Active Words and Word-Combinations

Пономарева М.Н.

Cтаростина Н.А.


Дороги и транспортные средства

Древних цивилизаций.

Автомобили: история и современность.

Экология сегодня.

Учебно-методическое пособие

По английскому языку

Москва 2017

УДК 656 (076.5) =111

ББК 39.1

     Д 68


Рецензент         кандидат филологических наук, доцент Пономарева М.Н.,

кандидат филологических наук, Пономарев В.В.



Д 68    Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 2 курса направлений 23.03.03 «Эксплуатация транспортно-технологических машин и комплексов», 23.03.01 «Технология транспортных процессов» очной и заочной форм обучения/сост. М.Н. Пономарева, Н.А.Старостина; ООО «Технологии рекламы», г. Москва, 2017. –  96с.


    В первой части пособия приведены 10 аутентичных текстов, взятых из электронной энциклопедии «Британника 2001». Тексты, сопровождающиеся словарями и упражнениями.

Во второй части пособия содержатся 10 текстов из области истории автомобилестроения, теоретической механики, гидравлики, гидравлического привода. Тексты сопровождаются словарем, вопросами на проверку общего понимания текста и упражнениями на знание лексических единиц по теме.

В третьей части пособия приведены 10 аутентичных текстов по экологической тематике, взятых из электронной энциклопедии «Британника 2001». Тексты, сопровождающиеся словарями и упражнениями.

Основной целью пособия является развитие навыков чтения, а также навыков устной речи, развитие навыков извлечения информации, ее обработки и получения дополнительных знаний из соответствующих областей технической науки.



УДК 811.111(075.8)

                                                                                ББК 81.2 Англ - 923



©ООО «Технологии рекламы», 2017

                                      ©Пономарева М.Н., Старостина Н.А., 2017


Дороги и транспортные средства древних цивилизаций




    The first roads were paths made by animals and later adapted by humans. The earliest records of such paths have been found around some springs near Jericho and date from about 6000 BC. The first indications of constructed roads date from about 4000 BC and consist of stone-paved streets at Ur in modern-day Iraq and timber roads preserved in a swamp in Glastonbury, England. During the Bronze age, the availability of metal tools made the construction of stone paving more feasible; at the same time, demand for paved roads rose with the use of wheeled vehicles, which were well established by 2000 BC.

    At about this time the Minoans on the island of Crete built a 30-mile (50 kilometre) road from Gortyna on the south coast over the mountains at an elevation of about 4,300 feet (1,300 metres) to Knossos on the north coast. Constructed of layers of stone, the roadway took account of the necessity of drainage by a crown throughout its length and even gutters along certain sections. The pavement, which was about 12 feet (360 centimetres) wide, consisted of sandstone bound by a clay-gypsum mortar. The surface of the central portion consisted of two rows of basalt slabs 2 inches (50 millimetres) thick. The centre of the roadway seems to have been used for foot traffic and the edges for animals and carts. It is the oldest existing paved road.


Active Words and Word-Combinations


road                            дорога

path                            тропа

indication                   указание

constructed road        построенная дорога

stone-paved street      каменная мостовая

timber road                деревянная мостовая

availability                 доступность

tools                           инструменты

paving                        мощение

feasible                      доступный

wheeled vehicles       колесные транспортные средства

elevation                    подъем

layer                          слой

take account              учитывать

drainage                    дренаж

gutter                        сточная канава

sandstone                  песчаник

clay-gypsum mortar глино-гипсовый раствор

slab                          блок, плита

foot traffic               пешее движение

edge                         обочина


1. Match English and Russian equivalents:


a) tools, wheeled vehicles, edge, sandstone, drainage, road, feasible, path, stone-paved street, slab, gutter, foot traffic, clay-gypsum mortar, timber road, layer.


b) дорога, тропа, каменная мостовая, деревянная мостовая, инструменты, доступный, колесные транспортные средства, слой, дренаж, сточная канава, глино-гипсовый раствор, песчаник, плита, пешее движение, обочина


2. Answer the following questions:


a) Whom were the first roads made by?

b) Where have the earliest records of the first roads been found?

c)  What time do the first indications of constructed roads date from?

d) What did the first constructed roads look like?

e)  Where were they situated?

f)  During which age did the demand for paved roads rise?

g) Why did it rise?

h) How long was the road running across Crete?

i)  Which materials were used to build that road?

j)  What have the centre and the edges of the road been used for?


