Master the active vocabulary. labeling –маркирование, нанесение маркировочных знаков, присваивание меток

labeling – маркирование, нанесение маркировочных знаков, присваивание меток

deterioration – ухудшение, порча, повреждение, изнашивание

voluntary – добровольный, бесплатный, неоплачиваемый, благотворительный

caterer – поставщик продуктов питания; фирма, обслуживающая крупные мероприятия

to enhance – увеличивать, усиливать, улучшать, повышать, расти в цене

to withdraw – отодвигать, отдёргивать, отнимать, забирать, отзывать

expiry – истечение срока действия

subsequent – более поздний, последующий, следующий

United Kingdom

Foodstuffs in the UK have one of two labels to indicate the nature of the deterioration of the product and any subsequent health issues. EHO Food Hygiene certification is required to prepare and distribute food. While there is no specified expiry date of such a qualification the changes in legislation it is suggested to update every five years.

Best before indicates a future date beyond which the food product may lose quality in terms of taste or texture amongst others, but does not imply any serious health problems if food is consumed beyond this date (within reasonable limits).

Use by indicates a legal date beyond which it is not permissible to sell a food product (usually one that deteriorates fairly rapidly after production) due to the potential serious nature of consumption of pathogens. Leeway is sometimes provided by producers in stating display until dates so that products are not at their limit of safe consumption on the actual date stated (this latter is voluntary and not subject to regulatory control). This allows for the variability in production, storage and display methods.

United States

With the exception of infant formula and baby foods which must be withdrawn by their expiration date, Federal law does not require expiration dates. For all other foods, except dairy products in some states, freshness dating is strictly voluntary on the part of manufacturers. In response to consumer demand, perishable foods are typically labeled with a Sell by date. It is up to the consumer to decide how long after the Sell by date a package is usable. Other common dating statements are Best if used by, Use-by date, Expiration date, Guaranteed fresh <date>, and Pack date.

Australia and New Zealand

Guide to Food Labeling and Other Information Requirements provides background information on the general labeling requirements in the Code. The information in this guide applies both to food for retail sale and to food for catering purposes. Foods for catering purposes mean those foods for use in restaurants, canteens, schools, caterers or self-catering institutions, where food is offered for immediate consumption. Labeling and information requirements in the new Code apply both to food sold or prepared for sale in Australia and New Zealand and food imported into Australia and New Zealand. Warning and Advisory Declarations, Ingredient Labeling, Date Marking, Nutrition Information Requirements, Legibility Requirements for Food Labels, Percentage Labeling, Information Requirements for Foods Exempt from Bearing a Label.

According to the UK's Waste & Resources Action Programme, 33% percent of all food produced is wasted along the chill chain or at the consumer. At the same time, a large number of people get sick every year due to spoiled food.

According to the UK minister Hilary Benn the use by date and sell by dates are old technologies that are outdated and should be replaced by other solutions or disposed of altogether.

There is a number of ways to enhance sell by and use by dates. These include better education of consumers on how to use, transport, and store fresh food products, but also by enhancing the use by and sell by dates by adding to the package smart indicators such as TTIs (Time Temperature Indicators). These show through a visible color change whether the product is still fresh. TTIs are already in use by retailers and food producers in France (Monoprix and Carrefour), Switzerland (Kneuss), and other countries in Western Europe.

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