Краткий положительный ответ: Yes, / подлежащее выраженное местоимением / 1й глагол


Самостоятельная работа № 3 А (Будущее)

Используя список ключевых фраз урока Unit1 и образец ниже, работайте в диалоге, в котором один из вас спрашивает напарника будет ли тот что-то делать, а другой отвечает что будет.

Will you work tomorrow? Will you be working tomorrow at two o’clock?   Will you have worked tomorrow by four o’clock? Will you have been working tomorrow for two hours* (when he calls)? Yes, I will. I will work tomorrow. Yes, I will. I will be working tomorrow at two o’clock. Yes, I will. I will have worked tomorrow by four o’clock. Yes, I will. I will have been working tomorrow for two hours* (when he calls).


Самостоятельная работа № 3 Б (Прошедшее)

Используя список ключевых фраз Unit 1 и образец ниже, работайте в диалоге, в котором один из вас спрашивет напарника, делал ли тот что-то, а другой отвечает, что делал.

Did you work yesterday? Were you working yesterday at two o’clock? Had you worked yesterday by four o’clock? Had you been working yesterday for two hours* (when he called)? Yes, I did. I worked yesterday. Yes, I was. I was working yesterday at two o’clock. Yes, I had. I had worked yesterday by four o’clock. Yes, I had. I had been working yesterday for two hours* (when he called).


Самостоятельная работа № 3 В (Настоящее) 

Используя список ключевых фраз Unit 1 и образец ниже, работайте в диалоге, в котором один из вас спрашивает напарника, делает ли тот что-то, а другой отвечает, что делает.

Do you usually work? Are you working now (at this moment)? Have you worked (by now / by this moment)? Have you been working for two hours? Yes, I do. I usually work. Yes, I am. I am working now (at this moment). Yes, I have. I have worked (by now / by this moment). Yes, I have. I have been working for two hours.


Самостоятельная работа № 3 Г

Меняйте подлежащее используйте следующие подлежащие: my friend, you, they, we, he, she и так далее.

Самостоятельная работа № 3 Д

Используя времена Simple работайте в диалоге по образцу ниже. Меняйте глаголы или глагольные фразы.


Do you usually work? Does your friend usually work? Did you work yesterday? Did your friend work yesterday? Will you work tomorrow? Will your friend work tomorrow? Yes, I do. I usually work. Yes, he does. He usually works. Yes, I did. I worked yesterday. Yes, he did. He worked yesterday. Yes, I will. I will work tomorrow. Yes, he not. He will work tomorrow.

Самостоятельная работа № 3 Ж

Используя список ключевых фраз Unit 1 и образец ниже, работайте в диалоге, каждый раз меняя фразу


Do you usually take part in a UNO project? Does your friend usually compare lives of people from different countries? Did you fly to the capital of California, Sacramento yesterday? Did your friend live in the USA yesterday? Will you study in the USA tomorrow? Will your friend work in the USA tomorrow? Yes, I do. I usually take part in a UNO project. Yes, he does. He usually compares lives of people from different countries. Yes, I did. I flew to the capital of California, Sacramento yesterday. Yes, he did. He lived in the USA yesterday. Yes, he will. He will study in the USA tomorrow. Yes, he will. He will work in the USA tomorrow.


Контрольная работа № 14 +

Переведите на английский язык используя ключевые фразы Unit 1

1. Да. Он ремонтирует машину обычно. 2. Да. Она говорит о машине 2 часа. 3. Да. Мы разочаровали ли мы продавца. 4. Покрашу ли я машину завтра к 2м часам? 5. Сделали ли они жизнь лучше вчера к 2м часам? 6. Да. Я захотел купить машину вчера в 2 часа. 7. Да. Я буду покупать машину завтра в течении 2х часов 8. Переводите ли вы сейчас на Польский язык? 

