Lecture 3. 1. Functional stylistics as stylistics section. Subject, tasks, basic concepts

Functional stylistics-one of the central directions of stylistics. It studies language functioning in different spheres and communication situations which correspond to different types of human activity (scientific, everyday and household, business, etc.). Extralinguistic factors are of special importance (the communication purposes, objects/subjects of the speech, etc.) the Basic concept is the concept of functional style. It is historically developed, socially conscious kind of the literary language, being characterized special selection and the special organization of the language means, caused by the purposes and problems of communication in this sphere of speech communication.

This phenomenon historical as each functional style is formed at a certain stage of development of the literary language and it is connected with this stage of development. This phenomenon social as style starts being formed when at society appears need for service by language means of this or that field of activity.

The most ancient style it is official style. In the 17th century it is formed as there is a centralized state round Moscow. In the 18th century scientific style in connection with Petrovsky reforms is formed. Development of functional styles are connected with changes of welfare living conditions of society and use of language by it.

Functional style one of the main signs of the literary language.

Literary language it is not fiction language.

The literary language — is historically developed kind of the public language, being characterized the rich lexical structure, the ordered grammatical structure and the developed system of styles. One of the main signs of the literary language — its existence of norms and codifyied (the description of norms in reference books, dictionaries).

In the linguistics style is usually considered as the phenomenon speech, but there is other point of view, according to that functional style the phenomenon language. It is right to unite both positions. Functional style is a realization in live speech communication of opportunities of language.

In language consciousness of the speaking there is an idea of rules of creations of functional style.

Each functional style isn't monolithic. It is possible to speak about a gist of style and its periphery.

Functional style is formed under the influence of basic extralinguistic factors, i.e. those phenomena of extra language reality under the influence of which there is a selection and the organization of language means; the speech gains the style lines.

• Communication sphere

- the everyday life

- the administrative and managerial [ˌmænəˈdʒɪərɪəl]

- the scientific

- the social-political

- esthetic (art sphere)

• Communication purpose

- reporting of information

- impact on the reader/listener

- etc.

Standard situation of communication (official/informal)

Secondary factors:

• Form of existence of the speech (Форма существования речи)

- the oral speech – is characterized by spontaneity [ˌspɔntəˈni:ɪtɪ], irreversibility (необратимостью), is directly connected with the time of pronouncing, more psychological, expresses a direct train of thought ( ход мыслей ), is quick, possesses (обладает) possibility of direct impact on the addressee, automatism of the speech, possibility of conscious selection of language units decreases, gives the chance to transfer information not only verbal means. It is mainly presented in the household sphere, but also it is realized in other spheres in the form of the public speech, in some genres of the scientific speech, in the political sphere – meetings, in some spheres of legal communication (the judicial speech).

- the written speech– is characterized by preliminary deliberation, readiness, logicality, connectivity, composite completeness gives the chance of the constant appeal to the text, its improvement.

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