Word building

2. Say how the prefixes dis-, un-, in-, im- change the meaning of the words (a–h).

a) dislike ← like

b) disrespect ← respect

c) unskilled ← skilled

d) unsociable ←sociable

e) inexperienced ← experienced

f) inoccupation ← occupation

g) impolite ← polite

h) impersonal ← personal

Translate the derivatives; say to what part of speech they belong.

  1. event (n) – событие → eventful, eventless
  2. meaning (n) – значение; смысл → meaningful, meaningless
  3. use (n) – польза → useful, useless
  4. skill (n) – умение → skilled, skillful
  5. memory (n) – память → memorable
  6. move (v) – двигаться → movable
  7. polite (a) – вежливый → politeness
  8. rude (a) – грубый, невоспитанный → rudeness
  9. busy (a) – занятой → busyness
  10. able (a) – способный → ability
  11. mobile (a) – подвижный → mobility
  12. arrive (v) – прибывать → arrival
  13. refuse (v) – отказывать → refusal

Match the parts of speech (a–d) with the lists of typical suffixes (1–4).

a) verb 1 -able (-ible), -al, -ic, -ent, -ed, -ous, -ive, -ful, -less
b) adjective 2 -age, -er, -ing, -tion, -sion, -ence, -ance, -al, -ity, -ment, -ness
c) noun 3 -ee, -er (-or), -ist, -ian
d) noun (person) 4 -ate, -en, -ify, -ize (-ise)

Choose the corresponding English word.

1 опытный a) experience b) experienced c) inexperienced
2 умный a) intelligible b) intelligence c) intelligent
3 другой a) differ b) different c) difference
4 различный a) vary b) variety c) various
5 вежливость a) politely b) polite c) politeness
6 род занятий a) occupy b) occupation c) occupancy
7 заявление a) application b) apply c) applicant
8 способность a) able b) enable c) ability

Match the words of similar meaning.

1 clever a different
2 keen on b answer
3 various c smart
4 memorable d act or behave towards
5 treat e very interested in
6 response f well-known
7 famous g unforgettable

Match the words to their opposites.

1 early a single
2 easy b inexperienced
3 polite c late
4 different d forget
5 married e (the) same
6 experienced f rude/impolite
7 remember g difficult

Express the following in one word.

  polite, greeting, attitude, clever, experienced, skill, introduce

1 to tell someone’s name to a person or group of people, so that they meet formally

2 a form of words or an action used on meeting someone

3 having or showing good manners and consideration for other people

4 way of feeling, thinking or behaving

5 knowing a lot about life, people, etc.

6 good at learning and understanding things quickly

7 ability to do something well

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