Self-correcting Exercises

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. In our country all people have the right to education. 2. He has much work to do. 3. We have not much time to get to the station. 4. I have got many books on this question. 5. The participants of the conference have just discussed this problem. 6. Have you any books on history?   7. Did you have a good rest on Sunday? 8. The teacher had to explain this grammar rule again. 9. He had his watch repaired. В нашей стране все люди имеют право на образование. У него много работы. У нас немного времени, чтобы добраться до вокзала. У меня много книг по этому вопросу.   Участники конференции только что обсудили эту проблему. У тебя есть какие-нибудь книги по истории? Вы хорошо отдохнули в воскресенье? Учителю пришлось объяснить это грамматическое правило еще раз.  Ему починили часы.

Exercise 2. Transform the sentences into the Past.

Model:   We have an English lesson today. (yesterday)

We had an English lesson yesterday.

1. They have a meeting today. (yesterday) 2. He has a lot of free time. (last week) 3. The students of our group have a scientific conference today. (yesterday) 4. We usually have our dinner in the canteen. (last year) 5. We have a dictation in English today. (two days ago) 6. They have to start this experiment now. (yesterday) They had a meeting yesterday.   He had a lot of free time last week. The students of our group had a scientific conference yesterday. We usually had our dinner in the canteen last year. We had a dictation in English two days ago. They had to start this experiment yesterday.

Exercise 3. Transform the sentences into the Future.

Model:   I have much work to do. (next week)

I shall have much work to do next week.

1. We have a good rest every Sunday. (next Sunday) 2. I have just finished my work. (by 5 o'clock) 3. We have plenty of fruit in our garden. (in autumn) 4. The students have a lecture in philosophy. (tomorrow) 5. We have to do this research today. (in a day) 6. The teacher has to explain this grammar rule again. (at the next lesson) We shall have a good rest next Sunday.   I shall have finished my work by 5 o'clock. We shall have plenty of fruit in our garden in autumn. The students will have a lecture in philosophy tomorrow. We shall have to do this research in a day. The teacher will have to explain this grammar rule again at the next lesson.

Exercise 4. Make the sentences negative.

Model A: I have many books at home.

I haven't any books at home.

I have no books at home.

1. He has many friends in Minsk.   2. She has three new dresses.   3. We have a lot of fruit in the refrigerator.   4. He has the right to do it.   He hasn't any friends in Minsk. He has no friends in Minsk. She hasn't any new dresses. She has no new dresses. We haven't any fruit in the refrigerator. We have no fruit in the refrigerator. He hasn't any right to do it. He has no right to do it.

Mоdel B: I have got a brother.

I haven't got a brother.

1. He has got a car. 2. My friend has got a new flat. 3. The pupil has got a dictionary. 4. They have got two sons. He hasn't got a car. My friend hasn't got a new flat. The pupil hasn't got a dictionary. They haven't got two sons.

Exercise 5. Make the sentences interrogative.


Model A: They have (got) a good library.

Have they (got) a good library?

1. We have many good friends abroad. 2. They have (got) a car. 3. She has many relatives. 4. Steve has many English books. Have you many good friends abroad? Have they (got) a car? Has she many relatives? Has Steve many English books?


Model B: They have (had) to start at 5.

Do (did) they have to start at 5?

1.I have to prepare for the lessons in the library. 2. Father had to agree. 3. She had to stay there for some more days. 4. She had to learn this rule. Do you have to prepare for your lessons in the library? Did father have to agree? Did she have to stay there for some more days? Did she have to learn this rule?


Model C: They have (had) dinner at 3 o'clock. (When?)

When do (did) they have dinner?

1. They had a lecture yesterday. (When?) 2. We have an English lesson today. (What?) 3. I usually have supper at home. (Where?) 4. The students have much work to do. (Who?) Where do you usually have supper?   What lesson do you have today?   Where do you usually have supper?   Who has much work to do?



Self-training Exercises


Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Has Great Britain a lot of industrial cities? 2. Have you got any books by foreign writers? 3. Do you always have light supper? 4. Have you a great influence on your friends? 5. Where do you have dinner after classes? 6. Do you have to rewrite this exercise? 7. Did you have to learn the poem for today?

Exercise 2. Make the sentences negative.

1. He has many books on history in his library. 2. He had learnt to speak English by the end of the year. 3. He has a lot of relatives in Kiev. 4. I often have a headache in the evening. 5. We have received some letters from you of late. 6. I shall have much work to do next week.

Exercise 3. Make the sentences interrogative.

