The participle I

Функция Способ перевода Пример
Левое определение (без зависимых слов) Действительное причастие настоящего или прошедшего времени (с суффиксами –ущ, ющ, ащ,ящ, вш) a receiving station принимающая станция, a transmitting antenna передающая антенна
Правое определение (с зависимыми словами) Причастным оборотом или придаточным определительным предложением) The engineer testing the new device is very experienced. Инженер, испытывающий (который испытывает) новый прибор, очень опытный.
Обстоятельство (может использоваться с союзами when, while, if) Деепричастие, обстоятельственное придаточное предложение, существительное с предлогом “при”. (When) testing this device the engineer made some improvements. Испытывая этот прибор, инженер сделал некоторые усовершенствования. (при испытании; когда испытывал)


I. Прочтите предложения, определив функцию герундия, и пере­ведите предложения:

1. Increasing the number of power stations in our country means improving living standards of the Soviet people.

2. Testing a new receiver for the application inthis system was the prime task of the laboratory.

3. The new means of improvingradio communication hasbeen discovered by our engineers.

4. Iron and zinc plates are used for producing negative elec­trodes since these materials produce a high charge.

5. Important results on the ionization were obtained by measuring those particles.

6. In designing electronic computers we have passed from valves to transistors.

7. The transistors are successfully used for transforming heat energy into electrical energy by means of thermal elements.

8. Without increasing the temperature of metals it is impos­sible to increase their resistance.

9. Radiation is usually detected by measuring the amount of ionization.

10. After investigating many materials engineers selected aluminium for constructing this device.

11. By raising the cathode temperature we increase the num­ber of emitted electrons.

12. Without testing the equipment it is impossible to use it in the experiment.

13. We can increase the current strength by decreasing the resistance of the circuit.

14. The main task of this engineer is testing the equipment.

15. The students began conducting experiments on energy transmission over long distances.

II. Прочтите предложения, определив функцию причастия I, и пе­реведите предложения:

1. Testing the engine the engineer applied new methods.

2. X-rays are produced when matter is bombarded by a fast moving stream of negatively charged particles.

3. While working at this new device, the inventor made nu­merous improvements.

4. When working in the laboratory, the engineer obtained very important data for his future investigation.

5. Materials having a very high resistance are called insulators.

6. Conductors are materials having a low resistance, so that current easily passes through them.

7. All gases being poor conductors of electricity can be used as insulators.

8. When conducting a series of experiments for the improvement of space communication, scientists discovered some new phenomena.


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