Translate the following sentences from Russian into English

1. Он сказал, что уже полил цветы.

2. Он сказал, что польет цветы завтра.

3. Он сказал, что сейчас он поливает цветы.

4. Он сказал, что польет цветы к 5-и часам.

5. Он сказал, что он поливал цветы весь день вчера.

6.  Он сказал, что поливает цветы каждый день.

7. Он сказал, что полил цветы до того, как начался дождь.

8. Он сказал, что будет поливать цветы с 8-и до 9-ти завтра.

9. Он сказал, что полил цветы вчера.

10. Он сказал, что он часто поливает цветы.


2. Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech.

1) Tom said he would go to see the doctor the next day. 2) He told me he was ill. 3) Annie said that she had planted the flowers several months before. 4) Boris told me that he wanted to build a radio set. 5) She said she had seen Mary that day. 6) Mother told me not to be late for dinner. 7) Nick asked Pete what he had seen at the museum. 8) The teacher asked who was ill. 9) I asked my aunt if she was going to her hometown for the holidays. 10) I asked my friend if he often went to England.


 Text 4.The National Emblems of Great Britain

The humid and mild climate of Great Britain is good for plants and flowers. Some of them have become symbols in the United Kingdom. You probably know that the poppy is the symbol of peace, the red rose is the national emblem of England, and the thistle is the national emblem of Scotland and the Edinburgh International Festival. The daffodils and the leek are the emblems of Wales; the shamrock (a kind of clover) is the emblem of Northern Ireland.

The Rose

The national flower of England is the rose. The flower has been adopted as England’s emblem since the time of the Wars of the Roses – civil wars (1450-1485) between the royal house of Lancaster (whose emblem was a red rose) and the royal house of York (whose emblem was a white rose). The York’s regime ended with the defeat of King Richard III by the future Henry VII at Bosworth on 22 August 1485, and the two roses were united into the Tudor rose (a red rose with a white centre) by Henry VII when he married Elizabeth of York.

The Thistle

The thistle is a wild plant with prickly leaves and yellow, white, or purple flowers.

The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.    In very ancient times the Norsemen once landed somewhere on the east coast of Scotland, with the intention of plundering and setting in the country. At this time the Scots were returning to Scotland after a long march. They were very tired. So the Scots decided to stop behind the river Tay. They pitched their camp and rested.

The Norsemen, however, were near; noticing that no guards or sentinels protected the camp, they crossed the river Tay, intending to take the Scots by surprise and slaughter them in their sleep. The Norsemen took off their shoes so as to make the least noise possible. But one of the Norsemen stepped on a thistle. The sudden and sharp pain caused him to shriek. The alarm was given in the Scots’ camp and The Norsemen were put to flight. So the Scots took the thistle as their national emblem.

The Leek

St David is the patron saint of Wales. He was a monk who lived on bread, water, herbs and leeks and died on March 1, 589 AD. The leek became the national emblem for Wales and medieval soldiers used to wear leeks as they road to battle. Leek is a vegetable related to the onion but with wider green leaves above a long white bulb.

Nowadays Welshmen all over the world on March 1 celebrate St David’s Day by wearing either leeks or daffodils.

The daffodil is also associated with St David’s Day. It became an alternative to the Leek as a Welsh emblem in the present century, because some thought the leek vulgar.

Daffodil is a very common bell-shaped pale yellow flower of early spring.

The Shamrock

What the red rose is to Englishmen and the leek and daffodil to the Welsh, the little shamrock is to the Irish. The Irishmen wear this national emblem on St Patrick’s Day, March 17.

A popular notion is that when preaching the doctrine of the Trinity to the pagan Irish St Patrick used the shamrock, a small white clover bearing three leaves on the stem as an illustration of the mystery.




humid                      сырой, влажный

probably              вероятно

poppy                  1) мак 2) маковый

thistle                   чертополох

daffodil                1) нарцисс 2. a бледно-желтый

leek                        лук-порей

shamrock             1) кислица 2) трилистник

clover                        клевер

 adopt                   1) принимать; to ~a decision принять решение 2) заимствовать

civil                       гражданский

regime                   режим, строй

defeat                   1) поражение 2) расстройство (планов)

                2. v. 1) наносить поражение 2) расстраивать (планы)

 unite                    1) соединять(ся) 2) объединять(ся)

wild                      дикий

prickly                     1) имеющий шипы, колючки 2) колючий

purple                      1) пурпурный цвет, пурпур 2) фиолетовый цвет

ancient                 1) древний, старинный 2) античный

intention                  намерение, стремление, цель

plunder                грабить, воровать

set                         расставлять, располагать, размещать

pitch                         разбивать (палатки, лагерь)

camp                        лагерь

guard [ga:d] n охрана, стража

sentinel                1. n часовой; страж; to stand ~ over охранять

                        2. v охранять, стоять на страже

protect                     защищать

slaughter             совершать массовое убийство, резать, убивать

cause                       быть причиной, вызывать

shriek                  пронзительный крик

flight                    бегство, поспешный отступ

patron saint        святой покровитель

monk                   монах

medieval             средневековый

relate                   состоять в родстве, иметь отношение

bulb                     луковица

alternative           альтернативный выбор

vulgar                  грубый, простонародный

common              простой, обыкновенный

quote                       цитировать, ссылаться на к.-л. На ч.-л.

float                     паром, плот

                            2. v плавать, плыть по небу

host [hכust] зд.        множество

notion                     1) понятие, идея 2) точка зрения, мнение

preach                 проповедовать

the doctrine of the Trinity      учение о Троице

pagan                       язычный, неверующий

bear                          1) носить, нести 2) иметь

stem                          ствол, стебель

mystery                  1) тайна 2) церковное таинство




Vocabulary Exercises

1.  Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

shamrock, purple, prickly, thistle, clover, poppy, bulb, daffodil, humid, to relate, to protect, wild, leek, to bear

2.  Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

символ мира, две розы были объединены…, поражение короля, нарцисс и лук-порей, дикое растение, листья с шипами, наступить на чертополох, белая луковица, обыкновенный в форме колокольчика цветок, множество золотых нарциссов, белый клевер, три листа на стебле, иллюстрация церковного таинства

3.   Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text:

to be good for plants, a kind of clover, to be the national flower, to step on a thistle, to take the thistle as the national emblem, to live on bread and leeks, prickly leaves, to wear leeks, to be a vegetable related to the onion, a long white bulb, to think the leek vulgar, to be a very common bell-shaped pale yellow flower, a host of golden daffodils, a small white clover, bearing three leaves on the stem, an illustration of the mystery

4.   Find in text synonyms to the following words and word combinations:

the moist climate, thorny leaves, to apply to the onion, to cite, heaps of golden daffodils, a popular point of view, having three leaves, example of the mystery, to tread on a thistle

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary:

1) The flower of March is a …. 2) The plant has long … and a sweet pleasant sweet. 3) … are bright red or yellow flowers. They look like cups. 4) Are you prepared to … yourself in case of attack? 5) A living thing that grows in soil and has leaves and roots is called …. 6) No one goes to college with the … of failing. 7) I found these daisies growing … in the meadow. 8) We offer courses that … English literature to other subjects. 9) You’ll … be gone by the time I get back.10) Bright yellow, orange and red … are often put together in baskets, bouquets.

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