Exercises. 1* Translate the following words and word combinations or find Russian equivalents

1* Translate the following words and word combinations or find Russian equivalents.

1. to make delivery

2. wide range of goods

3. existing resources

4. necessary for survival

5. beyond what is needed for survival

6. to provide a service

7. to increase efficiency in the workplace

8. to take the risk

9. to start a new business

10. to introduce a new product

2*Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. In economic terms, a good is a physical object that can be purchased.

2. The need for making choices arises from the problem of scarcity.

3. Resources that can be used to produce goods and servic­es are called factors of production.

4. A natural resource is considered a factor of produc­tion only when it is used to produce goods and to pro­vide services.

5. Economists make an important distinction between capital goods and consumer goods.

6. Technological advances in the computer industry, for example, have increased efficiency in the workplace.

3*Fill the gaps in the sentences below with the words and expressions from the box. There are two expressions which you don't need to use.

producers, factors of production, human resource, technology, wants, service, capital resources, consumer goods, entrepreneur, economics

1. The study of the choices people make in a effort to sat­isfy their wants and needs is called______________.

2. A ___________ is an action or activity done for others for a fee.

3. The people who make the goods and provide services that satisfy consumers' wants and needs are called _____________.

4. __________are those goods or services that people con­sume beyond what is needed for survival.

5. Resources that can be used to produce goods and servic­es are called______________.

6. The money and capital goods that are used to produce consumer products are called______________.

7. The use of science to create new products or more effi­cient ways to produce products is called______________.

8. The ______________ is a person who attempts to start a new business or introduce a new product.

4* Find English equivalents for the following Russian expressions and words.

1. движущая сила производства

2. природные богатства

3. кадры

4. выживание

5. открыть новое дело/бизнес

6. за плату

7. товары народного потребления

8. средства производства

9. технический прогресс

10. внедрить новый продукт

5* Translate the following sentences.

1.Термин «продукт» часто используется для названия как товаров, так и услуг.

2. Экономисты обычно классифицируют товары и услуги, которые необходимы для выживания, как жиз­ненно необходимые.

3. Любое человеческое усилие, прилагаемое в произ­водственном процессе, рассматривается как людские резервы.

4. Цель предпринимательства - создать новый продукт или новые факторы производства и таким образом создать что-либо, имеющее ценность.

5. Поскольку посыльный использует велосипед для до­ставки, чтобы обеспечить услуги, велосипед рассмат­ривается как средство производства.

6. Дефицит существует потому, что потребности и же­лания людей больше, чем имеющиеся в наличии ре­сурсы для их удовлетворения.


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