II. Evocation (Вызов)

Listening & Speaking

5. Group work. Reflect on the following questions about landscape architecture and share your ideas with the group:

1. What is landscape architecture and what does this profession deal with?

2. What does a landscape architect do?

3. What spheres of activity does the profession combine?


6. Group work. Report your ideas to the class in order to put them on the board.

7. Structure the received information in the form of the “cluster” (графическая организация материала, показывающая смысловые поля того или иного понятия):

8. Group work. Prepare a presentation about landscape architecture and deliver the presentation to the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. (See appendix 1, 6.)

III. Realization (Осмысление)


9. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:


staggering ошеломляющий, поразительный
to educate воспитывать, образовывать
interface граница раздела
human социальный, общественный
to respond реагировать, отзываться
to appreciate оценивать, высоко ценить
in stature умственно и морально
at the cutting edge на грани, дать начало
at the threshold на пороге

10. Read the text and find answers to the following questions:

1. What is landscape architecture?

2. What does it deal with?

3. What does a landscape architect do?

11. Read the text once again and make marginal marks (пометки на полях):

√ I knew it;

+ New information;

-   The information contradicts my knowledge (противоречит моим представлениям);

?  The information isn’t enough or understandable (непонятна или недостаточна).


12. Get ready to answer the following questions after reading the text:

1. What did you know about architecture before reading the text?

2. What information did you find new reading the text?

3. What information contradicts your knowledge?

4. What information isn’t enough or understandable for you?


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