let your eyelashes be a bit lowered, show some modesty. Some little resistance on your part also “winds up” the man… They are not so much fond of too naïve, yielding, weak women who lack any skills. The woman must have a character that should be revealed through little caprices, requests and sometimes some light indignation. It is necessary to show your merits, achievements to the man you liked, to tell him about some plans, to share your aspirations, to smile more often. Joyful and cheerful women appeal to men more. Always stay a riddle for the man. Do not give all your feelings to the last drop because if you are doomed to part, it will be very hard for you, especially if you loved.   

Let the man think that he has a rival. You can just say that men look at you, that one of your colleagues shows increased attention to you… Remember that if somebody else needs the woman, it will add value to his beloved. It is no secret that any man considers his woman his property and is quite jealous when he has a rival. In this case the man fights for his woman and his desire for her just grows…

You must show tenderness and care of your beloved; help him in an hour of need; love the man of your choice but don’t forget about the golden mean in the relations. Never overdo with your love confessions, be tender but reserved. Remember that exorbitant clinginess holds the man off, and he goes “hunting” abroad. Mysteriousness and understatement make the man conquer you again and again.  

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