Exercises. 1. You should check the pronunciation of key words


1. You should check the pronunciation of key words. Transcribe the words:

Physical, science, theoretical, laws, fluid, pressure, surface, phenomena, coalesce, frontier, analyze, weight, thrust, figured out, balloons, conquered, designers

2. Match the words from the texts (1-10) with the definitions (A-J):

  to move A one of the large flat parts that stick out from the side of a plane and help to keep it in the air
  propulsion B the way in which wind, air, or water can cause a moving object such as a car, plane, or boat to slow down
  balloon C to change from one place or position to another, or to make something do this
  resistance D the natural force that prevents one surface from sliding easily over another surface
  friction E a large bag of strong light cloth filled with gas or heated air so that it can float in the air. It has a basket hanging below it for people to stand in.
  shape F a light frame covered in coloured paper or plastic that you let fly in the air on the end of one or two long strings
  wing G the form that something has, for example round, square, triangular etc.
  kite H the force that drives a vehicle forward
  flow I the force or weight that is being put on to something
  pressure J a smooth steady movement of liquid, gas, or electricity

3. Match the words from the texts (1-5) with their synonyms (A-E):

  trial A to examine
  to coalesce B test
  to verify C tendency
  operation D to unite
  penchant E work

Explain in English and then translate the following words and expressions

Aeronauts remained at the mercy of the wind; to control the flight; invention; improvements; began to piece together the concept of force; the scientific method;

5. Find in the texts the English equivalents for the following expressions:

(1) движение воздуха, (2) силы, действующие на предметы, находящиеся в движении или в покое, (3) сопротивление воздуха, (4) давление на поверхности, (5) аэродинамические принципы полета, (6) подражая действиям птиц, (7) понимание полета, (8) понятие силы, (9) авиаконструкторы, (10) повысить безопасность самолетов, (11) создание новых идей, (12) наука воздухоплавания действительно начала развиваться, (13) физические явления, (14) практическое использование, (15) классификация и определение силы.

6. Complete the text with the words from the box

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