Unit 1. Restaurant organization / Организация работы ресторана

1. Master words and word combinations:

request guidance - запрос

a front of the house manager – администратор

floor manager – дежурный администратор

an executive chef – шеф- повар

resource acquisition – получение ресурса

middleware software – программное обеспечение средней сложности

responsibility – ответственность

a shift leader – начальник смены

payroll paperwork – оформление документации, оформление кадров

2. Read and translate the following text into Russian:

Restaurants are structured to have checks and balances in an organized chain of command. The business belongs to the owners and they will make all major restaurant decisions. They hire a general manager and an executive chef to control the day to day operations. A front of the house manager stays on the floor and keeps communication directly with the general manager. Shift leaders are chosen by the front of the house managers for their leadership qualities and experience.


Corporate or local owners are ultimately in control of the restaurant. They are the ones who stand to make or lose the most due to the success or failure of the restaurant. The owners usually are responsible for hiring the general manager and may also choose the executive chef. There is an expectation ownership's policy information will be passed all the way down the chain of restaurant command.

General Manager

The general manager is responsible for the day-to day-decision-making of the restaurant. They are responsible for scheduling and payroll paperwork as well as sales accounting and money counting. The general manager does most of the restaurant's hiring and firing. The general manager must also stay in regular contact with ownership to both relay information and request guidance. General managers often work the most hours in the restaurant because they are key holders that work from open to close.

Executive Chef

An executive chef is the manager of the entire kitchen. They are responsible for the products coming into the kitchen from vendors and suppliers. Executive chefs report directly to the general manager about inventory and ordering. The executive chef is also responsible for all the meals that leave the kitchen. Executive chefs are usually consulted in the interview process for all kitchen help. They take responsibility for all the decisions made in the kitchen regarding everything from quality control to nightly specials.

Front of the House

The front of the house manager is an important tier in the restaurant chain of command. The term "front of the house" refers to not only the dining area but all parts of the restaurant excluding the kitchen. The job of the front of the house manager is to assist the general manager and the executive chef in customer relations and managing front of the house employees. They are charged with choosing and monitoring the performance of shift leaders. They are also responsible for the appearance of the staff and the restaurant.

Shift Leaders

Shift leaders are the last level of management in restaurants. These are usually the people in each front of the house station with the most experience. A shift leader is usually chosen for host station, bar, busing station and among the servers. Their job is to handle small problems and decisions that need to be made through the course of service. They should stay in regular contact with the floor manager for customer problems and employee disputes.

Simple Organizational Structure

The simple organizational structure is a flat structure consisting of two levels: the workers and the owner-manager. The business owner-manager is typically a general supervisor who plays an active role in each function of the business, from sales to accounting. The owner's wide span of control reflects a centralized decision authority whereby the owner makes the majority of the business decisions. In turn, the owner relies on the company's informal relationships, rather than formal communications or policies or procedures, to communicate his decisions to employees. As manager, the owner also takes actions that directly support his business decisions. For example, the owner-manager motivates the staff, works with employees to improve their performance and promotes or demotes individuals. The simple structure requires that informal business relationships and individual business scenarios -- rather than formal policies or procedures -- govern the actions of employees.

Functional Organizational Structure

Company growth often makes it necessary for an owner-manager to delegate some business responsibilities to others. As a result, a functional organizational structure might evolve, which reflects the authority granted to individual managers to oversee particular business functions. For example, the functional structure might organize a business according to the production, marketing and finance functions. With the addition of a management level to the organization's structure, the owner-manager begins to decentralize decision-making to managers of individual functional areas, each of whom reports directly to the owner or corporate staff. The individual employees, who perform function-specific activities, report to the functional managers. Because of the functional orientation, employees and leadership become functional specialists. In turn, the delegation of authority allows the owner-manager to limit his direct involvement in business functions and to focus his energies on customer and supplier relationships and the development and implementation of a formal business strategy. Policies and procedures are developed to facilitate communication and methodically govern employee's actions.

Product Organizational Structure

The product organizational structure is an alternative to the functional structure for the owner-manager who wishes to delegate authority and responsibilities. The product structure allows the owner-manager to assign decision-making responsibilities to product managers. In this case, a product manager directs the employees who perform the functions and activities required to produce and sell a particular product or product line. As a result, the manager develops an expertise in the business functions that support a particular product line, such as resource acquisition, production and marketing.

Organization Charts

The organization chart illustrates the organizational structure adopted by a company. For example, a functional chart arranges an organization according to the roles of individual leaders, such as general manager, marketing manager and production manager. In turn, a product chart assembles the organization by product line, such as application, database or middleware software. The lines that connect each of the chart elements indicate who reports to whom and what leader is responsible for what functional area or product line.

3. Get ready with 5 questions upon the text to define what the most important position in a restaurant.

4. Use the following words and word combinations in the sentences of your own:

an organized chain of command, the success of the restaurant, responsible for scheduling and payroll paperwork, responsibility for all the decisions made in the kitchen, responsible for the appearance of the staff, stay in regular contact with the floor manager, delegate some business responsibilities to others.

5. Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary of the unit.

Прежде всего, в ресторане есть несколько групп работников, которые объединены по своим функциям:

· владелец ресторана, он же часто выступает генеральным директором

· бухгалтерия

· управляющий или заместитель генерального директора

· администраторы или менеджеры

· кухонные работники

· работники сервиса

· технический персонал

· работники склада и охраны, однако, в небольших заведениях эта категория сотрудников может отсутствовать

Эти группы работников выступают как звенья одной цепи. Часто случается, что если одна категория работников функционирует неправильно, то по принципу домино «сыпется» вся структура кафе, что приводит к его развалу. Каждый сотрудник должен четко знать свои обязанности, а также своего непосредственного начальника, чтобы выполнять его инструкции.

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