Find the relevant information in the texts to answer these questions. 1. What does the construction technique of a bridge superstructure depend on?

1. What does the construction technique of a bridge superstructure depend on?

2. What construction technique is suitable for single beam spans?

3. Which construction technique is suitable for long continuous bridge spans?

4. Which construction technique is suitable for multi-span superstructures?

5. When do the workers use a falsework?

6. What technology do the builders use for producing concrete beams?

7. What is a launching nose?

8. What are the disadvantages of incremental launching method?

9. What fashions of cantilevering are suitable for bridging most inaccessible natural barriers?

10. What are the advantages of cast-in-place cantilevering?

11. What is a closure segment?

  1. What is the conventional method of constructing arches?

Describe superstructure construction methods using the following word combinations

1. Balanced concrete casting, Cast-in-place cantilevering навесное бетонирование
2. Balanced cantilever construction, Erection without scaffolding уравновешенный навесной монтаж моста без подмостей
3. Casting bed стенд для изготовления сборных бетонных конструкций
4. Casting yard завод (площадка) железобетонных изделий
5. Closure segment замковый блок
6. Cure выдерживать, пропаривать (бетонные блоки)
7. Diagonal rod раскос фермы
8. Diagonal brace диагональная связь
9. Erection by floating into position сборка на плаву
10. Erection by launching, Incremental launching надвижной монтаж (моста), продольная надвижка
11. Falsework подмости
12. Gusset фасонка
13. Haunched beam балка с вутами
14. Launching nose, false nose аванбек
15. Launching truss монтажная кран-ферма
16. Panel point узел фермы
17. Patch plate накладка
18. Plate girder, I-beam составная двутавровая балка со сплошной стенкой
19. Progressive Placement Method односторонний навесной монтаж
20. Single beam однопролетная балка
21. Stub «корневой» блок
22. Tie стойка решетки фермы

Unit 15


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