1. Участники конференции задали вопросы и обменялись мнениями по поводу услышанного доклада.
2. Культурная программа для участников конференции включала посещение Эрмитажа и встречу с ректором университета.
3. За докладами последовало обсуждение.
4. Я проиллюстрировал свое выступление таблицами и графиками.
5. Конференция продолжалась два дня и закончилась обсуждением за круглым столом.
6. Самые интересные доклады были представлены на пленарном заседании.
7. На заседании нашей секции дискуссию вел проф. Петров.
Ex. 6. Match the sentences halves [55].
1. The conference offers the opportunity for sharing |
2.When I had to choose between a more historical or systematic focus of study, |
3.Frequent personal tutorials with the professor |
4.The conference was a great opportunity to be in close touch with musicians and |
5.The general theme of the conference was Music Psychology and Music Education, |
6.The very fact that the conferences take place in various institutions |
Ex. 7. Match the exchanges and play out the dialogues [56].
Dialogue I
A | B | |
1 | May I have you for a few minutes? |
2 | What about going to a cafeteria? There are still some forty minutes left before the beginning of the session. |
3 | I've just heard your paper. I'm very interested in your research as we seem to work on the same problem. |
Dialogue II
A | B | |
1 | My congratulations! Your paper was a real success. |
2 | Could we discuss some points which are not very clear to me? |
3 | I understand you had too little time at your disposal. |
Dialogue III
A | B | |
1 | I’m sure it will. May I ask you a few questions before they start? |
2 | I’m looking forward to your paper very much. |