Education Systems in the USA, Great Britain and Ukraine

    Pre-reading activity.

       Read the topical words and expressions. Pay attention to their meaning.

To award                                    нагороджувати

Bachelor’s degree                                 ступінь бакалавра

Ban                                             заперечення

Curriculum                                 навчальний план

To complete                                завершувати

Crib                                            шпаргалка

To cheat                                      списувати, ловчити

Due                                             належний, необхідний

Delay                                                   затримка

To expel                                     виключати

To fail                                         терпіти невдачу

To grade                                     оцінювати (якість)

Grant                                                   стипендія

To graduate                                          закінчити (ВНЗ)

Inclined                                       схильний до чогось

Master’s degree                         ступінь магистра

Plagiarism                                   плагіат

To review                                   перевіряти, рецензувати

Sin                                              порушення, гріх

Session                                       сесія, навчальний рік

Utilitarian                                   практичний


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I. Decide if the following statements are true or false according to the text below.

1. The tutorial model offers large group programmes.

2. A student is free in his choice of programmes and tutors.

3. Every country can afford the tutorial model because it is rather cheap.

4. Students are sure to be expelled from the University for cheating in exams and using cribs.

5. Education system is a kind of mirror of the nation.

6. Many students in the USA and Great Britain continue their education for taking the Master’s degree.

7. Dominating pragmatism and utilitarianism are the strongest points in education systems of the USA and Great Britain.

8. The Ukrainian education system is undergoing crucial changes.

9. There are state higher education establishments and those who are privately financed.

10. Many new specialities have risen in the curriculum of the Ukrainian higher education.


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