Vocabulary Notes. probation sentence приговор к пробации (условное осуждение, мера уголовно-правового характера, заключающаяся в установлении для осуждённого испытательного

probation sentence приговор к пробации (условное осуждение, мера уголовно-правового характера, заключающаяся в установлении для осуждённого испытательного срока, в течение которого осуждённый должен доказать своё исправление).

negligence небрежность; невнимательность, халатность

level of culpability степень виновности

gross negligence грубая небрежность

reasonable care разумная степень заботливости или осторожности

wanton disregard произвольное нарушение

Exercise 10. Write out words and phrases from the text that are necessary to speak about Customs penalties.

Exercise 11. Visit the official site of US CBP and read some news release dealing with Customs violations and penalties. In a one-minute talk, tell the class about what you’ve learnt.

Exercise 12. What kind of offence is implied in this passage? What is the common punishment for this kind of offence in your country? Can you give some recent examples of this infringement?

Protecting consumers from hazardous products is another way CBP stands guard over the flow of commerce. CBP officers partnered with CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) investigators in Seattle to seize various shipments of foreign-made children’s products containing excessive levels of lead; the unsafe imports included wearing apparel and necklaces, reindeer ornaments activity kits, magic coin tricks, and dart ball game sets. Another hazardous product targeted are toys intended for use by children under 3 years of age; two shipments totaling 4,000 cartons of plastic bath toys were seized as they posed a potential choking or ingestion hazard to America’s children.

Exercise 13. Use phrasal verbs from the box to paraphrase the following sentences as in example.

to put... off to build... up to buy... out to give... up to back... up to try... out to help... out to put... down to make... up to fill... out


The operator disconnected Paul. — The operator cut him off.

1) Before you buy it, you should use it and test it. — Before you buy it, __________.

2) He spent years developing and growing this business. — He spent years ________.

3) They want to purchase a majority share holding in the company. — They want to __________.

4) You should make extra copies of all your computer files. — You should _______.

5) Can you give me some assistance with this report? — Can you ___________ with this report?

6) Why do you always say negative things about Peter? — Why do you always ____?

7) Have you completed the form in bold print? — Have you _________ in bold print?

8) My New Year’s resolution was to stop smoking cigarettes. — My New Year’s resolution was to ___________.

9) I don’t believe her; she’s telling a story which isn’t true. — I don’t believe her; she’s ____________.

10) Do you know if the meeting is going to be postponed? — Do you know if the meeting is going to be ___________.

Exercise 14. You’re going to read the text about Customs' liability for the Internet purchases. Do you know how people violate the Customs rules while making purchases through the Internet?

Part III

It may happen that people find themselves faced with a notice or letter from Customs informing them that they have somehow violated the law. Usually, these people — often beginning entrepreneurs — are importing limited quantities of a product from overseas to make a quick buck or try their hand at a new business, and other times they are just individuals buying something for personal use.

These unsuspecting people get their goods seized by customs or get stuck with a demand to pay a penalty, for a host of customs violations, such as counterfeit/trademark infringement or incorrect country of origin marking.

The Internet has made it easy to find and purchase items from almost anywhere in the world. However, many people are discovering that getting a foreign-bought item successfully delivered to their country is much more complicated.

Customs has published guidance for internet purchases for the public at large that explains what the responsibilities are of a buyer purchasing from an online seller. The whole page is a must-read for anyone who is buying a product from overseas.

It does not matter whether you bought the item from an established business or from an individual selling items in an on-line auction. If merchandise, used or new, is imported into the United States, it must clear CBP and may be subject to the payment of duty as well as to whatever rules and regulations govern the importation of that particular product into the United States.

When you buy goods from foreign sources, you become the importer. And it is the importer who is responsible for assuring that the goods comply with a variety of both state and federal government import regulations. Importing goods that are unsafe, that fail to meet health code requirements, or that violate quota restrictions could end up costing you quite a bit of money in fines and penalties. At the very least, such goods would be detained, and possibly destroyed, by CBP.

Exercise 15. Look at the following expressions from the text: to make a quick buck; try their hand at a new business; the public at large; a must-read for anyone; end up costing you quite a bit of money.

Is their meaning clear? Use these expressions in sentences of your own and ask your fellow students to translate your examples.

Exercise 16. Grammar practice. Can you guess the meaning of the phrasal verbs in these sentences? Substitute them if possible and translate the sentences.

1. Customs will step up inspection of containers before they’re loaded aboard ship.

2. URA steps up fight against smuggling, calls for support…

3. Production at the Leeds plant has been stepped up.

4. I was taken in by her apparent shyness.

5. The meeting took up a whole morning.

6. The police tried to take over the rebel district.

7. The teacher told us off for being late.

8. I hope some good will come out of all this.

9. It's hard for others to come up to the very high standards she sets for herself.

10. His air of confidence came from his firm belief that he was the best candidate for the job.

11. His wife comes from a pretty rich family.

12. Interest rates have come down significantly in the last three years.

13. He was charged with manslaughter, but got off.

14. Look out! There's a car coming.

15. She comes over as quite naive.

Exercise 17. Watch some students’ presentations about common Customs violations. Prepare a short talk about some typical or unusual cases.

Exercise 18. Search the Internet to find out more about Customs’ law enforcement responsibility. Share what you discover with your classmates in the next lesson. See the list of Additional Resources.

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