Homeopathic remedies are made from natural animal, vegetable or mineral sources

Homeopathic medicines are not used to treat any particular organ of the body. Side effects such as tissue destruction do not occur in home­opathy treatments.

Health Care in the USA ♦ 259


Interviewer. We have some questions dealing with homeopathy. The questions were sent to the National Center for Homeopathy in Washing­ton. We invited Dr. Karl Robinson to answer our listeners' questions. Now I'll introduce Dr. K. Robinson to you...

And now, Dr. Robinson, would you answer the first question of our listeners: What is homeopathy?

Dr. R.:

Interviewer. Is homeopathy a scientific system of medicine or is it based more on the intuition of the practitioner?

Dr. R.:

Interviewer. What are homeopathic remedies made from?

Dr. R.:

Interviewer. Do homeopathic medicines cause side effects?

Dr. R.:

Interviewer: Dr Robinson, thanks very much for your answers. With this we will end our program. Good-bye.

Упражнение 10. а) Прослушайте (прочитайте) фрагмент беседы профес­сора Андерсона со студентами Медицинского колледжа университета штата Огайо. Скажите, какие вопросы были затронуты во время этой беседы. б) Прочитайте текст выступления профессора Андерсона и найдите анг­лийские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

Здоровье нации; общественное здоровье; личные/индивидуальные привычки; оказывать огромное воздействие; профилактическая медицина; здоровый образ жизни; главная цель; умеренная физическая нагрузка; поддерживать вес; иметь избыточный вес; курильщики; выбор образа/стиля жизни.

This is what professor Anderson said about the effect of life style and personal habits on the standards of health of a nation: «There is per­haps no more important principle in the field of public health than the realization that life style and personal habits have a great effect on the standards of health of a nation. The promotion of preventive medicine through a healthy life style is a major goal of the Federal Bureau of Health Education. Billions of dollars could be saved if the following lifelong habits were established in the US population.

Eat three meals a day at regular time; avoid snacks.

Eat breakfast every day.

Engage in moderate exercise at least three times a week.

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