Exercises. 1. Put the verb into the correct form

1. Put the verb into the correct form.

1. He definitely won’t pass the exam if he (work) harder. 2. If I had more time, I (help) you with your homework. 3.If they (play) a bit better, they could have won the match. 4. If I had gone to the party, I (see) Jane. 5. Water boils if you (heat) it to 1000 С. 6. If I (have) a chance to visit the United States, I would go to New York. 7. If you (mix) blue and yellow you get green. 8. If I were Prime Minister, I (reduce) taxes. 9. If I see Tom, I (ask) him to ring you. 10. If I (come) to the party, will you give me a lift. 11. If I receive the letter tomorrow, I (phone) you. 12. If I (be) you, I shouldn’t do it. 13. If you had written a letter, they (receive) it by now. 14. I advised you to buy it, but you didn’t. If you (follow) my advice, you (buy) it. 15. If they (take) a taxi, they wouldn’t have missed the train. 16. If she (ask) me, I would help her. 17. If the weather (be) fine, they’ll go to the country. 18. We’ll go out if it (not/rain). 19. If he were rich, he (buy) a car. 20. If I (know) English well, I would take this job.

2. Which of the sentences (a,b,c) has a similar meaning with the given sentence.

1. I wish you could come.

a) I want to come to your place.

b) It’s a pity you couldn’t come.

c) It’s a pity you can’t come.

2. I wish I hadn’t gone to the party.

a) I don’t want to go to the party.

b) I went to the party and now I regret (сожалею).

c) I didn’t go to the party and now I regret.

3. I wish I had gone to the party.

a) I want to go to the party.

b) I went to the party and now I regret.

c) I didn’t go to the party and now I regret.

4. If he had gone to University be would have found a well-paid job.

a) He didn’t go to University and be didn’t find a well-paid job.

b) He went to University and then found a well-paid job.

c) If you want to have a well-paid job, go to University.

5. He could concentrate if there wasn’t too much noise.

a) There wasn’t too much noise and he could concentrate.

b) There isn’t too much noise and he can concentrate.

c) There is too much noise and he can’t concentrate.

6. If the weather had been fine we would have had a good time.

a) The weather isn’t fine, so we don’t have a good time.

b) The weather wasn’t fine, so we didn’t have a good time.

c) The weather was fine and we had a good time.

3. Write sentences with “if”.

1. The weather was bad and I didn’t enjoy my holidays. If the weather…. 2. I don’t know her very well, so I can’t ask her for help. If I …. 3. He stole the money and went to prison. If he …. 4. I don’t speak English fluently, so I can’t apply for the job. If I ….

4. Which of the Russian sentences (a,b,c) translates the idea of the English ones.

1. I wish I were a film star.

a) Я хочу стать кинозвездой.

b) Как было бы хорошо, если бы я был кинозвездой.

c) Жаль, что я не был кинозвездой.

2. I wish I had told the police about that.

a) Жаль, что я рассказала об этом полиции.

b) Жаль, что я не рассказала об этом полиции.

c) Я хотела бы рассказать об этом полиции.

3. I wish I could afford a car.

a) Жаль, что я не могу позволить себе машину.

b) Я хотела бы купить машину.

c) Жаль, что я позволила себе купить машину.

4. I wish I hadn’t come too early.

a) Я хотела бы прийти очень рано.

b) Зря я пришла слишком рано.

c) Зря я не пришла пораньше.

5. Write sentences with “I wish”.

1. The lecture is very interesting but you have to go. – You say: I wish …. 2.You’ve taken up bungee jumping. Now you want to back out (отказаться). – You say: I wish … 3. You are at the party. You’re bored. – You say: I wish …. 4. You got up very early and now you feel sleepy. – You say: I wish …. 5. You didn’t like the film you saw at the cinema yesterday. – You say: I wish …. 6. It’s raining. You don’t have your umbrella with you. You say: I wish….


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