Text 11. The Principles of Landscape Design

Landscape design is similar to landscape architecture. But it focuses more on the artistic merits of design, while landscape architecture encompasses the artistic design as well as structural engineering. Landscape design and landscape architecture, both take into account soils, drainage, climate and other issues, because the survival of selected plants depends on those.

Landscape architecture may require a license depending on the country and region.  design is the art and process of designing and creating plans for layout and planting of gardens and landscapes. Garden design may be done by the garden owners themselves, or by professionals of varying levels of experience and expertise.

Elements of garden design include the layout of hard landscape, such as paths, walls, water features, sitting areas and decking; as well as the plants themselves, with consideration for their horticultural requirements, size, speed of growth, and combinations with other plants.

Landscape architecture and landscape design can and should embrace garden design, landscape planning etc.

Landscape planning is a branch of landscape architecture.

Unity should be one of your main goals in your design. Unity can be achieved by the consistency of character of elements in the design. A simple way to create unity in your landscape is by creating themes. And one of the simplest ways to create themes is by using a little décor. If you’re into butterflies for instance, you could create a theme using plants that attract butterflies. Unity is achieved by repeating objects or elements that are alike. Too many unrelated objects can make the garden look cluttered and unplanned.

There’s a fine line here. It’s possible that too much of one element can make a garden or landscape uninteresting, boring and monotonous.

However, unity can still be created by using several different elements repeatedly. This keeps the garden interesting.



         similar                               подобный (to), схожий, похожий

        architecture                   архитектура, строение, структура

        focus                               сосредоточить (внимание и т. п.; on – на)

        merit                                 1) заслуга 2) pl качества 3) достоинство

        encompass                         заключать в себе

        structural                               строительный

        engineering                            инженерное искусство, техника,


        to take into account               принимать во внимание

       drainage                              канализация, нечистоты

       issue                                       проблема, результат, спорный вопрос

       survival                                   выживание

       selected                                    отобранный, подобранный

        require                                   требовать, нуждаться

        license                                     лицензия, разрешение

        concern                                  касаться, иметь отношение

        scale                                        уровень, ступень, масштаб

       create                                       творить, создавать

       lay out                                      разбивать, планировать (сад, участок)

       expertise [                          знания и опыт

       path                                         тропинка, дорожка, путь

       consideration                          рассмотрение, обсуждение

       horticultural  [hכ:tι'kΛlt∫rәl]  садовый

       embrace                                  включать в себя, заключать

       unity                                       единство, единение

       achieve                                   достигать, выполнять до конца

       consistency                            последовательность, согласованность

       décor                                      оформление, декорация

       for instance                       например

       unrelated                              связанный, не имеющий отношения

       clutter                                    приводить в беспорядок

      repeatedly                              повторно, несколько раз, неоднократно





Vocabulary Exercises


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

architecture, to  focus, survival, scale, to lay out, to create, path, to embrace, unity, décor, to clutter, repeatedly    


2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text:

to be similar, the artistic merits, as structural engineering, to into account, the survival of selected plants, to depend on, to be concerned with, garden design, the garden owners, sitting areas, with consideration, a branch, the main goals, a little décor, a fine line


3.   Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

ландшафтный дизайн, художественный дизайн,  различные уровни опыта и знаний, элементы садового дизайна, комбинации с другими растениями, возможно, скучный, неоднократно


4.   Find in text synonyms to the following words:

like, building, sewerage, to need, permission, knowledge, to contain, to reach, for example


5.   Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word combinations:

prohibition, to destroy, once, to expel, fire features, to separate


6.   Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary:

1) We have … interests. 2) The church is a typical example of Gothic …. 3) Attention to detail is one of the great … of the book. 4) The term “world music” … a wide range of musical styles. 5) Education was one of the biggest … in the campaign. 6) These animals face a constant fight for …. 7) Working with these children … a great deal of patience. 8) The designers were allowed a lot of creative …. 9) Several possibilities are under …. 10) Most of the students … high test scores.


Give a written translation of the text. Arrange a competition for the best




Grammar Exercises

1. Перефразируйте следующие предложения в косвенную речь:

1)  She said: “I often plant the flowers”. 2) She said: “I planted the flowers yesterday”. 3) She said: “I will plant the flowers tomorrow”. 4) She said: “I am planting the flowers now”. 5) She said: “I was planting the flowers yesterday at 5 o’clock”. 6) She said: “I will be planting the flowers tomorrow at 5 o’clock”. 7) She said: “I have just planted the flowers”. 8) She said: “I will have planted the flowers by 5 o’clock. 9) She said: “Do you like to plant the flowers?”. 10) She said: “What flowers do you like to plant?”. 11) She said: “Where is my flower?”. 12) She said: “Don’t forget to take the flowers.”


Translate the following sentences using Participle I or Participle II

1. Рисуя цветы, девочка улыбалась.

2. Нарисовав цветы, девочка подарила мне картину.

3. Прочитав книгу о садоводстве, она отдала ее своей подруге.

4. Кто та девушка, сидящая в парке на скамейке?

5. Девочка пела, поливая цветы.

6. Полив цветы, девочки ушли домой.

7. Живя в нашем городе, мы наслаждаемся красотой парков.

8. Прочитав книгу о садовых цветах, я поставила книгу в книжный шкаф.

9. Я смотрел на девочку, поливавшую цветы.

10.Я увидел картину, нарисованную известным художником.


Speech Exercises


1. Answer the questions to the text:

1) Is landscape design similar to landscape architecture?

2) What thing may landscape architecture require?

3) What is it the garden design?

4) What do the elements of garden design include?

5) What is it the landscape planning?

6) What is the simplest way to create unity in your landscape?

  2. Retell the text.



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