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Displays are one-site methods of sales promotion. Products which are not normally considered to be impulse itemsare often sold through effective displays in the windows or on the sale floors. Displays enable the merchant to add some changes, personal interest and brightness to the standard layout and when it is well done, it will do its best to increase sales promotion.

Special event sales Special event sales are intended to promote sales and have become a well-established feature of themost business activities. The firm's anniversary, introduction of a new service for customers, the beginning of spring and the end of any seasons can be used as special occasionsto promote sales. Major holidays are ideal for sales promotion.

Manufacturer's aids may have any form of assistance provided by the manufacturer to small wholesalers and retailers for promotion sales. These aids may have any form of national advertising of the products i nvolved,including trained personnel who will demonstrate a product such as cookware, providing attractive windows and floor displays or giving monetary contributions to advertising.

There are four basic steps for successful sales promotion which may be summarized as follows: 1. Gainingthe prospective customer's attention and interest, 2. Creating desire to buy products and overcoming different objections, 3. Presenting various solutions on improving sales promotion, 4. Closing the sale.

Sales promotion campaigns are usually built around a central idea. The campaign may last a day, a week, or even several months. It may be seasonal or associated with any business anniversary, a new product, or the introduction of a new service.

When advertising theme is chosen, the campaign must carefully plan its work. It may be done as follows a basic promotion idea or philosophy must be developed, promotion objectives should be drawn up, various elements of the campaign - advertising, display and public relations should be studied, responsibilities should be assigned to employees. The timetable of activities should bescheduled; individual promotions should be reviewed after the campaign would have finished its work.

Public relations. A firm's public relations determine its image or popular reputation in general community. The nature of public relations is reflected in the community's attitude and goodwill toward the firm. Good public relations are cumulative. It is the responsibility of every person associated with the firm to establish good relations. Every step of the firm's representatives is intended to improve image of the firm.

Customer services must be a part of public relations. Here it is important to refer to psychology as a science which helps to understand people. Each nation has its own peculiar character which distinguishes it from others. But the peoples of the world have more points in which they are all like each other than points in which they are different. One type of person that is common in every country is that every always tries to do as little as he can and to get as much in return as he can. The opposite is the man who can do as much and who is ready to accept what is offered in return. Both these types are usually unconscious of their character. The man who avoids effort is always talking about his rights. He appears to think that society owes him a pleasant, easy life. The man who is always doing more than he talks of duties, he feels that the individual is in debt to society. All these features should be taken into account when you appeal to people in advertising.

Every sales promotion methods reflect a convictionthat the customer is the most important part of any successful business. As a future specialist you must think about people, you must respect their inner world and try to do your best to attract their attention to the advertised goods.

1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты для следующих словосочетаний:

эффективный показ, добавить изменения, придать яркость, увели­чить продажи, годовщина фирмы, добавление новых услуг потребителю, особые случаи продвижения товаров, любая форма помощи, форма нацио­нальной рекламы, выстраиваться вокруг центральной цепи, введение но­вых услуг, изучение общественного мнения, продолжить увеличение до­ходов.

2. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

a timetable of activities, personal selling, a thorough knowledge, human psychology, introduction of new services assigned rules a company image, the circle gets smaller, seek choices, valued customer services, efficient accounting procedures, ultimate result, to attract new customers, to be in debt to society, to appeal to customers, reflect conviction.

3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1) What is a display? Speak about its aim.

2) What do you know about special event sales?

3) What is the form of national advertising?

4) Does personal promotion mean much for the country?

5) How many steps in making sales promotion do you know?

6) How long does an advertising campaign last?

4. Закончите следующие предложения:

1) Special event sales can be used as special occasions…

2) Manufacturer’s aids are any form of assistance…

3) These aids may take the form of…

4) Personal selling is the activities of the individual sales person who…

5) When a central theme is chosen, the campaign…

6) The program of activities should be scheduled … by using.

7) Customer relations build sales independently and…

8) Satisfied, happy customers are…

5. Переведите следующие предложения:

1) Наше окончательное мнение повлияло на выбор товара.

1) Нашей компании необходимо преодолеть финансовые трудности.

2) Необходимо новое вложение денег в широкую национальную рекламную компанию.

3) Новые рекомендации по хранению этих товаров были предложены менеджером по рекламе.

4) Запятнанную репутацию трудно восстановить.

5) Назначение этих товаров очень широко в домашнем хозяйстве.

6) Увеличение продаж – наша главная цель.

7) Социальные распродажи по случаю юбилея нашей компании повысили общий уровень продаж нашей компании.

8) Приближая нашу рекламную компанию к потребителю, мы повышаем имидж торговой марки.

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