Verbs used in instructions

1. bend down - нагнитесь, наклонитесь
2. Cure up - «свернитесь», лежа на спине, обхватите колени и прижмите их к груди
3. Follow my fingertip with your eyes - следуйте взглядом за кончиками моих пальцев
4. Keep your knee straight - колени не сгибайте
5. Lie on your side/back - ляжь на бок/спину
6. Look straight ahead/ look at something - смотрите прямо/посмотрите на что-нибудь
7. Open your month - откройте рот
8. Put out your tongue - высуньте (выпячите) язык изо рта
9. Roll over - перевернитесь
10. Roll on your back/front - повернитесь на бок/лицом в пол
11. Slide your hand down your side - опусти ладонь по боку вниз (нагинаясь при этом на бок)
12. Stand straight/facing the wall - станьте прямо/лицом к стене
13. tilt your head back - закиньте голову назад
14. Touch your shoulder with your chin - коснитесь плеча подбородком
15. Turn your head to the left - поверните голову налево
16. Turn on your side - повернитесь на бок (лежа)
17. Pull/push as hard as you can - тяните/толкайте так сильно, как можете

Exercise 2

Complete the radiographer’s instructions. Look at the words below to help you

Please stand… this board. Put your hands on the back of your hips and your elbows forward. I’ll help you. … your elbows… Keep … In a moment I’ll ask you to… a deep breath in and hold it. Breathe in … That’s it. You can breathe out now. Thank you. I’ll need to check the film. Now I’m going to take a side view. Can you stand… with your right side close to the machine and your arms raised?


facing, push, still, out, sideways (боком), hold, take

Exercise 3

Complete the text describing a typical working day for doctor N. Look at words below to help you

Work begins around 8.00 am. I check for new (1)… on the computer and prepare for my morning appointments. Between 9.00 and 12.00 I see new (2)… in the hospital. I carry out assessments (оценка, определение) of (3) … and decide what the appropriate (подходящая) form of (4) … is. I work with broken (5)…, (6) …, joint replacement (протезы) and ligament repairs. I deal with A&E (accident and emergency) patient as well as patient (7)… to me by their GPs (General Practitioner – врач общей практики) or specialists. After lunch I see (8) … patients. Their therapy includes exercises to increase range (степень) motion and to strengthen mucles. What do I like about being a (9) …? Getting people back to normal lives after an injury or an operation. _____________________

referrals, therapy, regular (постоянные), them, legs, arms, patients, referred, physiotherapist.

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