1. We have some questions to ask you. 2. We have just discussed this problem. 3. Father has got a lot of technical books in his study. 4. Our students have dinner in the canteen. 5. He had finished reading the book by last Sunday. 6. The students have to work hard. 7. He has to finish his experiment in 2 hours. 8. You will have to stay here for 10 days.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the sentences with the verb "to have".

1. I'm awfully hungry. I didn't have any dinner. 2. They haven't paid for the tickets yet. 3. I have to complete this work today, because I shall have no time for it tomorrow. 4. She had to look up the words in the dictionary. 5. I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been? 6. The delegation has already arrived. 7. She has no relatives in Minsk. 8. You have no right to do it.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. У меня много друзей среди студентов университета. 2. У моей сестры много свободного времени. 3. У него есть интересная коллекция марок. 4. Ему приходится встречать свою младшую сестру после школы. 5. Мы вынуждены были прервать нашу работу. 6. Ты когда-нибудь слышал что-либо подобное? 7. Химия и физика стали ведущими науками в наше время. 8. Некоторые страны достигли больших успехов в развития сельского хозяйства.



Тема: Структура предложения

Exercise 1

1. the stadium – subject, was – predicate

Около моего дома был стадион.

2. swimming in cold water – subject, is not very pleasant – predicate

Купание в холодной воде не очень приятно.

3. to rebuild the city after the war – subject, was one of the hardest tasks – predicate

Перестроить город после войны было одной из сложнейших задач.

4. nobody – subject, visited – predicate

В прошлом году ее никто не посетил.

5. actor – subject, played – predicate

Известный актер сыграл главную роль в этом фильме.

6. it – subject, is raining – predicate

Сейчас идет дождь.

7. it – subject, was necessary – predicate

Было необходимо купить билет в оба конца.

8. one – subject, mustn't be late – predicate

Нельзя опаздывать на уроки.

9. three of the students – subject, got – predicate

Трое из студентов получили "отлично".

10. who – subject, has told – predicate

Кто сказал тебе это?

11. the young – subject, ought to respect – predicate

Молодые должны уважать старых.

12. the wallet – subject, is mine - predicate

Этот кошелек мой.

13. the test – subject, is not difficult – predicate

Тест – не очень трудный.

14. the weather – subject, seems to be changing – predicate

Погода, кажется, меняется.

15. he – subject, was seen – predicate

Видели, как он переходил улицу.

16. I – subject, am to take – predicate

Я должен сдать три экзамена этой зимой.

17. he – subject, is the manager – predicate

Он – менеджер этой компании.

18. she – subject, is known to be a doctor – predicate

Известно, что она – хороший доктор.

19. they – subject, are likely to arrive – predicate

Скорее всего, они приедут сегодня вечером.

20. there – subject, are – predicate

На этой улице расположено много магазинов.

Exercise 2

1. raining; Они не пойдут на улицу, если не перестанет дождь.

2. Они взобрались выше.

3. the book; Это единственная книга Толстого, которую он не прочитал.

4. Я живу в доме у моря.

5. me, to open the door; Он попросил меня открыть дверь.

6. to see if there was any news; Я звонил каждое утро, чтобы узнать, есть ли какие-нибудь новости.

7. Их поезд прибывает в 5.

8. to go to the cinema; Я слишком устала, чтобы идти в кино.

9. for you, to go; Тебе слишком поздно идти туда.

10. Ключи от коробки потерялись.

11. him; Каждый день его можно увидеть в баре.

Exercise 3

1. delivered – attribute

Я собираюсь читать доставленные газеты.

2. to be typed – attribute

Вот документ, который надо напечатать.

3. being discussed – attribute

Обсуждаемая проблема – очень важна.

4. this – attribute, with great interest – adverbial mod.

Я читал эту статью с огромным интересом.

5. this, tragic – attribute; at home, yesterday – adverbial mod.

 Вчера дома он рассказал мне об этом трагическом событии.

6. cinema – attribute; at the University, yesterday – adverbial mod.

Вчера в университете он предложил мне билет в кино.

7. business – attribute, often – adverbial mod.

Мы часто встречаем это выражение в деловом английском.

8. English, spare – attribute, in my time – adverbial mod.

Он выслал мне несколько книг на английском языке, чтобы я читал их в свободное время.

9. fresh, comfortable – attribute; sitting in chair - adverbial mod.

Она читала свежую газету, сидя в удобном кресле.

10. received – attribute, in the morning – adverbial mod.

Покажи мне полученную утром телеграмму.

Exercise 4

1. They have discussed the problem.

2. This student studies in our group.

3. The students will take examinations next June.

4. I am at the lesson now.

5. There are many laboratories at the University.

6. I go to the Academy at night o'clock every morning.

7. These factories produce furniture.

8. The 22nd of December is the shortest day of the year.

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