Exercises on the text. Ex. 1. Answer the following questions

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions.

1. What kept Curtis busy at the lab? 2. Why was it so difficult for him to make up his mind about recommending Johnson for promotion? 3. What was wrong with Johnson in Curtis's opinion? 4. What reasons did Curtis have to doubt Johnson's sense of responsibility? 5. What made Curtis come to the conclusion that the risk might after all be worth taking? 6. What did Johnson think were the reasons for the delay in his promotion? 7. What brought Johnson to the lab? 8. What was the lab like inside? 9. Why was Johnson beside himself with nervous excitement? 10. What accounted for the aggressiveness of Jonhson's mood? 11. Was Johnson right in his suspicions about Curtis's role in delaying his promotion? 12. What actually set off the argument? 13. Why wouldn't Curtis show Johnson the write-up? 14. How did Johnson get hold of the form? 15. How did it happen that the form, crushed into a ball, came to rest beside the coffin? 16. Why was it dangerous to be near the coffin? 17. Why didn't the coffin offer adequate protection against radiation? 18. Why did Curtis call Health Physics at once? 19. What made Curtis suddenly think of Johnson's wife and kids? 20. How would Health Physics establish the exact amount of radia­tion Johnson had exposed himself to? 21. Whose fault was it actually that Johnson lost his job? 22. Knowing Johnson for what he was, did Curtis do right in not showing him the write-up? 23. Would the acci­dent have occurred if Curtis had shown Johnson the write-up imme­diately on his request?

Ex 2. Find in the text the English for:

a) 1. неприятный инцидент; 2. использовать свободное время; 3. пройти собеседование; 4. дать слово кому-л; 5. хорошо проявить себя; 6. сказать что-л с полной ответственностью; 7. не придержи­ваться режима; 8. поймать (с поличным); 9. «подложить свинью»; 10. справедливости ради; 11. склоняться к мысли; 12. дать плохую характеристику; 13. вбить себе в голову; 14. дать объективную оцен­ку проделанной работе; 15. выразить личное мнение; 16. определить по выражению глаз; 17. бросаться в глаза; 18. держаться подальше от чего-л; 19. испортить чьи-либо шансы; 20. справедливая оценка; 21. выйти из себя; 22. смять в комок; 23. не сводить глаз с чьего-л лица; 24. лацкан пиджака

b) 1. проводить наблюдение; 2. проверка; 3. лаборатория для ис­следования высокоактивных веществ; 4. подвергнуться облучению; 5. дистанционное управление; 6. защитная одежда; 7. чистый свинец; 8. поглощать радиацию; 9. урановый стержень; 10. атомный реактор; 11. расщепление (атомного ядра); 12. превратиться в плутоний и продукты распада; 13. ставить опыт; 14. кассета; 15. свинцовая плас­тинка; 16. проявить пленку; 17. определить дозу облучения.

Ex. 3, Give the four forms of the following verbs:

pay, keep, catch, find, stop, admit, think, permit, mean, fly, handle, wear, sweep, lie, push, draw, need, slip, deal, deny, feed, lie (лежать), fall, occur, dare.

Ex. 4. Begin or complete each sentence with "there is (was) no+gerund", translate the sentences into Russian.

M o d e l: (to mistake)..., it was his fault.

There is no mistaking it was his fault.

1. (to tell)... how it all would have ended. 2. (to get away)... from the fact that he is seriously ill. 3. (to know)... what he will" do next. 4. Now he will talk for hours,... (to stop him). 5. She was right,... (to argue about it). 6. It was a hard blow,... (to get over it). 7. He is an expert in art,... (to deny it). 8. She seems to like this combination of colours,... (to account) for tastes.

Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences according to the model.

M o d e l: 1) "... the longer the slug has been in the pile the more active it is likelv to be when it comes out."

2) The more he reads, the better he will know the subject.

1. Чем меньше он будет волноваться, тем скорее поправится. 2. Чем больше ребенок находится на воздухе, тем лучше для его здо­ровья. 3. Чем скорее вы поймете это, тем лучше. 4. Чем дешевле вещь, тем скорее она изнашивается. 5. Чем скорее он признает свою ошиб­ку, тем лучше будет для него. 6. Чем больше старания, тем лучше результат.

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