Самостоятельная работа № 4 А

Тоже что и предыдущие, но с использованием глагола «to be»

Will you be in the park tomorrow?   Will you be in the park tomorrow at 7 o’clock? Will you have been in the park tomorrow by 9 o’clock? Will you have been in the park tomorrow for 2 hours (when he calls)?   Were you in the library yesterday?   Were you in the library yesterday at 7 o’clock? Had you been in the library yesterday by 9 o’clock? Had you been in the library yesterday for 2 hours (when he called)?   Are you usually in the museum?   Are you in the museum now? Have you been in the museum today? Have you been in the museum for 2 hours? No, I will not. I will not be in the park tomorrow. No, I will not. I will not be in the park tomorrow at 7 o’clock. No, I will not. I will not have been in the park tomorrow by 9 o’clock. No, I will not. I will not have been in the park tomorrow for 2 hours (when he calls).     No, I was not. I was not in the library yesterday. No, I was not. I was not in the library yesterday at 7 o’clock. No, I had not. I had not been in the library yesterday by 9 o’clock. No, I had not. I had not been in the library yesterday for 2 hours (when he called).     No, I am not. I am not usually in the museum. No I am not. I am not in the museum now. No, I have not. I have not been in the museum today. No, I have not. I have not been in the museum for 2 hours. Yes, I will. I will be in the park tomorrow. Yes, I will. I will be in the park tomorrow at 7 o’clock. Yes, I will. I will have been in the park tomorrow by 9 o’clock. Yes, I will. I will have been in the park tomorrow for 2 hours (when he calls).     Yes, I was. I was in the library yesterday. Yes, I was. I was in the library yesterday at 7 o’clock. Yes, I had. I had been in the library yesterday by 9 o’clock. Yes, I had. I had been in the library yesterday for 2 hours (when he called).     Yes, I am. I am usually in the museum.   Yes, I am. I am usually in the museum. Yes, I have. I have been in the museum today. Yes, I have. I have been in the museum for 2 hours.

Самостоятельная работа 4 Б

Are you in the fire station? Is your friend in the coffee shop? Were you in the bank? Was your friend in the bakery? Will you be in the city hall? Will your friend be in the courthouse? No, I am not. I am not in the fire station. No, he is not. He I not in the coffee shop. No, I was not. I was not in the bank. No, he was not. He was not in the bakery. No, I will not. I will not be in the city hall. No, he will. He will not be in the courthouse. Yes, I am. I am in the fire station. Yes, he is. He is in the coffee shop. Yes, I was. I was in the bank. Yes, he was. He was in the bakery. Yes, I will. I will be in the city hall. Yes, he will. He will be in the courthouse.

Контрольная работа № 15+

Переведите на английский язык.

1. Находишься ли ты в здании суда уже в течении 2х часов? 2. Да, мой друг уже побывал в парке сегодня 3. Нет, Они не побывают в кафе завтра до 2х часов. 4. Мы находились в музее вчера в 2 часа. 5. Да, вы будете находиться в театре завтра в 2 часа 6. Нет, она не в библиотеке сейча. 7. Будете ли вы в парке завтра? 8 Нет, не буду.




Специальный вопрос отличается от общего вопроса только тремя деталями:

1) на первом месте стоит вопросительное слово, вопросительное местоимение или вопросительная фраза, далее идет либо общий положительный, либо общий отрицательный вопрос, например:


What does he do?

       What does he not do?

       How many people a day do you see?

2) если вопрос ставится к подлежащему, то, так как в вопросе подлежащее отсутствует, внешне этот вопрос выглядит как утвердительное предложение, в котором функцию подлежащего выполняет вопросительное слово who (обычно в 3 л. ед. ч., реже в 3 л. мн.ч., если из контекста понятно, что речь идет о нескольких лицах) в действительном залоге или who и what в страдательном залоге (Who speaks English?);

3) не все вопросительные слова, вопросительные местоимения и вопросительные фразы используются во всех временах.


Некоторые вопросительные слова, употребляемые со всеми временами:


1. where – где                                              9. who – кто

2. whereto – куда                                    10. whoabout – о ком

3. wherefrom – откуда                           11. whowith – с кем

4. what – что                                               12. whom – кому

5. whatfor – для чего                              13. how – как

6. why – почему                                          14. how many – сколько (с исчисляемыми)

7. whatabout – о чем                              15. how much – сколько (с неисчисляемыми)

8. whatwith – чем (c чем)                       16. which – который

  17. whose – чей


Употребляются только со временами Simple:


how often (usually) – как часто (обычно),

when – когда.