3. Find in the text all cases of the Passive Voice and translate them into Russian.

4. Speak on the topic “Ancient Roads”, using the following plan:


a) The very first roads.

b) The earliest records of the first roads.

c)  Roads of modern-day Iraq and England.

d) The earliest road of Crete and its construction.

e)  The main characteristic features of the Cretan Road.




China had a road system that paralleled the Persian Royal Road and the Roman road network in time and purpose. Its major development began under Emperor Shih huang-0 about 220 BC. Many of the roads were wide, surfaced with stone, and lined with trees; steep mountains were traversed by stone-paved stairways with broad treads and low steps. By AD 700 the network had grown to some 40,000 kilometres. Traces of a key route near Slan are still visible.

The Silk Road

The trade route from China to Asia Minor and India, known as the Silk Road, had been in existence for 1,400 years at the time of Marco Polo's travels (c. AD 1270-90). It came into partial existence about 300 BC, when it was used to bring jade from Khotan (modern Ho-t'ien) to China. By 200 BC it was linked to the West, and by 100 BC it was carrying active trade between the two civilizations. At its zenith in AD 200 this road and its western connections over the Roman system constituted the longest road on earth. In Asia the road passed through Samarkand to the region of Fergana, where, near the city of Osh, a stone tower marked the symbolic watershed between East and West. From Fergana the road traversed the valley between the Tien Shan and Kunlun mountains through Kashgar, where it divided and skirted both sides of the Takia Makan Desert to join again at Ansi. The road then wound eastward to Chia-yu-kwan (Su-chou), where it passed through the westernmost gateway (the Jade Gate or Yumen) of the Great Wall of China. It then went southeast on the Imperial Highway to Slan and eastward to Shanghai on the Pacific Ocean. From Kashgar, trade routes to the south passed over the mountains to the great trading centre of Bactria and to northern Kashmir.


Active Words and Word-Combinations


parallel                              проходить параллельно

road network                    сеть дорог

major                                главный

surfaced                            облицованный

steep                                 крутой

traverse                             пресекать

tread                                 ступень, колея

step                                  ступень

trace                                 следы

key route                          основной маршрут

visible                               видимый

trade route                        торговый маршрут

be in existence                 существовать

come into existence         появиться

use                                   использовать

jade                                  жадеит (минерал)

link                                  соединять

constitute                         составлять

watershed                        водораздел

divide                              делить

skirt                                 огибать

join                                  объединять

wound (Past Ind. от wind) извиваться                             

gateway                           ворота

eastward                          на восток

westernmost                    самый западный


1. Match English and Russian equivalents:


a) key route, link, road network, steep, skirt, tread, divide, come into existence,         join, surfaced, wind, jade, watershed.


b) сеть дорог, облицованный, крутой, ступень, основной маршрут, появиться, жадеит, соединять, водораздел, огибать, делить, объединять, извиваться                             


2. Answer the following questions:


a) When did the major development of China road system begin?

b) How did most roads look like?

c) How long was China road system by AD 700?

d) What is Silk Road?

e) At the time of whose travel the Silk Road had been in existence for 1,400 years?

f) When did Marco Polo travel to China?

g) By what time The Silk Road was carrying active trade between the two civilizations?

h) Which place did the stone tower mark the symbolic watershed between East and West?

i) Name the cities through which the Silk Road ran.


3. Give the English equivalents to the following words and expressions:


существовала параллельно; облицованы камнем; пересекать; все еще видны; существовала уже…; когда она использовалась; к 200 году до нашей эры; в 200 году нашей эры; самая длинная дорога на Земле; на юго-восток; в крупнейший торговый центр Бактрии.


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