The US Law


1. island possessions – островные владения

2. to define the division between something – определить деление на

3. to claim independence – требовать независимость

4. to shift – сдвигать, перемещать

5. to retain substantial legal authority – сохранить существенные правовые полномочия

6. to outline the general structure – определить общую структуру

7. to lack something – здесь: быть в недостатке

It is a type of common law, which is the basis of the legal system of the United States and that of its island possessions in the Caribbean and the Pacific. This legal system has several layers, more than in most other countries, and defined the division between federal and state law. The United States was founded not as one nation but as a union of 13 colonies, each claiming independence from the British Crown. The US Constitution, implemented in 1789, began shifting power away from the states and toward the federal government, though the states today retain substantial legal authority.

US law draws its authority from four sources: constitutional law, statutory law, administrative regulations, and case law.

Constitutional law is based on the US Constitution and serves as the supreme federal law. Taken together with those of the state constitutions, these documents outline the general structure of the federal and state governments and provide the rules and limits of power.

US statutory law is legislation enacted by the US Congress and is codified in the United States Code. The 50 state legislatures have similar authority to enact state statutes.

Administrative law is the authority delegated to federal and state executive agencies.

Case law, also referred to as common law, covers areas where constitutional or statutory law is lacking. Case law is a collection of judicial decisions, customs, and general principles that began in England centuries ago, that were adopted in America at the time of the Revolution, and that continue to develop today.

6. Сравните английскую, американскую и российскую правовые системы.


The Comparative Law


1. comparative law – сравнительное право

2. applicability of laws – применимость законов

3. world trade – мировая торговля

4. intergovernmental organization – межправительственная организация

5. to simplify rules – упростить правила

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