Причем when в других временах либо имеет заменители, либо не употребляется вообще.

Самостоятельная работа № 5


Используя все вопросительные слова, местоимения, фразы, задайте 17 логически связанных между собой вопросов и дайте на них 17 ответов (в Simple) по образцу:

1. What do you do in summer? – I swim in summer.

2. Where do you swim in summer? – I swim in the swimming-pool.

3. Where do you go to after you swim? – I go home.

4. Where do you go to the swimming-pool from? – I go there from my school.

5. What do you swim for? – I swim for my pleasure.

(6. Why …? 7. What …about? 8. What … with? 9. Who …? 10. Who … about? И так далее)

Контрольная работа № 16 +

Переведите с русского на английский.

1. Кто служил хирургом в медицинской клинике?

2. Чьи документы ты пересчитывал вчера в 5 часов?

3. *Кому он звонил вчера в течение двух часов?

4. Чем ты разочаровал мудрого ученого?

5. Что они думают об удаче сейчас?

6. Сколько хорошо известных музеев Том посетил вчера?

7. С кем я буду идти завтра в 2 часа, чтобы поговорить с группой?

8. Откуда она приедет на интересную и знаменитую выставку завтра?

9. Сколько людей сейчас остаются в той же самой клинике?

10. О ком вы сказали к 2-м часам эту мудрую мысль?

11*. Почему он будет рисовать картину завтра в течение 2-х часов?

12. Куда Том и Майк звонят уже в течение 2-х дней?

13. Как завод проверит номера телефонов членов комитета завтра к 2-м часам?

Самостоятельная работа № 6

Используя список ключевых фраз Unit 1 и образец ниже, задавайте вопросы и отвечайте на них.

What do you usually do? What does your friend usually do? What did you do yesterday? What did your friend do yesterday? What will you do tomorrow? What will your friend do tomorrow? I usually take part in a UNO project. He usually compares lives of people from different countries. I flew to the capital of California, Sacramento yesterday. He lived in the USA yesterday. Yes, he will. He will study in the USA tomorrow. Yes, he will. He will work in the USA tomorrow.


Самостоятельная работа № 6 А

Используя список ключевых фраз Unit 1 и образец ниже, задавайте вопросы и отвечайте на них.

Why do you usually take part in a UNO project? Why does your friend usually fly to the capital of California, Sacramento? Why did you study in the USA last year?   Why did your friend land in Sacramento International Airport last year?   Why will you call your friend by his first name next year?   Why will your friend visit well-known museums, theaters, and exhibitions next year? I usually take part in a UNO project because I compare lives of people from different countries. He usually flies to the capital of California, Sacramento because he lives in the USA. I studied in the USA last year because I worked in the USA. He landed in Sacramento International Airport last year because he excused Misses and Misters from Warsaw. I will call my friend by his first name because I will meet members of the group. He will visit well-known museums, theaters, and exhibitions next year because he will help people.


Самостоятельная работа № 6 Б

Используя список ключевых фраз Unit 1 и образец ниже, задавайте вопросы и отвечайте на них.

What do you usually take part in a UNO project for? What does your friend usually fly to the capital of California, Sacramento for? What did you study in the USA last year for? What did your friend land in Sacramento International Airport last year for? What will you call your friend by his first name next year for?   What will your friend visit well-known museums, theaters, and exhibitions next year for? I usually take part in a UNO project (for) to compare lives of people from different countries. He usually flies to the capital of California, Sacramento (for) to live in the USA. I studied in the USA last year (for) to work in the USA. He landed in Sacramento International Airport last year (for) to excuse Misses and Misters from Warsaw. I will call my friend by his first name (for) to meet members of the group. He will visit well-known museums, theaters, and exhibitions next year (for) to help people.


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