
Brand presentation has two main aims. The first is to inform the consumer about the brand’s name, its purpose, its performance standards and how it can be used. Having appropriated a brand’s presentation, the advertiser should also show the brand’s price. The advertiser should do this in the way which will encourage the consumer to buy a new brand and look for it. The success of presentation depends on people’s taste and quality of the brand. The aim of the advertiser who organizes presentation is to develop a good taste of a consumer. If a consumer is already a constant user of the brand, the aim of presentation will be to make consumers do constant shopping.

The second aim of it is to carry out the first requirement of advertising in style and form and it should be noted that presentation helps the advertisers to develop a desired brand personality or brand image as it is sometimes called.

These two aims are closely connected but they are of different nature. This item should be appreciated. The first requirement to presentation is concerned with encouraging the consumer to test the brand. This part of presentation is paid off by a manufacturer of the brand and the second part is paid from budget by potential consumers. It is essential that a success of presentation is measured by a satisfactory number of consumers. The presentation works for improving quality of brands. Presentation helps the advertisers to promote brands to the consumers. When the consumer tries the brand you must be sure that the brand represents the best quality of the products and it will involve a repeating purchase. It is important to purchase the brand all the time.

Many creative skills of advertisers must be involved in making presentation and the way of improving of the brand’s image includes the explanation of purpose and performance characteristics of it. The brand’s competitive advantage can be appeared as a result of a highly skilled presentation. Soit is important to appreciate the highest level of creative skills of advertisers. You must remember that presentation will not serve to its main purpose without the key factors of advertising. It seems to be simple when all types of advertising are considered. Presentation plays a prominent role for improving the brand’s image at first stages of advertising company and then it is necessary to include different types of advertising. It should be taken into account.

The second aim of presentation is to use any attempts of advertisers to say about quality of the brand. Presentation of the brand means to convey a pleasant impression on people and further promotion of goods and cultural development of the people and the country.

According to the ‘right’ of a person to choose the best brand of different manufacturing, the advertiser must work out a very good presentation of the brand, using his creative skills for attracting consumers to popular goods. First of all the advertiser is to be sure that the main rights of people are observed and be careful about quality and price of goods. Sometimes personal feelings and impressions of consumers can work out a special presentation and this factor should be taken into account. A special research may help advertisers to follow this requirement but a final presentation of goods will be at a premium.

1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты для следующих словосочетаний:

показать цену товара (марки), польза товара, вдохновлять покупа-телей попробовать эту марку, первое требование, уходить в прошлое, повторная покупка, лучшая оценка, делать эту марку известной, характеристики производителей товара.

2. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

Major aims, the brand’s price, encourage consumers, to put to smbs value the products, skilled presentation to work, to be concerned with, at a premium, considerable skills, requirement, to ensure, to make an impression, the aim of improving the ways of presentation, of the best quality, according to the rights.

3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1) What are the main aims of the presentation?

2) How can presentation help to promote the brand?

3) What does brand’s image mean?

4) What is the first requirement of presentation concerned with?

5) What are the key factors of the presentation?

6) What does usually the advertiser do working out a presentation to promote a brand’s image?

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