At a Cafeteria

Blake: What will you have?

Ann: I’d rather have a cup of tea.

B: No dessert?

A: No, thanks. I’ve had my dinner already. And now I’d like a cup of tea.

B: Strong or weak tea for you?

A: I’d rather have a cup of good Russian tea, if you don’t mind.

B: What do you call Russian tea?

A: It’s tea with lemon. They serve it in glasses, not in cups. And very

often they serve such glasses of tea in glass-holders.

B: Russian tea with lemon. English tea with milk. How very interesting.

The more we live, the less we know.

A: Don’t be so pessimistic.

B: I’m not pessimistic. I’m being realistic.

Exercise 1. Find in the dialogs synonyms to the following words and word combinations:

I guess; negotiations; to look over; two weeks; do you want...?; rarely; tasty; very hungry; it goes nicely with; soft cheese; collaboration; to be satisfied with; profitable; to go out of a restaurant; I'm starving; to begin; what does it consist of?

Exercise 2. Find in the dialogs antonyms to the following words and word combinations:

to finish; strong tea; to exclude; large; if you have objections; rarely; optimistic; near; to go out; put on; little (adv.); easy; often; to be fed up; to start; to be displeased; non-profitable; to come; upstairs.

Exercise 3. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

После переговоров; пообедать; оставить пальто и шляпу в гардеробе; зарезервировать столик в ресторане; принять заказ; Что в меню сегодня?; мне трудно сделать выбор; в меню большой выбор блюд; традиционное английское блюдо; что касается меня; я очень голоден; бутылка красного (белого) вина; а как насчет сыра?; предолжить тост за; быть довольным; подписать контракт; взаимовыгодное сотрудничество; заплатить по счету; выйти из ресторана; кусок вареного мяса; вареное вкрутую яйцо; сидеть на диете; девиз; крепкий чай; слабый чай; если Вы не возражаете; Чем мы больше живем, тем меньше мы знаем.; пессимист; реалист.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

1.Where did Mr. Johnson invite Kuznetsov after the talks?

2. What restaurant did they go to?

3. Was the restaurant far from the office?

4. Where did they leave their hats and coats?

5. Who led them to the table?

6.Had Mr. Johnson reserved the table?

7.What did the waiter come up to them for?

8.What did the waiter put on the table?

9. Why didn’t Kuznetsov know much about English meals?

10. How long had Kuznetsov been staying in London?

11. Why was it difficult for Kuznetsov to make his choice?

12. Was there a large choice of dishes on the menu?

13. Why wouldn’t Kuznetsov like mushroom soup?

14. What traditional English dish did Mr. Johnson recommend to order?

15. What did Mr. Johnson order for the first course?

16. What did he order for the second course?

17. What alcohol did they order?

18. Why did they order red wine?

19. What did they finish with?

20. What did they choose for dessert?

21. What did Mr. Johnson ask the waiter to bring them?

22. What did Mr. Johnson propose a toast to?

23. Was he pleased with the contract they had signed?

24. Who paid the restaurant bill?

25. Where did Steve and Jane have their meal?

26. What did they have as an appetizer?

27. What would Steve like to order for himself?

28. What did Jane order for herself?

29. Why did Jane have only vegetables, fruit and coffee?

30. How long had she been on a slimming diet?

31. What did her diet include?

32. What foodstuffs was she prohibited to eat?

33. What was Jane’s motto?

34. What did Ann want to have at a cafeteria?

35. Was Ann going to have dessert?

36.Why did Ann want only a cup of coffee?

37. What tea did she prefer to have?

38. What is Russian tea?

39. In what way do they serve Russian tea?

40. What does a glass-holder serve for?

41. In what way do they serve English tea?

42. Is Russian tea served with lemon?

43. Do the serve English tea with lemon?

44. What English proverb is used in Dialog 3?

Exercise 5. Read the following dialogs and learned them by heart:

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