Задание №6 Найдите в английском тексте транскрипции древнегреческих имен и

определите их русские соответствия. Сопоставьте английский и русский варианты этих имен и прокомментируйте различия. Какие исторические комментарии могут понадобиться для понимания текста?

When Schliemann read Homer’s description of Agamemnon and was told that the buckler strap had been decorated with a figure of a three-headed snake, he accepted all this a gospel truth. The chariots, weapons and household articles portrayed in detail by Homer were for him part and parcel of ancient Greece. Were all these heroes- Achilles and Patroclus, Hector and Eneas - and this pageant of friendship, hate, love, and high adventure, nothing but mere invention? Schliemann did not think so; to his mind such people and such scenes had actually existed. He was conscious that all Greek antiquity, including the great historians Herodotus and Thukidides, had accepted the Trojan War as an actual event, and its famous names as historical personages.

Задание №7 переведите интервью


- Вас не беспокоит, что с кем-то в разговоре Вы скажете одно в интервью-другое, и люди сложат все вместе и догадаются, о чем будет следующая книга?

-Mostly, people have put together something I've said, something they'd like to think I'd said, and something that someone else has said which was completely false, and drawn completely the wrong conclusions. That just happens. No one yet has guessed what’s going to happen or come anywhere close.

-Вам не надоело, что Вас постоянно спрашивают, откуда появился Гарри?

- Yes. I get frustrated with myself because you'd think by now I'd have an intelligent or amusing answer to that question, but no I haven’t found one yet! The truth is, I do not know where he came from - he walked into my head, fully formed, a scrawny little boy, and I knew he was a wizard and I knew he didn’t know he was a wizard and I worked backwards from there. I felt incredible upsurge of excitement about writing the story.

-Говорят, что Ваша первая книга просто пришла к Вам в готовом виде.t-No, Harry came to me. Hogwarts came to me, not in its entirety but many of the characters did come in a kind of-

-Это было похоже на озарение?

-Yes, it really was. I had this four-hour train journey. It shouldn’t have been four hours, but the train was delayed. And harry was there in my mind. The inhabitants of the castle were there. Harry’s scar was there… It’s a very strange thing, but I know I’m not alone in this among writers. It was a though I was given a piece of information and I just had to find out the rest of the information. It wasn’t really as though I was inventing it. I was working backwards and forwards to see what must have happened.

- Вы как будто отдернули занавес, а за ним….

-But no, it didn't come to me all at once. They’re fairly complex plots at times, and it took a couple of years to work out the whole thing properly.

- Вы собираете идеи? Писатели постоянно что-то записывают и бормочут: прекрасная идея. Это и Ваш метод?

-Yeah. I actually had an idea this morning on the train as I got out of bed. Suddenly I thought, oh, that we could do it in Book Five. So yes, it’s wonderful when that happens, when it just comes to you.

- Некоторые говорят, что хорошие герои скучны, а злые всегда интереснее. Как в «Потерянном рае» Мильтона: Бог-зануда, а Дьявол - увлекательный персонаж.

- Well, Harry is good. I personally do not find Harry boring at all. He has his faults. Ron and Hermione are very good characters but no, I’m not bored by goodness.

scrawny-костлявый, тощий, сухопарый озарение- revelation, epiphany собирать идеи- to stash ideas

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