Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text

architectural, scientific-research, tropical plants, individual groups, a single artistic design, from abroad, village, on Cape Montedor, the Maritime Park, foreign selection, during the last century, marvelous, to put outdoors


3. Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

сотни тысяч посетителей, тропический, быть основанным, императорский, многочисленные посетители, субтропические деревья, прошлый век, китайский, изумительный, селекция, природный, широкие лестницы, солнцелюбивые растения, декоративный, снежный ковер


4. Find in text synonyms to the following words and word combinations:

exceptional, sanctuary, institution, bush, exhibition, place, intention, slim, to look at, among, boundless, branch, complete, even, enormous, celebrated, dress


5. Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word combinations:

terrible, stout, to turn away, hay, to finish, crooked, slightest, smooth-pears


6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary:

1) Mark had a … opportunity to travel with the President. 2) The Church was of … importance in medieval Europe. 3) I am late only on … occasions. 4) Amy walked up the … to the house. 5) The possibilities are … 6) A small black or green fruit that is eaten or used for its oil is called an …. 7) Caroline was lying … on her back. 8) … is a tree with dark green leaves.

Give a written translation of the text. Arrange a competition for the best




Grammar Exercises

1. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Modal Verbs:

1) He … plant the flowers himself. 2)  She … play trees and shrubs very well when she was young. 3) My son … … … … it without my help. 4) Where is he? – He … … planting the flowers. 5) You … go into the preserve. 6) The clematis … … planted at once. 7) My brother … come and help you in the garden. 8) Don’t go to the wood alone: you … lose your way. 9) … you tell me the nearest way to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden? 10) … we come and see you next Sunday at three o’clock in the afternoon?


2. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the Modal Verbs:

1) Я могу вырастить роскошные хризантемы. 2) Она не сможет вовремя добраться до заповедника. 3) Можно мне посмотреть розарий? 4) Мне разрешают ходить по газону. 5) Вы должны быть осторожны в древесном питомнике. 6) Он должен быть на выставке сейчас. 7) Можно здесь остаться? – Пожалуйста. 8) Я должен посадить хвойное дерево сегодня. 9) Мне придется посадить хвойное дерево сегодня. 10) Они, должно быть, работали в заповеднике.



Speech Exercises


1. Answer the questions to the text:

1) How many species and hybrids of tropical plants have been collected in the Nikitsky Botanical garden?

2) How are the trees and shrubs planted there?

3) When was the Nikitsky Botanical garden founded?

4) What kind of trees can you see there?

5) How many species are there in the Nikitsky arboretum?

6) What parks does the Nikitsky Botanical garden consist of?

7) What can you see in the Upper Park?

8) What can you behold in the Lower Park?

9) What plants are natives of Mexico?

10) When is the Nikitsky Botanical garden visited by tourists?



 2. Retell the text.

Text 8. Botanical Garden of Moscow State University

The Botanical Garden of the M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University is one of the oldest botanical institutions of our country (founded in 1706). It is widely known for its scientific and educational activities. During construction of the MSU new premises at the Lenin (now Vorobyovy) Hills, a new University garden was laid out. More than 6000 plant species and varieties were planted in a territory of 40 ha.

Much research is under way at the Garden; its collection provides a practical and training base for the Department of Biology of the Moscow University, and other higher education institutions in Moscow. Besides scientists and students, general visitors also enjoy excursion tours of this remarkable island of live nature. It introduces them to a diverse world of plants. The departments of the Garden at the Vorobyovy Hills (arboretum, plot of mountain plant, plots of useful plants, ornamental plants and orchard) demonstrate their plant diversity to the visitors and show human activities in botany. The arboretum has a collection of species and forms of trees and shrubs running to over 1000. Also the wild herbaceous plants are represented here. A wealth of experience in parkland development has been gained by specialists at the arboretum. The plot of mountain plants was constructed on a geographic basic and contains more than 1000 species of alpine plants from the Carpathians, Crimea, Caucasus, middle Asia and Far East.

The best Russian and foreign fruit plants which were partly bred out by the Garden’s staff, grow in the orchard.

Tropical and subtropical plants can be seen at the hothouses of the Garden Affiliated Societies. These hothouses are located at the exact place of the “chemists’ garden” laid out in 1706 by Peter the Great. The Moscow University acquired its ownership over the garden in 1805. With the building of the new premises for the Moscow State University and the laying out of new Garden, the former Botanical Garden, a historical and cultural monument of Moscow, became its branch. The hothouse collections go back to the late 18th century and are of great scientific value.





activity                               деятельность

construction                          строительство, стройка

premise                                 помещение, дом (с прилегающими пристройками и участком); владение

lay out v планировать, разбивать (сад, участок), выкладывать

species                                    (pl без изменений) вид, разновидность

plant                                        растение, саженец

variety                                    1) разнообразие, множество 2) сорт, вид

provide                                  снабжать, обеспечивать

remarkable                        замечательный, удивительный

diverse                                    разнообразный, разный

  arboretum [ֽa:bә'ri:tәm]       (pl –ta, -tums) древесный питомник

  plot                                        участок (земли)

  ornamental                           декоративный

 orchard                            фруктовый сад

  shrub                                     кустарник, куст

 herbaceous                        травяной, травянистый

gain                                          добиваться, получать, приобретать

 construct                            строить, сооружать, воздвигать

alpine                                  альпийский

breed                                       разводить, выводить (животных, растения)

staff                                         служебный персонал, личный состав

hothouse                              оранжерея, теплица

affiliated society [ә'fιlιeιtιdsә'saιәtι] филиал

 exact                                    совершенно правильный, верный

acquire                                приобретать, достигать

 former                                    прежний, предшествующий

value                                     смысл, значение, ценность



Vocabulary Exercises


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

to lay out, premise, species, plant, variety, remarkable, diverse, arboretum,

 ornamental, plot, orchard, shrub, herbaceous, hothouse


2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text:

the Botanical gardens, educational activities, during construction, new 

premises, plant species, general visitors, to enjoy, of live nature, in botany, the

  wild herbaceous plants, a wealth of experience, in parkland, the alpine plants,

  the exact place, the hothouse collections


3. Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

широко известный, виды растений, быть посаженным, биологический факультет, наслаждаться экскурсионными турами, удивительный остров, полезные растения, коллекция разновидностей деревьев, дикие травянистые растения, фруктовые деревья, частично, тропические растения, оранжерея


4. Find in text synonyms to the following words:

house, to erect, to supply, splendid, various, to seek, to grow, correct, previous


5. Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word combinations:

    destruction, to break, bad, to lose, wrong


6.   Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary:

1) We plan to expand our business … in East Africa. 2) The company will finance the … of a new sports centre. 3) Over 120 … of flowers have been recorded in this hothouse. 4) Adults study for a … of reasons. 5) Our office can … information on the local area. 6) The play has been a remarkable success. 7) The tunnel was … in 1996. 8) She joined the … in 2007. 9) The … number of wounded people is unknown. 10) She has … an impressive reputation as a negotiator.


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