Scan the text again and make the list of the characteristic of PCs and portable computers

Characteristic Features

PC Portable computer
1. Monitor 1. Screen

Speak about computer revolution using the titles of each part of the text (1.11) and the information of Ex. 1.13.


The Internet

2.1 Read and remember new words:

attribute (n) ['ætribju:t] свойство, характерный признак

at random наугад, наобум, наудачу

authority (n) [ə: 'θorəti] источник информации

beyond (prep) [bi'jond] свыше, за пределами

cyberspace(n) ['saibəspeis] киберпространство

destroy (v) [di’stroi] разрушать

feedback (n) ['fi:dbæk] обратная связь, отдача

join (v) [dʒɔɪn] соединять

link (n) [liήk] связь, соединение

network (n) ['netwɜːk]сеть

nuclear (adj) ['nju:kliə] ядерный

satellite (n) ['sǽtəlait] спутник

share (v) [ʃeə] распределять

surf (v) [sɜːf] «путешествовать» по Интернету

2.2. Read and translate the following international words:

chat [tʃæt]

forum [ˈfɔ:rəm]

video [ˈvıdıəυ]

innovation [ˌınəˈveɪ∫n]

group [gru:p]

internet [ˈıntənet]

browser [ˈbraυzə]

gigabyte [ˈgigəbait]

site [sait]

design [d`zan]

2.3. Match the words / phrases to the definitions:

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