Рекомендуемая организация занятия по умениям

I Receptive skills Academic reading: (Skimming) Summary completion Multiple choice Answering the questions to the text Productive skills Speaking IELTS task 3 Speak about robots and the world in the future II Receptive skills Academic listening Notes completion Section 1 Productive skills Academic writing IELTS task 1 Describing a pie chart

Тема 6

Fruits and seeds

Вопросы для обсуждения

· Describe the life cycle of a plant.

· Describe a park that you like.

· Describe something you have grown.

· Do you think it is important to have conservation schemes to protect the environment?

o In what ways can people safeguard the countryside?

o Do you think the landscapes in countries around the world will be destroyed or protected in the future? Give reasons and examples.

v Is environmental concern a modern issue? What changes in society affect environmental concern? Give examples.


Языковой репертуар

Topical Vocabulary: describing a life cycle and the parts of a plant, describing sequences

Грамматика: transitive and intransitive verbs

Templates: the park I’d like to describe is, I lake going there because it is (an escape from work), in a garden on a small plot of land/in a window box, gave me great pleasure/helped me relax, I think… is important/crucial/vital/essential/necessary, because…, If we don’t do anything, One way is to, another possibility is to


Речевой репертуар

Active Vocabulary (for writing/speaking):

Describing park you like/a plant you have grown; describe pencil production

Типы используемых текстов для чтения и аудирования


· энциклопедическая статья о выращивании граната

· схема процесса

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