Упражнения. Упражнение 1.Прочтите и переведите следующий текст

Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите следующий текст. Найдите пред-ножения, где употребляются 1 и II формы причастий.

Patients with diseases requiring very large numbers of blood transfu­sions are presumably exposed to hepatitis repeatedly and might be ex­pected to possess antibody against the hepatitis virus(es) or its products. When employing sera from such repeatedly transfused individuals as antisera, Blumberg et al. found an antigen in the serum of an Australian aborigine which has become known as the Australia antigen. On the basis of population studies it was originally proposed that the Australia antigen was another example of a genetically determined human trait. Recently, however, the association of the Australia antigen with viral hepatitis has been appreciated, and it now appears that the observations reported on the occurrence of this factor can be explained on an infec-lious basis. Using similar methods, Prince has reported the finding of an antigen in patients with serum-hepatitis (S.H. antigen), it being absent in patients with infectious hepatitis.

As previously mentioned, it seems likely that the Australia antigen and the S.H. antigen are related, but uncertainty exists as to whether I hey are immunologically identical or only similar.

196 О' Learning to Understand a Medical Text

We have detected a specific antigen in a high percentage (80%) of patients with both forms of viral hepatitis. Patients studied were from the wards and clinics of the Presbyterian, Francis Delafield, and Har­lem Hospitals of New York City. Clinical diagnoses were established on the basis of history, physical findings, and laboratory values, routine laboratory tests being performed in the clinical laboratories of the re­spective hospitals by standard techniques.

Упражнение 2. Прочтите и переведите данные слова. Запомните их значение.

severe, anorexia, variable, albumin, calculus (pi. calculi) radiopaque, thigh, spontaneously, descent, morphine

Упражнение З. Прочтите и переведите данные однокоренные слова.

1. ultimate, ultimately; 2. thigh, thigh-bone; 3. sign, to sign, signal, signature, sign-board; 4. to incise, incised, incision, incisive

Упражнение 4. Просмотрите текст А. Передайте основное содержание текста.

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