Self-correcting Exercises


Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. There is a garden near the house. 2. There are many newspapers on the desk. 3. There is some chalk in the box. 4. Is there anybody in the corridor? 5. There are no mistakes in your test. 6. There aren't many mistakes in your test. 7. There was a concert at the University last Sunday. 8. Will there be a concert next Sunday?   9. There won't be many exams in winter. 10. There is much information. 11. There is a point of view that... 12. There are many problems to solve. Около дома есть сад. На столе много газет. В ящике есть мел. В коридоре есть кто-нибудь? В вашей контрольной нет ошибок. В вашей контрольной не много ошибок. В прошлое воскресенье в университете был концерт. В следущее воскресенье будет концерт? Зимой не будет много экзаменов. Имеется (есть) много информации. Существует мнение, что … Есть много проблем, требующих решения.

Exercise 2. Make the sentences interrogative.

Model:   There is a picture on the wall.

Is there a picture on the wall?


1. There is a lift in the house. 2. There are a lot of bookshelves. 3. There is some bread on the plate. 4. There are a few cups on the table. 5. There is much furniture in the hall. 6. There was a nice picture on the wall. 7. There were many seminars last week. 8. There will be a lot of people at the conference. 9. There will be a telephone in my flat. Is there a lift in the house? Are there a lot of book-shelves? Is there any bread on the plate? Are there a few cups on the table? Is there much furniture in the hall? Was there a nice picture on the wall? Were there many seminars last week? Will there be a lot of people at the conference? Will there be a telephone in your flat?

Exercise 3. Make the sentences negative.

1. There is a pen in my hand. 2. There is some ink in the pen. 3. There is some bread at home. 4. There were old buildings in the city. 5. There will be a lot of fruit in our garden. 6. There will be a seminar next week. 7. There is some sugar in my coffee. 8. There will be a new stadium in a year. There is no pen in my hand. There is no ink in the pen. There is no bread at home. There were no old buildings in the city. There won't be a lot of fruit in our garden. There won't be a seminar next week. There isn't any sugar in my coffee. There won't be a new stadium in a year.

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