Exercise 7. Answer the questions to the text

  1. What parts does a tooth consist of?
  2. How is the junction of crown and root called?
  3. What layers is every tooth composed of?
  4. What do you know about enamel?
  5. What does enamel consist of?
  6. Where does cementum meet enamel?
  7. What is cementum?
  8. Is dentine sensitive to pain?
  9. What does pulp contain?
  10. What is the pulp chamber?
  11. What supporting structures can you name?


Exercise 8. Find in the text English equivalents for the following word combinations.

Бути прихованим; складатися з; нечутливий до болю; кровоносні судини та нервові закінчення; пульпова камера; поряд з дентином; проходити скрізь; діяти як; бути схожим за структурою; бути покритим; таким чином; м’яка тканина; найтвердіша речовина; лунка зубу; верхівка зубу; альвеолярний відросток; піддаватися відновленню; пучки волокон.

Exercise 9. Insert prepositions or adverbs.

1. Every tooth consists... a crown and one or more roots.

2. Any damage caused... decay or injury is permanent.

3. They are cemented together... the interprismatic substance.

4. The prisms run roughly... right angles... the surface.

5. Dentine occupies the interior... the crown and root.

6. Vessels and nerves of the pulp pass... the root canal... the crown.

7. A tooth is inserted... the jaw... its root.

8. Any tooth is attached... its socket... the jaw... the periodontal membrane.

Exercise 10. Match the words with their definitions.

1. tooth 2. roots 3. enamel 4. cementum   5. dentin   6. pulp   7. crown   8.alveolar process a) It is a thin layer of bonelike material covering the root of a tooth. b) A part of the tooth above the gums. c) It is a yellowish tissue that makes up the bulk of all teeth. It is harder than bone but softer than enamel. d) It makes up a visible part of the tooth, covering the crown. It is the hardest substance in the human body. e) It is the thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets on bones that hold teeth. f) They are normally buried in the jaw, and they serve to anchor the tooth in position. g) It is the part in the center of a tooth made up of living connective tissue and cells called odontoblasts. h) Each of a set of hard, bony enamel-coated structures in the jaws of most vertebrates, used for biting and chewing.


Exercise 11. Ask questions to the underlined words.

1. The roots of the teeth are hidden inside the jaw.

2. The microscope shows that it consists of long solid rods.

3. Cementum meets enamel at the neck of the tooth.

4. As there was an extensive decay, dentine was very sensitive to pain.

5. The dentist drilled the tooth.

6. The outermost layer of the pulp must be lined with the special cells.

7. The alveolar process is covered with gum.

8. Periodontal membrane acts as a shock absorber.

Exercise 12. Open the brackets and put the verbs in a correct form. Translate.

1. The dental pulp (to fill) with soft connective tissue.

2. Enamel of the 1st molar already (to destroy) by caries.

3. If you drink a lot of tea or coffee, the colour of your teeth (to change).

4. The patient (to have to visit) a dentist because of a severe toothache.

5. As the tooth is severely destroyed, the dentist (to extract) it as soon as possible.

6. Cementum (to serve) as a medium by which the periodontal ligament can attach to the tooth for stability.

7. In 1685 Charles Allen (to write) the 1st dental textbook “Operator for the teeth”.

8. A test on the tooth structure (to write) by dental students next Monday.

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

1. Коронка, шийка та корінь складають зуб.

2. Місце переходу коронки в корінь називають шийкою.

3. Емаль – найтвердіша частина людського тіла.

4. Призми, згинаючись, проходять радіально до поверхні коронки.

5. Цемент поєднується з емаллю у шийки зуба.

6. На відміну від інших структур зуба, пульпа – це пухка тканина.

7. Клітини пульпи проходять скрізь усю товщину дентину.

8. Періодонтальна мембрана діє як амортизатор.



Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

canine [ˈkeɪnʌɪn] ікло
chisel [ˈtʃɪz(ə)l] зубило; долото
counterpart [ˈkaʊntəpɑːt] копія; дублікат;
cusp [kʌsp] кінчик (зуба), бугорок
divergent [dʌɪˈvəːdʒ(ə)nt] який відрізняється, відмінний
gripping [ˈɡrɪpɪŋ] схопити; стиснути, міцно тримати
incisor [ɪnˈsʌɪzə] різець, передній зуб
mesial [ˈmiːzɪəl] срединий
oblique [əˈbliːk] косий
ridge [rɪdʒ] край

Exercise 2. Write out from the text adjectives with the suffixes -ic, -al and translate.

Model: later al incisor – латеральний різець

Exercise 3. Read and translate the word-combinations into your native language.

Flattened chisel-shaped crowns, the longest root of the whole dentition, buccal and palatal, cusps of upper premolars, the longest root of the whole dentition, an extra cusp on their mesio-palatal surface, frequently fused together, divergent deciduous molars, bulbous crown.

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