Active words and word combinations. good-looking красивый, миловидный

good-looking красивый, миловидный

slim стройный

experienced опытный, квалифицированный, со стажем

broad-shouldered широкоплечий

to play the guitar играть на гитаре

to repair чинить, исправлять

to be handy with smth уметь делать что- либо, быть

искусным в чем- либо

to take to pieces разбирать на части

to managed суметь, справиться, ухитриться

wheels and screws колесики и винтики

to fix чинить, исправлять

vacuum cleaner пылесос

washing machine стиральная машина

fridge холодильник

and what not и так далее, и тому подобное

in pieces разобранный на части

to have much in common иметь много общего

views on smth взгляды на…

horror film фильм ужасов

“soap opera” “мыльная опера”, многосерийная мелодрама

to be fond of smth увлекаться чем- либо

to go in for smth заниматься чем- либо

opinion мнение

upbringing воспитание

to take care of smb заботиться о ком- либо

she is good at cooking она хорошо готовит

she is clever with her hands у нее умелые руки

to tidy убирать, приводить в порядок

pensioner пенсионер

to run the house вести хозяйство

to knit вязать

accountant бухгалтер

scientist ученый

twins близнецы

nursery school детский сад

cosmonaut космонавт

to take after быть похожим, пойти (в кого-либо из родителей)

fair-haired светловолосый

even-tempered уравновешенный

to be in a good mood быть в хорошем настроении

to be deeply attached to smb быть сильно привязанным к кому-либо

to get on well быть в хороших отношениях, ладить друг с другом

Упражнения на первичное закрепление

лексического материала

I. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What’s name of the main hero? How old is he?

2. Is his family large? How many are there in the family?

3. What are his parents? Where do they work?

4. How looks his mother and father? Describe them.

5. Who does he look like? Why?

6. What are his parents fond of?

7. How long have his parents been married? Do they have much in common?

8. Has he got a grandmother? If he has, what does she do?

9. Where does his sister work? Does Helen have her own family?

10. What does the hero want to become? What does he want to learn?

11. Have this family got a lot of relatives? Are they get on well?

II. Определите верно ли утверждение. Если нет, то исправьте его:

1. My family isn’t large.

2. My father is also handy with many things.

3. My mother is an accountant and my sister is a teacher of biology.

4. My mother cooks very good.

5. I always help my mother to run the house.

6. My father is interested in sports.

7. My grandmother works with me.

8. My sister has two sons and they are schoolboys.

9. I have a brother. His name is Boris.

10. Boris is a doctor.

III. Переведите следующие слова и выражения:

a) To have much in common; to tell a few words about smth; to know all about smth; once; repairman; a long time ago; to have different views on smth; education; hard-working; to keep house; practical; to become.

b) Работать в колледже; любить свою профессию; иметь свободное время; старый; кухонные часы; случаться; почти все; несколько полок; мыть посуду; ходить по магазинам; быть замужем/женатым; мечтать стать космонавтом; учить иностранные языки.

IV. Вставьте пропущенные слова и комбинации:

1. Alex’s family is________.

2. Alex’s mother likes her __________.

3. Alex’s mother is good-looking woman with ___________and_________.

4. Alex’s father works as __________.

5. Alex’s father is ________, _______man with fair hair and grey eyes.

6. When Alex and his father have free time, they __________________together.

7. ____________have been married for twenty-six years. They are ____________people.

8. Alex’s grandmother is___________. She is fond of______.

9. Alex’s sister Helen is married and has______________.

10. Helen works as _____________.

11. Helen and her husband have got ______: a daughter and a son.

12. Alex’s brother Boris is a__________.

13. Alex likes to learn_________________.

14. Alex’s family have got a lot of_________. They _____________to each other.

V. Прочитайте и переведите диалог:

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