Контрольная работа № 2. I. Translate into English

I. Translate into English.

1. Когда мы разместим заказ у фирмы, мы предоставим транспортные средства.

2. С кем на днях вы будете подписывать контракт?

3. После того как я зарегистрировался в отеле, администратор дал мне ключи от номера.

4. Наши товары всегда пользуются большим спросом.

5. Вы уже выяснили детали контракта с фирмой «Brown & Co»?

6. Никто не знал, когда фирма закончит строительство завода.

7. Давайте уточним детали!

8. Ваши цены менее привлекательные, чем цены фирмы «Brown and Co»

9. Я должен изучить английский, чтобы вести переговоры на этом языке.

10. Как долго вы торгуете с этой фирмой? Мы на днях приняли их первый заказ.

11. Когда они отгрузят оставшиеся товары?

12. Сколько времени вам надо, чтобы получить инструкции у менеджера фирмы «Brown and Co».

13. Фирма решила разместить заказ тремя партиями по 10 компьютеров в каждой.

14. Секретарь поинтересовалась, готовы ли товары к срочной отгрузке.

1. When we will placed an order with the company, we will provide vehicles.

2. With whom will you be signing the contract the other day?

3. After I checked into the hotel, the administrator had gave me the room keys.

4. Our products are always in great demand.

5. Have you already figured out the details of the contract with the company «Brown & Co»?

6. No one knew when the company completes the construction of the plant.

7. Let's clarify the details!

8. Your prices less attractive than the price of the company «Brown and Co»

9. I’ll have to learn English, to negotiate in that language.

10. How long have you been trading with this company? We had taken their first order the other day.

11. When they will have shiped the remaining products?

12. How long do you need to receive instructions from the manager of the company «Brown and Co».

13. The company has decided to place an order three parties on 10 computers in each.

14. The Secretary asked are the goods ready for immediate shipment.

II. Supply correct tenses.

1. We can offer 50 tools for immediate shipment next month.

2. I’ll leave Moscow next week.

3. If you take part deliveries, we will deliver the goods urgently next week.

4. The other day we had signed a contract with «Crown & Co» and one of these days we signed another one.

5. I don’t know if the company guarantee the delivery of the goods without delay in the nearest future.

6. The company could gave a discount last year but now they have a problems.

7. Не said that they will provide shipping facilities next month.

8. We don’t deliver the goods to our customers yet.

III. Supply the prepositions if necessary.

1. We can discuss this matter in detail.

2. At monday Mr. Smith contacted with the Russian Trade Delegation.

3. Mr. Brown is speaking on another line.

4. This shop is under construction. That’s why we can’t ship the balance … the goods … four months.

5. We are always heavy … orders … this price.

6. What kind … goods does your firm deal …?

7. We phone … the Hilton hotel to reserve a room … advance.

8. I’ll have to agree … this discount because we require the goods urgently.

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