Future Future in the Past

“I will see you later,” he said. He said he would see me later.

Он сказал: «Увидимся позже». Он сказал, что они увидятся позже.

При переводе прямой речи в косвенную необходимо соблюдать ряд правил:

1. Личные и притяжательные местоимения меняются по смыслу, как и в русском языке.

Mary said: “Peter has taken my Mary said that Peter had taken her

dictionary.” dictionary.

Мария сказала: «Петр взял мой Мария сказала, что Петр взял ее

словарь». словарь.

2. Модальные глаголы обычно употребляются в прошедшем времени.

Сan – could must – have to may - might

She said: “I can’ t swim”. She said that she couldn’t swim.

She said: “Take an umbrella. It may rain”. She told me to take an umbrella because

it might rain.

3. Указательные местоимения и наречия места и времени в косвенной речи меняются

Прямая речь today, tonight now yesterday last night/ week/ month/ year tomorrow next week/ month/ year ago this /these here “I’m having a party tonight,” he said “He arrived last week,” she said “I saw him two years ago,” Tom said “This is my friend Joe,” he said. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Kate said. Косвенная речь that day, that night then the day before the previous night/ week/ month/ year the next day, the following day the next (the following) week, year before that / those there He said he was having a party that night. She said he had arrived the previous week. Tom said he had seen him two years before. He said that was his friend Joe. Kate said she would see me the following day.


Для передачи сообщений в косвенной речи наиболее часто употребляются глаголы say и tell. Say обычно употребляется, когда нет указания на лицо, которому делается сообщение, если же в сообщении указано, к кому обращена речь, то употребляется tell.

Перед прямой речью употребляется только глагол say.

Say - сказать что-то.

Tell - сказать кому-то что-то.

Прямая речь: She said to me, “I am very tired.”

Косвенная речь: She said that she was very tired.

She told me that she was very tired.

Упр. 70. Вставьте глаголы say или tell.

1. What did he __ tell __ you to do?

2. Lena __________ that the banks were closed on Sundays.

3. Have you ___________ him news?

4. The policeman ____________ that the man was lying.

5. Susan ___________, “Let’s go out for dinner tonight.”

6. Jim ____________ me about the party last night.

7. Out teacher _____________ he was pleased with our work.

8. Could you please _____________ me your name?

9. Did Sam ___________ anything about me?

10. Stop _____________ lies!

11. “I haven’t got enough money,” he ___________ to Jim.

12. I didn’t ____________ the teacher why I was late.

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