Task 4. Mark the statements T (True) or F (False)

  1. Business crimes are often easy to detect.
  2. White-collar crimes include only criminal acts committed by professional people during their holidays.
  3. Business crimes involve upright, law-abiding citizens.
  4. Embezzlement occurs when a person illegally appropriates property entrusted to him or her.
  5. Larceny is the wrongful taking of another’s property.
  6. Embezzlement doesn’t usually carry greater penalties than larceny.
  7. Bribery of private person is not a crime.

Task 5. Find the terms to the definitions in the box below:

  1. when someone secretly steals money from the organization they work for, it is ….
  2. when someone wrongfully appropriates property entreated to him, it is ….
  3. dishonestly giving money to someone in order to persuade him to do something that will help to you is ….
  4. people who respect and obey the law are ….
  5. a situation where someone gets money by deceiving someone else is ….
  6. the practice of getting money from someone or making him or her do what you want by threatening is ….

Blackmail, larceny, bribery, embezzlement, white-collar crime, law-abiding.


Share your view with your group mates

1. Corruption exists and probably always will.

2. Is it possible to do anything to stop computer crime?

3. White-collar crime is the crime where women seem to be flocking. Why?

Tax Law.


raising money - сбор денег
the tax revenues - налоговые сборы
to be levied - облагаться
to favour - способствуют, благоприятствуют
estates and trusts - имущество и имущество по доверенности
to shift - перекладывать
a share - акции
other assets - другие активы
heirs - наследники
a donor - налогоплательщик
productivity - продуктивность
equity - равенство
elasticity - гибкость
to generate the revenue - собирать налоги с дохода
expenses - расходы, траты
burden - бремя
a consumer - потребитель
decline - упадок
a recession - спад
to encourage - поощрять, воодушевлять, поддерживать


Text 1.

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