
The start-up of the national atomic industry was directly related to medical biological issues to provide occupational safety.

The author sums up this 50 year route of joint efforts, which was foreseen by the medical doctor participated and witnessed in many events. The general principles of the organization of medical biological facilities in the whole industry and in specific enterprises including mines, reactors, nuclear material production for peaceful and military purposes, nuclear test sites, and atomic power production are consequently explained. The experience of medical assistance in case of large radiation accidents is enlighten.

The cohort observation results are added by individualized information regarding leaders of atomic project, research activities in the country and abroad, as well as some international organization works.

Lessons are formulated for future, basing upon the unique experience of the industry and its medical assistance.

The book is presumed for the wide kinds of readers including technologists and medical professionals involved in issues of radiation effects in human health.

The book is addressed to pioneers and participants of the actual and complex task of the nationwide importance. Their selfless efforts have unified the work of a number of teams and left examples of high responsibility for the fate of the duty attributed by the country to the future generations.

ISBN 5-900080-23-4

© A. Guskova, 2004

Наш век пройдет. Откроются архивы.

И все, что было скрыто до сих пор,

Все тайные истории извивы

Покажут миру славу и позор.

Богов иных тогда померкнут лики

И обнажится всякая беда,

Но то, что было истинно великим,

Останется великим навсегда.

Н. Тихонов


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