III. Read the text and do the tasks following it

The Internet can be a dangerous place these days. Malicious software apps (“malware”), viruses, and phishing scams are growing in number and sophistication. Data breaches and identity theft are becoming commonplace.

Even among “reputable” sites, there are ever-multiplying ways that your personal data is being tracked, collected, and stored. The use of your personal data and the manner in which it is saved and secured can create real risks to your privacy and even to your finances. Being able to maintain your privacy on the Internet is becoming harder, but it’s never been more important.

Another key concern is confidentiality. For example, your email message should be seen only by your intended recipient. While the letter is in transit, however, a clever and possibly unscrupulous person or group could intercept or monitor your correspondence. To protect messages, some people use e-mail software products to scramble their letter's sensitive contents before mailing it. At the other end, the receiving party may need similar software for unscrambling the message.

Recently, much discussion has focused on the exchange of credit-card and other sensitive information for commercial use on the Internet. Although substantial innovations are expected to strengthen security, the noted American computer security analyst Dorothy Denning states: “Completely secure systems are not possible, but the risk can be reduced considerably, probably to a level commensurate with the value of the information stored on the systems and the threat posed by both hackers and insiders. Absolute security is not realizable in any computer system, whether connected to the Internet or not.”

IV. Comprehension Check.

Give the English equivalents.

Угроза, следить, вредоносное ПО, конфиденциальная информация, перехватывать, кража личных данных, значительный, фишинг-мошенничество, зашифровывать содержимое.

Read the text again to decide if the statements are true or false. Correct the false ones with the facts from the text.

1. Malware, viruses, and phishing scams can make the Internet a dangerous place.

2. Visiting “reputable” sites is completely safe.

3. The use of your personal data can create real risks to your privacy and finances.

4. A clever and possibly unscrupulous person or group could intercept or monitor your correspondence.

5. The receiver does not need any software to decipher scrambled letters.

6. Substantial innovations will provide absolute security for the users of the Internet.

Choose the correct answer.

1. What do you use a modem for?

a) to print a document

b) to play music

c) to send messages along a telephone line

2. What do you see when you want to look for sites on the World Wide Web?

a) a browser

b) a CD-ROM

c) a printer

3. What can you use the Internet for?

a) to delete a file from your computer

b) to help you find information and communicate with people

c) to make your computer work faster

V. Discuss the following with your groupmates.

Think of the ways of protecting your privacy on the Internet.


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