Упражнения Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения с герундием

1. Stimulating the somatotropic hormone upon growth can be partly correlated with its acceleration of metabolism. 2. Certain researchers believe that the hypophysectomized animal differs essentially from the normal in that it has lost the power of converting fateto carbohydrates. 3. In acromegaly and gigantism X-ray pictures re9e&fLa^fening the pituitary fossa of the sphenoid bone. 4. The thyroidectomy is removing the thyroid gland. 5. Thyroxine and the somatotropic pituitary hormone

154 ♦ Learning to Understand a Medical Text '. * u ^) -^


are regarded as basic metabolic hormones necessary for maintaining general nutritive conditions.

Упражнение 2. Найдите ing-формы в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения.

1. Thyrotropic hormone is of considerable importance not only in regulating the thyroid secretion but in accounting for many metabolic effects. 2. Related injections of extracts containing ketogenic hormones cause fat infiltrations of liver, reduction in fat of other tissues and keto-sis. 3. The stimulating action of the somatotropic hormone upon growth can be partly correlated with its acceleration of metabolism. 4. Injecting hormones into normal young animals results in animals of large size and precocious sexual development. 5. Acromegaly and gigantism produce overgrowing of bones and there may be an actual lengthening of the spinal column.

Упражнение З. Отработайте чтение следующих слов.

nerve [na:v], touch [UtJ], actually ['aektjuali], area ['еэпэ], ether П:6э], anesthetics [,aenis'0etiks], novocaine ['nouvokem], yawning [p:nir)]

Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания.

1. to react upon each other, reaction power, the reaction of eye to the light, Wasserman reaction, reaction of sensibility; 2. to feel one's pulse, to feel like doing smth, to feel tired, to feel fine, a feeling of danger; 3. to treat with penicillin, surgical treatment, treatment by exercises, to try many treatments for pneumonia, to be under treatment

Упражнение 5. Просмотрите текст А и сравните по содержанию обе части текста.

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