Условия платежа (Terms of Payment)

1 Переведите и запомните выражения, касающиеся условий оплаты.

1) Our conditions / terms of payment are as follows.

2) Payment should be made ….

3) Are you able to offer /allow discount?

4) We do not give credit.

5) Enclosed is our invoice amounting to ….

6) We are pleased to confirm receipt of ….

7) We enclose a credit note for the sum of ….

8) Enclosed is our invoice amounting to ….

9) We would be grateful if you would forward your remittance in settlement of the enclosed invoice.

10) Could you grant us a preferential rate for this bulk order?

2 Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских выражений.

cheque обменный курс

bank transfer квартальный/ежемесячный платеж

cash in advance аванс наличными

inclusive of tax без учета налога

exclusive of tax сумма к выплате

VAT (value added tax) беспошлинный

tax free, duty free с учетом налога

cash on delivery расчет при выдаче заказа

exchange rate банковский перевод

amount due чек

made payable to наложенный платеж

quarterly/monthly payment аккредитив

cash with order подлежащий оплате

letter of credit налог на добавленную стоимость

3 Прочтите следующее письмо. Найдите в нем фразы, касающиеся условий платежа. Переведите их на русский язык.

Dear Mr. Stewart,

We refer to your recent enquiry regarding our conditions of payment. Our terms are 30 days net, but we can allow you two months’ credit for subsequent orders.

Payment should be made by irrevocable Letter of Credit or order cheque.

We look forward to receiving your initial order.

4 Дополните текст подходящими фразами.

Our usual 1_____ are 60 days 2_______. We can 3_____ you 1 month’s further 4______ for repeat 5________. Payment 6______ by bank transfer.

1 payment 4 invoice

terms of payment cash in advance

cheque credit

2 net 5 orders

due supply

of demand

3 provide 6 made payable to

allow should be made

give must be done

5 Прочтите часть контракта, в которой описываются условия оплаты. Найдите в нем эквиваленты следующих русских выражений:

изменение, страховой полис, плата за простой, счет-фактура, валютный курс, в размере, осуществлять платеж, аккредитив, отгрузка, использование, мертвый фрахт, возмещать (деньги).

6 Переведите текст на русский язык.

Payment for the goods sold under the present contract is to be effected out of irrevocable confirmed Letter of Credit to be opened by Buyers in the Bank for Foreign Trade of Russia, Moscow, in favour of Sellers for the value of each lot of the goods to be shipped plus 5 %. The Letter of Credit to be valid 60 days.

The Letter of Credit to be opened not later than 10 days before the agreed time for shipment of each lot of the goods. Expenses in connection with the opening, amendment and utilization of the Letter of Credit to be paid by Buyers.

Should Buyers fail to open the Letter of credit in time, they are to pay Sellers a fine for each day of delay, but not more than for 20 days, at the rate of 0,1 per cent of the amount of the Letter of Credit and in that case Sellers shall have the right not to load the tanker until the Letter of Credit has been opened. Should the delay in the opening of the Letter of Credit exceed 20 days, Sellers have the right to refuse to deliver the goods which were to be paid for out of this Letter of Credit. And in all the above cases demurrage and dead freight paid by Sellers in connection with the delay in the opening of the letter of Credit is to be made against presentation by Sellers to the Bank for Foreign Trade of Russia in Moscow of the following documents:

Commercial invoice

Insurance Policy.

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