Отметьте те предложения, которые могут Вам понадобитьсся в разговоре о поступлении и учёбе в университете

    15. 1. Past Indefinite или Present Perfect?


1. I just (to enter) the University, so it is sometimes not easy for me to find the lecture hall I need.

2. My parents (to enter) the University many years ago so they had to pass entrance competitive exams.

3. He (to graduate) from a higher school in Moscow, not St. Petersburg.

4. They (to graduate) from the University this year and (not to find) jobs yet.

5. Last year he (to get) state grant and also (to work) part time.

6. We just (to get) our state grant so we are going to the cinema today in the evening.

7. Two years ago – in my first year at the University – I (not to miss) any lectures.

8. This month he already (to miss) 4 or 5 lectures!

9. We (to write) a test paper yesterday.

10. I (to write) the test paper – may I go now?


    16. 2 Present Continuous или Present Indefinite?

1. I usually (to get up) at 7 o’clock to have enough time for having breakfast.

2. May I call you back later? I cannot speak now – I (to get up).

3. Ivan bought a car. Tomorrow we (to go) to the University in his car!

4. I often (to get) to the University on foot.

5. From time to time we (to have) lunch together in our canteen.

6. We’re in the cafeteria and we (to have) our lunch.

7. He (to play) football in the University team every other day.

8. He is very sporty and cannot help going in for sport - at present he (to play) football in the University team and (to plan) to start playing tennis.

9. We (to write test papers) twice a month.

10. Next Friday we (to write) our semester test paper.


17. Просмотрите в РТ грамматический комментарий по теме «вопросы».

Cоставьте вопросы, чтобы заполнить пропуски в тексте «About Myself» в РТ.


Подготовьте рассказ о себе.


1. Выберите какой-нибудь символ по восточному календарю(например, в год которого родились Ваши родные, друзья или Вы) и прочитайте даты, на которые выпадает празднование Китайского Нового года:

Rat (Крыса): 19.02.1996, 07.02.2008, 25.01.2020

Ox (Бык) 07.02.1997, 26.01.2009, 12.02.2021

Tiger (Тигр) 28.01.1998, 14.02.2010, 01.02.2022

Rabbit (Кролик) 16.02.1999, 03.02.2011, 22.01.2023

Dragon (Дракон) 05.02.2000, 23.01.2012, 10.02.2024

Snake (Змея) 24.01.2001, 01.02.2013, 29.01.2025

Horse (Лошадь) 12.02.2002, 31.01.2014, 17.02.2026

Goat (Овца) 01.02.2003, 19.02.2015, 06.02.2027

Monkey (Обезьяна) 22.01.2004, 08.02.2016, 26.01.2028

Rooster (Петух) 09.02.2005, 28.01.2017, 13.02.2029

Dog (Собака) 29.01.2006, 16.02.2018, 03.02.2030

Pig(Свинья) 18.02.2007, 05.02.2019, 23.01.2031



2. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором:

07.01.2014, 14.02.2015, 08.03.2016, 13.03.2017, 12.04.2018, 09.05.2019, 01.06.2020, 31.07.2021, 22.08.2022, 25.08.2023, 27.09.2024, 05.10.2025, 10.11.2026, 15.11.2027, 22.11.2028, 04.12.2029, 25.12.2030, 31.12.2031.


3. Задайте следующие вопросы студенту из Великобритании и прослушайте его ответы. Запишите информацию, содержащуюся в ответах. Проверьте правильно ли Вы услышали ответы по РТ.

1. - What city are you from?

2. – How old are you?

3. – Are you a student?

4.  – What degree (степень) are you going to get?

5. – What does B.S.E. stand for (означчает)?

6. - Are you going to get Master’s degree?

7. – When are you graduating from the University?

8. – Are you a full time student?

9. - Do you work part-time?

10. – How many hours a week do you work?



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