
Упражнение 1. Сравните образование и употребление видовременных форм глаголов действительного и страдательного залогов. Предложения переведите:

The Active Voice   1) They usually close the shop at 8. 2) They closed the shop at 8 yesterday. 3) They will close the shop at 8 tomorrow. 4) The students are translatingthe text now. 5) The students were translatingthe text the whole lesson yesterday. 6) The students will be translatingthe text the whole lesson tomorrow. 7) We have just writtenthe test. 8) We had writtenthe test before the bell rang. 9) We shall have writtenthe test before the bell rings.   The Passive Voice   1) The shop is usually closed at 8.   2) The shop was closed at 8.   3) The shop will be closedat 8tomorrow. 4) The text is being translat­edby the students now.   5) The text was being translatedby the students the whole lesson yesterday. 6) The text will be translated by the students the whole lesson tomorrow. 7) The test hasjust been written(by us). 8) The test had been written before the bell rang. 9) The test will have been written before the bell rings.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, выбрав необходи­мую форму глагола страдательного залога:

1. Статья была переведена вчера. (is translated, was translated, had been translated)

2. Когда я пришел, статья переводилась студентами. ( was translated, was being translated, were being translated )

3. Статья уже была пере ведена, когда я пришел.(had been translated, has been translated, had translated)

4. Статью будут переводить завтра на уроке. (will be translated, will have been translated, is being translated)

Упражнение 3. Образуйте формы инфинитива стpадательного залога по модели:

Образец: to do — to be done

to show — to be shown

to bring, to translate, to send, to offer, to make, to speak, to tell, to say, to build, to use, to advise, to break, to give, to take, to find, to see, to do, to join, to visit, to clean, to understand, to meet, to plant, to write, to read, to pay, to finish, to return.

Упражнение 4. Употребите следующие предложения во всех формах страдательного залога. Выберите соответствующий инди­катор времени из числа приведенных ниже:

1. Dinner is cooked by mother. 2. This problem is discussed by the students. 3. A new grammar rule is explained by the teacher. 4. The poem is learnt by the pupils. 5. A beautiful piece of music is played by the pianist. 6. The suit is made by a tailor.


always, usually, often, in 1985, yesterday, the day before yesterday, at 5 o'clock yesterday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week, next Monday, at 5 o’clock tomorrow, now, at this moment, during the break, when I came in, when he comes in, just, today, this year, next year, last week, by five o'clock, by the time of our arrival, before his parents came, before Christmas, by the end of the month.

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя пассивную конструкцию:

1. Рассказ этот обсудили на заседании литературного кружка. 2. Его воспитала сестра, так как мать его умерла через несколько минут после его рождения. 3. Не беспокойся, ему помогут в работе. 4. В нашем районе строятся три новые школы. 5. Меня познакомили с этой ученицей в прошлом году. 6. Когда я вернусь домой, все мои чемоданы будут уже уложены. 7. На какой учебник вы ссылаетесь? 8. Разве это сочинение было написано вами до того, как вы сделали доклад? 9. Её слушали с большим интересом. 10. Об этом эпизоде много говорят в нашем доме. 11. Где вы так долго были? Вас спрашивали, за вами приходили. 12. Нас провели в зал и предложили нам хорошие места. 13. Послали за лекарством? – Да, его ищут. 14. Этот мост еще строится. Он строился, когда я его увидел в первый раз. 15. Когда я начала помогать ей, статья уже переводилась два дня, но не была еще переведена. 16. Когда я приду домой, обед все еще будет готовиться.

Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление модальных гла­голов в конструкциях страдательного залога:

1. Книги должны быть возвращены в библиотеку. 2. Уп­ражнение может быть сделано без труда. 3. Ему следует позаботиться о своих родителях. 4. Работа должна быть вы­полнена в срок. 5. Перевод не следовало делать письменно. 6. Обед должен быть готов в два. 7. Письмо нужно переписать еще раз. 8. Это стихотворение придется выучить наизусть. 9. Экзамены планируется сдать осенью.

