Exercise 5. Найдите пять предложений, в которых содержится сложное подле­жащее

Найдите пять предложений, в которых содержится сложное подле­жащее. Переведите их на русский язык.

1. Do it like I do.

2. He is not likely to apologize.

3. The actual killer turned out to be her secretary.

4. His love turned to hate.

5. Ted was known to have a job in a large law firm.

6. The assistant knew himself to be more intelligent than his chief.

7. We expect their representative to contact us tomorrow.

8. The package was expected to be delivered the next day.

9. The boy was heard talking to himself in a whisper.

10. The neighbour heard them talking loudly.


Раскройте скобки, выбирая правильный вариант. Переведите пред­ложения на русский язык.

1. They (appear/ are appeared) to accept most of our terms.

2. The injured man (is said/ said) to be recovering well.

3. It (was turned out/ turned out) to be a very difficult trial.

4. The lawyer (is sure/ sure) to sign the contract with this firm.

5. The judge (seems/ is seemed) to have made some sort of judicial mistake.

6. The system of taxation (is unlike/ is unlikely) to change in the foreseeable future.

7. She (thought/ is thought) to have been smuggled out the country in the back of a lorry.

8. The motorbike (noticed/ was noticed) surrounded by teenage boys.

9. The assaulter (was seen/ saw) running away.

Оборот «Инфинитив с предлогом for»

Оборот «Инфинитив с предлогом for» (thefor-to-Infinitive Construction) вводится предлогом for и состоит из существитель­ного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже и инфи­нитива. Такой оборот может являться любым членом предложения и переводиться на русский язык придаточным предложением или существительным (местоимением) с инфинитивом:

It is necessary for him to get a visa.

Необходимо, чтобы он получил визу.

Ему необходимо получить визу.


Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитив с предлогом for.

1. For me to be your friend is impossible.

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