Прочтите описание семей и определите, к какому типу они относятся

1. We’re married with three kids. Our eldest son, Simon, has just started secondary school, our daughter, Lisa, is eight and our youngest son, Luke, is only five.

2. We’ve only been married for a year. We’re not planning to start a family just yet.

3. I’m a single mum. I bring up my son Josh on my own. Josh doesn’t mind being an only child but I think he’d like a brother or sister one day.

4. We share the house with my mother and father and my wife’s sister and her kids. Everyone helps to look after all the children.

5. We couldn’t have children of our own so we decided that adoption was the only answer. Lily came to live with us two years ago. She seems very happy at the moment but we realise that she might want to find her real mother one day.


Задание №4. Заполните пропуски следующими глаголами в нужной грамматической форме:

Tell, look, run, get, take.

a. She……just like her mother. Она похожа на свою мать (досл.: выглядит прямо как мать).

b. She’s……her father’s nose. У нее нос отца.

c. He……after his father. Он похож на своего отца.

d. It……in the family. Это у них наследственное (Это у них семейное).

e. You can’t……them apart. Вы не различите их.


Задание №5. Переведите на английский язык, используя форму прошедшего длительного времени:

1. У меня был хороший отдых в Канаде. 2. Я собирался во Францию. 3. В Париже шел дождь. 4. Что

вчера говорил метеоролог, когда я пришел? 5. Позавчера шел дождь? 6. В прошлом месяце шел снег. 7. Мы мечтали о поездке в Сибирь. 8. Что тебе говорил твой туристический агент? 9. Что вы ели вчера в ресторане? 10. С кем говорили твои родители?


Задание №6. Поставьте специальные вопросы к приведенным предложениям

1. Jane was having some milk with her tea. 2. Jake was waiting for the bus at the bus stop. 3. I was talking to my parents at the Post Office building. 4. We were going to take either meat or fish. 5. She was eating cucumber and tomatoes. 6. My parents were speaking to Doctor Morgan.7. Mike was buying a house in the centre of the city. 8. We were going there by train. 9. Doctor Brown was taking my temperature. 10. I was going to buy either a T-shirt or a pullover.


Задание №1. Подберите эквиваленты

1. To be enrolled 2. Full-time student 3. Part-time student 4. Course of study 5. To be equipped with 6. Up-to-date equipment 7. Carryon 8. Research work 9. Classroom 10. Assembly hall 11. Laboratory 12. Gym 13. Term 14. Department 15. Teaching stuff 16. Students hostel 17. Canteen 18. Break 19. To pass exams a. сдать экзамен b. быть оборудованным c. проводить d. числиться в списках студентов e. курс обучения f. столовая g. преподавательский состав h. аудитория i. актовый зал j. лаборатория k. общежитие l. семестр m. современное оборудование n. студент дневного отделения o. студент заочник p. спортзал q. исследовательская работа r. отделение s. перемена

Задание №2. Прочитайте и перепишите текст, заменив глаголы простым прошедшим временем.

Our college has 18 faculties and 5 departments. We have a lot of laboratories which are equipped with up-to-date equipment and students can carry on lab work and conduct various experiments and do research work. Students come across a lot of cultural and sport events during their studying at college. Our college provides students with a full range of educational, leisure and social activities. As well as working hard for examination success, students can both contribute to their own personal development by taking part in the variety of extra-curricular activities: Athletics, Tennis, Swimming, Skiing, Computers, Dance, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Drama. For these events there are 2 large assembly halls, 2 libraries and computer classes.

Задание №3.  Постройте специальные вопросы на основе приведенных предложений в прошедшем совершенном времени

1. There had been a lot of mice in the house. 2. We had had a lot of sugar on the table before you came. 3. It had taken me about an hour to get to Greenford. 4. Before they went to the cinema they had had dinner at “Holiday Inn”. 5. When we got to the cinema, the film had already begun.6. Jane wanted to see something really good on a large screen after she had got fed up with that video of hers. 7. I had booked the seats before you called. 8. Jane had bought the tickets before the show began. 9. She had bought a video in the shop. 10. Jane had called the booking office before she went up and changed.

Задание №4. Страдательный залог. Прочтите предложения, переведите и подчеркните сказуемое:

1. The dress was made by Ann.

2. Nothing was said about our plan.

3. No questions will be asked.

4. The two sides of the river are connected by a bridge.

5. Is English taught at your college?

6. How was she dressed?

7. How many examples will be given?

8. Were such maps used a hundred years ago?


Задание №5. Переведите на английский язык, используя форму настоящего совершенного времени. 1. Я только что показал тебе дорогу к вокзалу.2. Я всегда хотел поехать за город. 3. Она добралась туда на такси.


Задание №1. Замените стоящие в приведенных предложениях управляющие глаголы на модальные глаголы, обращая внимание на указания, данные в скобках. Переведите полученные предложения:

1. We love to live in the city (должен). 2. I want to drive the car (могу, имею возможность). 3. You like to speak Russian (должен). 4. I need to go (мне разрешили). 5. They prefer to live in the house (могут, имеют возможность). 6. I want to have a house (должен).

Задание №2. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Мне нужна машина. 2.Ты можешь (Я тебе разрешаю) вести машину. 3. Ты должен идти.4. Ты можешь (тебе разрешено) прийти.

Задание №3. Health. Put the word-combinations into the columns:

We must We must not

Be healthy; smoke; wash hands; clean the house; eat too much; drink the alcohol; eat the snow; breathe in fresh air; go in for sport; eat fruit and vegetables; do morning exercises; eat too many sweets; go to bed late; keep our body clean; be sleepy; sleep eight hours; visit the doctor regularly; clean the teeth; feel fine; feel sick; have headache; have a bad cold; drink very cold water.

Задание №4. Повелительное наклонение. Переведите стихотворение.

To be healthy in your life,

Don’t forget to do all five,

Get up early, quick and bright,

Exercise with all your might.

In the morning jump and run,

Eat your breakfast you’ve done,

Train your body, train your brain,

And all bad habits pass away.

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