Упражнение 7. Переведите на русский язык, объясните употребление страдательного залога:

А). 1.The delegation was headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. 2. She can be seen in the library every day. 3. Heat and light are given to us by the sun. 4. The child was often left home alone. 5. The children were brought up in the country. 6. He was educated at Oxford. 7. I wasn't told about your decision. 8. The guests were shown the places of interest in the city. 9." The house is destroyed by the fire. 10. She is invited to come to England next year. 11. This house was rebuilt after the war.

B). 1. The film is much spoken about. 2. My father will be operated on. 3. The letter is being looked for everywhere. 4. The boy was laughed at. 5. The book is often referred to. 6. My friend can be relied on. 7. I must go. I'm being waited for. 8. The children will be looked after. 9. Your parents are taken good care of. 10. Our teacher is always listened to attentively.

Упражнение 8. Преобразуйте следующие предложения из действитель­ного залога в страдательный:

1. Не published the book last year. 2. We use these clothes only on special occasions. 3. Somebody switched on the light and opened the door. 4. They will give you an answer in some days. 5. Who wrote this novel? 6. They showed her the easiest way to do it. 7. We have looked for the telegram everywhere. 8. Nobody had visited him. 9. They will have finished the work by twelve. 10. We shall not admit children under sixteen. 11. The pupils can do this exercise without any difficulty. 12. You must not leave your bags in the hall. 13. He hasn't slept in his bed. 14. They don't look after the children properly.

Упражнение 9. Преобразуйте предложения, содержащие два дополне­ния, из действительного залога в страдательный.

Образец: My friend gave me an interesting book.

An interesting book was given to me.

I was given an interesting book.

1. They showed us the postcards of New Year. 2. The teacher told the pupils the story of Washington. 3. My father promised me to bring an interesting book about London. 4. They gave him the chance. 5. The grandmother read the grandson a fairy­tale.

Упражнение 10. Преобразуйте предложения из страдатель­ного залога в действительный. Введите носителя действия, где это необходимо:

1. This article is often referred to. 2. Lewis Carroll is remembered not as a mathematician but as the author of Alice in Wonderland. 3. My paintings will be exhibited at the Picture Gallery. 4. The child was taken to the circus. 5. The first spaceship was constructed by the Soviet scientists. 6. The anniversary of the liberation of Minsk is celebrated on July, 3. 7. A new system of work is being started by the librarians. 8. He doesn't like to be laughed at. 9. The doctor must be sent for at once. 10. The door must be kept shut. 11. This talk must have been started by our opponents. 12. The problem is being discussed now.

Упражнение 11. Употребите следующие предложения в страдатель­ном залоге, изменив конструкции.

Образец: People say that he was a clever man. It is said that he was a clever man. He is said to be a clever man.

1. They say that paper has been invented in China. 2. Some people consider that Hamlet is the summit of Shakespeare's art. 3. They say that Nick lived on potatoes and vinegar. 4. People know that he is armed. 5. They believe that he was killed at the front. 6. We expect that the expedition will reach the South Pole in May. 7. We consider that she was the best singer in America.

Упражнение 12. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужной видовременной форме:

1. This piece of music (know) to me. But it (never play) so wonderfully before. 2. When I came into the cinema, a new film (show). I was sorry that I (not, tell) about the show before and was late for the beginning as the end impressed me greatly. 3. It is raining and football (not, play). 4. The students (work) at the laboratory the whole evening yesterday. 5. Nick was late for the party, so when he came into the room all the guests (introduce) to each other, some of them (dance) and some (sing) in the next room. 6. The mother (tell) not to worry about her sick boy. He (examine) soon by the doctor. 7. We (discuss) the problem already when you came. 8. The weather changed for the worst. It (rain) heavily. The windows (break) by the strong wind. 9. When you come here in summer, their house (repair). 10. It's a very good class. It (teach) by Mr. Smith. 11. I (give) a kitten. It (call) Pussy, but my little sister (call) it Push. 12. I (introduce) to him last week but I am afraid I (not recognize) him if I meet him again. 13. I (not, see) anything of Moscow yet.

