The Present Perfect Tense

(Настоящее совершенное время)

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма  Отрицательная форма  
I we        have + you          V (ed)3 they   he         has + she        V (ed)3 it                    I          we   Have you               they                         V(ed)3?           he Has      she           it       I       we        have not   you       V (ed)3 they   he       has not     she       V (ed)3 it             


The Past Perfect Tense

(Прошедшее совершенное время)

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма  Отрицательная форма  
  I he she     had + it         V (ed)3 we you they           I           he          she  Had it      V(ed)3?          we              you          they I he she     had not       it         V(ed)3 we you  they

The Future Perfect Tense

(Будущее совершенное время)

Утвердительная форма   Вопросительная форма   Отрицательная форма  
I         shall have     we       V(ed)3   he she it        will have you     V(ed)3   they             I   shall   we                            have         he    V(ed)3?        she         will   it           you        they   I   you   shall not            have V(ed)3 we  he she   will not  it           have V(ed)3  they


Test 1.


1. Anna... a good job.

a) finds

b) has found

c) founded

d) have found


2. I... a new flat a few months ago.

a) bought

b) have been buying

c) have bought

d) buy


3.... Paul Simon’s latest record?

a) Have you heard

b) Have you been hearing

c) Did you hear

d) Are you heard

4. Sorry. I... one of your glasses.

a) have broken

b) broke

c) break

d) have been breaking


5.... you ever... to London?

a) has / been

b) have / been

c) have / were

d) have / be


6. I... not... him since June.

a) did / see

b) did / seen

c) have / saw

d) have / seen


7. They... John yesterday.

a) met

b) have met

c) meted

d) has met


8. Mary... Paris for London in 2013.

a) has left

b) have left

c) left

d) leaved


9. I haven’t done it....

a) yet

b) already

c) just

d) since


10. She’s... the letter. She... it yesterday.

a) wrote / wrote

b) written / writte

c) wrote / written

d) written / wrote


11. I _____ her for everything she _____.

a) thanking / did

b) thanked / had done

c) have thanked / has done

d) had thanked / had done


12. When I got to the office, I _____ that I _____ to lock the front door.

a) had realized / forget

b) realized / had forgotten

c) realized / forget

d) had realized / had forgotten


13. Lisa _____ me a lift because I _____ the bus.

a) gave / missed

b) have given / have missed

c) gave / had missed

d) had gave / missed


14. I _____ you at 8.00, but you _____ just _____ out.

a) call / have / gone

b) called / have / gone

c) called / had / gone

d) have called / have / gone


15. Why … you … my breakfast before I came back? Were you so hungry?

a) have/eaten

b) has/eaten

c) had/eaten

d) did/ate


16. When John made his mind to sign up for English course, Tom …already … it.

a) had/done

b) have/done

c) did/do

d) has/done


17. We … not … to any foreign country yet but in the foreseeable future we intend to go abroad and take a trip.

a) have/been

b) have/seen

c) had/been

d) were/been


18. She …a member of our organization for more than 10 years.

a) has/be

b) have/been

c) was

d) has/been


19. You are the most beautiful woman I … even …. Why are you single then?

a) have/seen

b) had/seen

c) has/seen

d) was/seen

20. She … only for half a year for an employer before she was fired.

a) has/worked

b) had/worked

c) worked

d) was working


21. When I went to school I was very scared because I … not … my previous homework.

a) had/done

b) have/dove

c) did/do

d) was/doing


22. He’s the 10th person who …me what is the weather today this morning!

a) has/ask

b) has/asked

c) had/asked

d) was/asked


23. I’m looking for Kate. Can you tell me where she is at the moment? – I don’t know, she … just ….

a) have/leved

b) have/left

c) has/leave

d) has/left


24. … your mother … the table by the time you were back from Canada?

a) has/laid

b) had/lad

c) had/laid

d) had/lying

25. By the time you come home, I … dinner.

a) will have cooken

b) will had cooken

c) will have cooked

d) will had cooked


26. I … the article by noon.

a) will have finished

b) will has finished

c) will have finish

d) will had finished


27. By the time you arrive in Paris, we … for Rome.

a) will have already leave

b) will had already leave

c) will have already leaved

d) will have already left


28. We … for 10 years by next month.

a) will been had married

b) will have been married

c) will has been married

d) will had been married


29. … the washing-up before she goes out?

a) Will she have done

b) Will she had done

c) She will had done

d) She will have done


30. By the time you get home I … the house.

a) will have not cleaned

b) will has not cleaned

c) won’t has cleaned

d) won't have cleaned


31. I … the book until next month.

a) will have read

b) will has read

c) won’t have read

d) won’t has read


32. You … about his attitude to homeless animals.

a) will has heard

b) will have heard

c) will must heard

d) will had heard


33. She … home before the traffic jam.

a) will have got

b) will has got

c) will had got

d) will has get


34. You … till she comes back.

a) will have not gone

b) will not gone

c) will has not gone

d) won’t have gone


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