Упражнение 13. Измените на страдательный залог, опуская выделенные слова.

Образец: A gang of workmen built the house in 1840. - The house was built in 1840.

1. The secretary will mail these letters tomorrow. 2. Someone ought to wash those dishes right away. 3. The factory produced 5,000 cars everyday. 4. People drink a great deal of tea in England. 5. Craftsmen make many beautiful objects of paper in Japan. 6. They used to sell medicine here. 7. You must return these books within two weeks. 8. The police ar­rested him for speeding. 9. You should plant these flowers in a sunny place. 10. Someone had locked the door.

Упражнение 14. Сделайте подчеркнутые слова подлежащими в пассивной конструкции:

1. The children clean the classroom every day. 2. They close shops at eight o'clock. 3. She invited him to the party. 4. She will cook dinner by two o'clock. 5. They showed me the way to the station. 6. She told me an interesting story. 7. They often laugh at him.

Упражнение 15. Поставьте вопросы ко всему предложению и к подчеркнутым словам:

1. The coats are left in the cloakroom (where). 2. Books are returned to the library at the end of the year (when). 3. The flowers are not watered every day (why). 4. She was told the truth (who). 5. A written test will be given at the next lesson (when). 6. The film was much spoken about (what).

Упражнение 16. Дополните предложения, употребив глаголы в скобках в страдательном залоге:

1. I wanted to help but saw that the table... (to lay) already. 2. I under­stood the rule after it... (to explain) to me twice. 3. She did not want to speak to me. I realized that she... (to tell) already about my decision. 4. The door was locked. I hoped the key... (to leave) under the doormat by my mother and so it was. 5. I was very angry that my name and ad­dress... (to give) her. 6. We had better buy bread now. I don't think we'll be back before eight and the bakery... (to close) by that time. 7. The old houses... (to pull down) by the end of the year.

Упражнение 17. Употребите глаголы в скобках в нужной форме:

The Barbican Centre, which was opened in the City of London, is an enormous complex which contains two theatres, an art gallery, a Sculp­ture Court, a library, three cinemas, two restaurants and two exhibition halls. The Centre (to start) officially in 1970 and (to open) in March 1982. There are two resident companies: the London Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Shakespeare Company - who (to base) in the Barbican and will be providing a good part of the program. The building itself is very interesting: it (to build) on eight levels, four of which are under­ground. Parts of the building (to complete) still, but it is open to the public and definitely worth a visit.

Упражнение 18. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Что ты здесь делаешь? — Мне сказали подождать за дверью. 2. Его уже спрашивали? - Да, ему задали несколько вопросов. 3. Мне дали указания. Теперь я знаю что делать. 4. Откуда котенок? - Его принес мой брат. 5. Все ошибки в диктанте исправлены. Работай над ними. 6. Эту программу вчера показывали? - Да. Я с удо­вольствием ее посмотрел. 7. Я не совсем уверен, но я думаю, что эти книга была написана сто лет назад. 8. Ей об этом сказали до того, как я смог вмешаться. 9. К тому времени посылку еще не отправили. Я послал ее позже. 10. Он сказал, что за доктором уже послали 11. Работа будет сделана к концу августа. 12. Ее никогда не слушают.

Упражнение 19. Переведите на английский язык:

1. На уроке нам задали много вопросов. 2. Ему послали телеграмму? 3. Кто будет приглашен на вечер? 4. На день рождения мне сделали хороший подарок. 5. Мне рассказали интересную историю. 6. Его не спросили об этом. 7. В нашей школе изучают английский язык. 8. Финальный матч будет сыгран в воскресенье. 9. Эту книгу будут читать на уроках английского языка. 10. Анну не отошлют спать на Новый год. 11. Завтра нам покажут интересный фильм. 12. Об этой книге много говорят. Она переведена на многие иностранные языки. 13. За врачом уже послали. 14. Не беспокойтесь. За ребенком присмотрят.

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